I was gonna ask the same question
I agree with you, it will b unrealistic and i will b setting myself up for failure, so junk food every now and then plus exercise and still losing weight ... why not ?
I did it for about 12 days and i ended up in the hospital. Not only that, it messed me up so much that ever since it has been extremely difficult for me to lose weight :(
you certainly do, congratulations, and thank u all for being an inspiration
unhealthy food choices and lack of exercise and I was also a Yo-Yo Diet master
I'm 31 but I feel 28, and i'm currently working on looking 28
Sweat is fat crying :)
So do I, thank you for sharing your success. You really are a true inspiration.
Congratulations !!! You look so much younger :)
Smaller meals or snacks every 2 hours, I eat whenever i'm hungry. But I have gotten myself used to carrying almonds, baby carrots, crackers and other healthy snacks so I won't be tempted to visit the vending machine. Also, I drink a glass of water as soon as I am done eating, if I don't feel full, the water takes care of…
Too funny, and I couldn't agree with you more. Welcome aboard!
congratulations !! you are a true inspiration :)
I think you overdid it a little bit since if I read correctly you ate an addtl 1500 calories. On sundays we always go out dinning as a family and I have a 'cheat meal' but only one and only that one day. I feel its enough and I still lose weight.
You look great !! and much younger, congratulations!
I tried it but I never seemed to finish my points but yet the weight loss was minimum ... I felt like it was too much food
i couldn't agree more with u
I was barely able to enjoy my honeymoon this last december after being married for almost 4 years, i wish i didn't wait so long since I gained almost 50 lbs since my wedding day ... so the pictures made it
Congratulations! I can't get to achieve my first 25 ;)
thank you all, you helped me put things into perspective
That's awesome, I would've probably had half of it, i don't want to see food as the enemy
I believe i'm going thru the same problem, before I came back to this website I managed to lose 15 lb thru diet and a some exercise, I wonder if there are any creams that may help sticking the skin back
you look awesome!! congratulations !!! i've only been here for one week (that i've actually followed my tracker and what not) and i lost 2 lbs, u r an inspiration good job!
Hi, I've been here for only one week, I'm somewhat lost still, welcome aboard and good luck!