

  • Yeah, it's TOTALLY water weight. Even low sodium soup can't prevent water weight sometimes. I don't even LIKE salt very much, and yet I gain about 2-3 pounds every 28 days, if you know what I mean. Being sick may just be messing with you, but it's NOT fat. It is mathematically impossible. Perhaps it's constipation, too.…
  • I just read about your time deficiency. I do 2 minutes of high-intensity exercises at a time. Literally, I will work out 5 times a day, for 2 minutes each. Maybe more, but I can't count on that, with 2 babies! It adds up to 70 minutes a week of high impact exercises. It means your body also is running on a pretty high…
  • I make "oatmeal" out of wheat bran mixed with oat bran. Mostly wheat bran. It will clean you out, and the few calories you do keep are mostly burned up by digestion, because bran makes your body work hard. It fills you up, too. It's a triple win! I use maybe 1/2 cup of oat bran, 3/4 cup of wheat bran, skim milk, butter…
  • VIVA TAPATIO!!!! I never thought other white people knew about it. I'm multi-lingual & interested in culture, so I frequent the ethnic aisles & little foreign shops of every culture. Most folks don't know WHAT I'm eating half the time. But they are the ones missing out!
  • You can DO it!!! And I am SO GLAD you have such a noble reason for losing weight, too. I can relate, because I want to not pass on my eating disorder (which I have overcome, for the most part) to my baby daughter (or even my toddler son). I want to be in decent shape, but not skinny, for her sake. If I am fat, she might…
  • Hahahahaha! You made me look. Good one.
  • Hello! I don't know about ABA, but you can count me in, as a former eating disordered person, who also cut. And after 2 babies, I'm now overweight, and trying to walk the tightrope of balance, and not go off the straight & narrow. You're NOT alone! Caroline
  • I notice a lot of folks on this thread are dairy-free. We, in contrast, are raw milk guzzlers. Raw milk is SOOOOO different from processed milk, and contains antibodies, much like breast milk. And being free range & organic, it does less damage to the earth. It actually contributes a lot. What WE avoid is soy. It is a…
  • Hooray!!!! I think we can't add pics HERE. Just to our profiles. I THINK so, anyway.
  • I think we are a rare breed. PLEASE accept my friendship! I make all my own crackers & breads, yogurts, & cheese, out of raw milk, and (off topic), I hand sew our babies' cloth diapers. I LOVE that you mentioned this!
  • We don't get TV at all for this reason & many others. What pipes in is unhealthy in so many ways, in our opinion. The food, the morals, the fact that it teaches us to be lazy & watch life, rather than participate in it. We DO watch DVDs, though, and we can choose them with more control than we can control what would be…
  • She's right (above) about everyone being different. I have 2 babies, and I cloth diaper them, and do EVERYTHING by hand or from scratch.... so I can only do 2 minutes of jumping jacks at a time, so I do it every day, about 3 times a day. This is not enough to wear me out. (Although the babies do!) so I don't require a day…
  • Hello! I sent a friend request. We're different, but not that much. I am a lot taller, so my numbers are different. I am older (35), but time passes quickly. I was anorexic, not bulimic (but if anyone tells you anorexics never purge, they're probably just embarrassed to say they purged). I recovered about 4 years ago, but…
  • Get on all fours, like you're playing "horsie" with a toddler. Then lift your leg behind you, knee bent, toes pointed toward the ceiling. Do about 10, and then switch. Then try to do 10 more. Repeat until WORN OUT. :-) A similar version is instead of going up to the ceiling, pivot your leg out to the side, knee still bent.…
  • I neglected to mention that my 2-year-old JUST TURNED two, so I basically have 2 babies. I am already up at 4 am most days, so getting up earlier doesn't work for me. One DOES need to sleep! But a double running stroller is WONDERFUL, assuming it isn't the middle of winter in S. Dakota (which is where I am). The cold here…
  • I have the EXACT same issue! 6 months, 2 years, crying, no car, stay-at-home mom.......... Except that my husband is also in medical school, so he NEVER comes home. So I can't even go running in the dark. Well, he comes home from 5 am to 7 am. He works all night, until 5 am, and starts school at 8 am. It is INSANE. He…
  • Hello! Welcome! I'm new here too. This is my 1st post, also. So I haven't got much to say, but WELCOME! Maybe we can all get healthier, and STICK WITH IT. That's the challenge. Caroline