
I am a stay at home mom and my husband works all day. We only have one vehicle so I am STUCK with working out at home. I would go running when he gets home but it's dark! So, my point is: Why is it when you start to workout, your kids thinks it's the best time to start crying (6 month old) or think they need your attention (2 yr. old)? LOL It's like getting on the phone to talk. Guess I need to workout when they are napping! (or wake up early) Anyone else having that problem? Oh the joys of being a parent!!:tongue:


  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    My son (4.5) likes to use my as a jungle gym to climb on when I do any floor work. As he's gotten older, he's more able to entertain himself but it's still a hassle. I have to pause things quite a bit when he's awake and I'm working out.

    I try to workout after he's in bed for the night.

  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Oh poor you! no solution I'm afraid, my two are almost 21 (Feb) and a lot older than your two. I've always worked, so tended to (still do) workout, run at lunchtimes. In your case you'll you have to find the balance when they are napping...assuming that they can both be put down at the same time, or alternatively when hubby gets home, couldn't he watch the children whilst you go for a quick run etc?
  • loreew32
    when my son was a baby-I did the P90 workout videos and lost a ton of weight and felt great! Times change and the kids get older-my kids are 10 and 8 now-and now its going to baseball or soccer or karate and never any time for me. I just turned 40 and now it is time for me. If you can throw a dvd in for the 2 year old and workout while the baby is napping then do it! Even if all you can do is 15 mintues-it's better than nothing at all.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I get up early. It's the only way I can squeeze in a run before the family gets up and I have to head off to work. Up at 5:00, out the door at 5:30, back and ready to shower at 6:30.

    You get use to it, and actually it's pretty peaceful. I now enjoy the "me" time in the early hours.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I work outside the home, so I try to stay home with my boys (2 1/2 and 10 months) as much as possible once work's done. But as soon as I start to work out, they need something, wake up from a nap, or just get under your feet while you're doing your thing. My favorite is when my 10 month old sees me get on the floor to do situps or pushups and races over to climb all over me. Sometimes it's difficult to focus or get a super-intense workout, but you do what you can with what you have :smile: One idea would be to get a 2-seat stroller that's made for running and/or biking, and take your kids with when you exercise outside. I definitely feel your pain! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • carolineamico
    I have the EXACT same issue! 6 months, 2 years, crying, no car, stay-at-home mom.......... Except that my husband is also in medical school, so he NEVER comes home. So I can't even go running in the dark. Well, he comes home from 5 am to 7 am. He works all night, until 5 am, and starts school at 8 am. It is INSANE. He power naps between 5&7 am, and between 3&4 pm. Other than that, we don't see him until Sunday, and part of Saturday (he works Saturdays too). So I can DEFINITELY relate! I also cloth diaper, make all of our food from scratch, including real yogurt, made of raw milk, some of our cheeses, all of our baby food, etc, etc, etc... We buy pretty much nothing pre-prepared. It helps our budget, and it is just healthier. But it takes a lot of time. I also make most of our cloth diapers, and a lot of our baby clothes. So UGH! When does one exercise?????? But I do it this way:
    I leave a tab open with on it every day, to remind me when I sit down here that I need to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks, or high impact leg kicks. I do a mere 2 minutes, as many times as I can throughout the day. If I do 10 minutes a day, I have 70 minutes of exercise every week. Same thing with weights: 20 push-ups. Then later, 30 lunges. Then later, 30 sit-ups. Whatever I can do, whenever I have 2 minutes. We have NO solid 20-minute stretches over here, but we DO have 2 minutes, every so often. Yes, it's tough, but actually, it is better for you, as 70 minutes/week, spaced throughout every day, 7 days a week is better than 35 minutes twice a week.
    And leaving that tab open reminds me that if I am eating while online (my downfall), I BETTER record it!
    Good luck!!!
  • momof26
    momof26 Posts: 83
    I'm trying to get both boys to nap at the same time but it's hard! I do turn on a cartoon but my oldest son just likes to bug me! Oh well, I'll try the few minutes here and there and try to get in the routine of waking up early. That's hard too...sleep is my best friend! Thank you everyone for your advice. I will def use it!
  • carolineamico
    I neglected to mention that my 2-year-old JUST TURNED two, so I basically have 2 babies. I am already up at 4 am most days, so getting up earlier doesn't work for me. One DOES need to sleep! But a double running stroller is WONDERFUL, assuming it isn't the middle of winter in S. Dakota (which is where I am). The cold here can get to be 20 below on a normal day, and 80 below on an extreme day. Too dangerous to be out in. But in nicer weather, we're out with the stroller (or bike & trailer) as much as possible. Yes, the 2 minutes here & there is best, for me. I hope it helps you.
  • Nicole114
    My husband works nightshift and I have a 2 year old so I have no other time to go except in the morning when they're both sleeping . Sometimes i get up at 6:30 if someone is going with me (bc it's still dark out) or I will go by myself at 7:30 when it's light out.