Cheat days - ruined an entire week



  • anacbridge
    anacbridge Posts: 5 Member
    I have a cheat day every week, and have consistently lost my goal of one pound a week since April. The longer you diet the harder it is to lose weight, a cheat day keeps your metabolism guessing. I am able to resist foods when I know I can have them on a certain day of the week.
  • Supertabi
    I don't have cheat days. The idea I think it's not to need them. I'm working hard to make sure my current habits are not a sacrifice, and therefore, maintainable in the long rung. I haven't quit coca cola for example, because I know my life would be much harder without it. Maybe someday I will, but not now, and I still manage to eat within my calorie goals most days, and if I go over it's by around 100 - 200 (which is still a deficit), but then some days I'm also under for about that, so it generally evens out during the week. I have been improving my shape steadily in this way.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I don't think of them as cheat meals or days or whatever. I think of this whole thing in the long-term. I have no intention of giving up anything for the rest of my life. It's all about what I do most of the time. So I eat as well as I can MOST of the time and exercise MOST days and then if I want to go out to eat (and eat what I want the most) from time to time, that's just life and it's ok, even if I go over my goal calories by 2000. I don't plan those days, they usually just happen on a holiday or birthday or something. I enjoy it while it's happening and get back on track the next day. Sometimes, something comes up and I really don't want to eat THAT - so I make the healthier choices at a restauarant or work event. Just depends on how I feel that day and how well I've been doing that week.

    I didn't set a time limit to reach goal (even though I want, like most, to get there asap) because there are going to be times I eat more or don't/can't exercise. It's a balancing act for sure since I have a history of both anorexia AND binge eating. So I try really hard to keep a healthy attitude about food (food is good and is not my enemy BUT I don't have to eat ALL the food all the time every day :wink: )
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    It is not supposed to be a cheat DAY it is supposed to be a cheat meal that is why you went over your calorie intake so much and you haven't lost very much at all. Cheats can be okay as long as your not going overboard. REMEMBER it is one meal not a whole day!
    Going over your goals for one day isn't going to completely hinder weight loss long term. There is nothing wrong with a "cheat day" as long as it isn't happening every other day.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I cheat because I have only one life and I intend to live it :smile: I've been in maintenance for three years, and sometimes, I'll 'cheat' for an entire week! But the thing that keeps me slim is that I always get back on track...I don't count calories, but I *know* what 1800 calories looks like & I know portion control, so I aim for that most days, & 30 minutes of activity.

    While losing 50lbs I always had a cheat day on the weekends. Without the cheat day, I couldn't have developed the healthy habits that I worked on developing during the took me a long long time to come to enjoy healthy foods. Now I crave fruit, veg, oatmeal and salmon...I once despised anything that wasn't processed to ****. I eat clean, cheat mean, workout, and live a balanced lifestyle.

    Why bother at all if you cant have fun with your new shape?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    A "cheat" day for me would constitute eating a maintenance level of calories, not going crazy and eating at surpluses. Yeah...couple days at a surplus can and will definitely mess with your weight loss goals...the more surplus, the more it's going to impact your goals. It's very simple math really. 1Lb = 3,500 calories...if you only have a deficit of 1,750 calories in the week because you had cheat days, you're only going to lose about .5 Lbs. Not to mention, with gradual weight loss goals, it can be hard to see changes week to week due to weight fluctuations that are out of your control...the smaller the weight loss, the harder it will be to see it on the scale in a given week due to natural fluctuations. On that note, it's possible that you've actually lost more than .6 Lbs...or body weight can fluctuate 1-3 Lbs day to day.

    I personally don't like cheat I said, I'll go to maintenance if it's a special occasion or something...but it's's what I'll be at when I get to my goal. Splurging and eating surpluses multiple times per week is how I got here in the first place. Being that this is a lifestyle change for me more than anything, surplus eating is pretty much out the window...I do that, and when I get to maintenance I'll be telling myself I can have cheat days and eat a surplus once or twice a week or whatever...then in no time, I'll be *****ing that I'm fat again. Not gonna happen.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    2 years into this journey, I HATE cheat days. If you are going to make a lifestyle change, than going over by any significant amount is unacceptable. Look, holidays are hard enough, you don't have to keep telling yourself I can let this go this time.

    Emotional? Yes. I was very emotional when I had a heart attack because I kept putting off changing my life. I was out of work 9 months and it killed us financially, stressed my relationships, not to mention I am lucky to be alive.

    You make choices everyday, that is a lifestyle. Make good ones.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I dont believe in cheat days. What purpose does it serve? You ought to eat what you want (within moderation.) And on days where you go overboard - unless you literally ate like a horse (netting 3500cals) you didn't "gain" any weight. You, more likely, gained a lot of sodium induced water retention. Something I hate about eating out, is how long I have to wait til my weight looks normal again.

    I have a feeling that cheat days wind up feeling more like binge excuses (that may be just me.) Rather than spend 1 day filling up on crap (delicious but crap) I would rather spread that exact same crap out through the week and fit it into my calorie budget, even if it means working out a little harder cause I haven't had a decent margarita in a while.

    Plus "cheat" implies you broke a rule, which you didn't. It then instills a feeling of guilt/remorse which you shouldn't be feeling unless you were sneaking food behind someones back, but that is a different thing altogether. Which then leads to a horrible spiral which may lead to a worse "cheat" day.

    You ate out. You enjoyed your life 2 days in a row. So did I, my weight took almost a week to get back to where it was this time last week. I didn't cheat, I just had a lovely meal at home with the family, and then a great night out at a Fab Italian place with the hubby. Nothing cheaty there!

    Mindset - adjustments need to be made!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Tom Venuto of Burn the fat feed the muscle has a great line about cheat days. He said you have to choose for yourself and what works but if you were an alcoholic would you have a cheat day? always look at it lke this. If have 6 days of a 1,000 cal deficit and have one day I cheat I try to keep it no more then 1,000 over and I try to eat the best food I can when I cheat. Not crap. Just an opinion.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    They're not cheat days if you have a 'lifestyle'

    it's not a diet - it's a lifestyle. period.

    if you eat crap everyday then that's your 'lifestyle'

    if you have a piece of chocolate, or 10 pieces one day because you simply feel like it... that's not a cheat day, that's moderation because you won't do it again the next day, will you?

    I had pizza on Saturday night after a night of drinking, I don't remember the last time I've done that... maybe 5 or 6 months give or take?! The next day, I had pizza and wings for dinner and I went over by about 200 calories - woop di *kitten*! Who cares?!?! I had pizza again on Monday and Tuesday, 2 pieces each day... am I concerned? No! Why? Because I didn't 'pig out' I had it in moderation.

    My lifestyle is generally clean eating. The pizza was whole wheat with pinneaples, green peppers and green olives on thin crust, the wings were fried and had barely any sauce. I wasn't going to shake a fist at it until I had the terrible stomach ache after :/ Either way don't kill yoursel over chocolate, you don't give it to yourself every once in a while, you will over indulge when you do have a serious craving!
  • Gin66
    Gin66 Posts: 47 Member
    Cheat days for me are physiologically defeating. It is like a downward spiral, with me telling myself it's ok when I know its not. Oh well back on the horse again after a BAD 5 days...........sigh.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I don't have a "cheat day", but on the weekends and special days I will treat myself to something I don't normally eat all week. But I'm always aware of how many approximate calories it has. Valentine's day and the day after i had a chocolate covered strawberry and 2 chocolate covered orieos. I still have some left, I don't know what I'm going to do with them because I don't want to hurt my hubby's feelings...:brokenheart:

    Take them to work and leave them in the break room. Someone else will eat them and he'll assume you did. You'll make 3 people happy. :happy:
  • shawnasis
    shawnasis Posts: 27 Member
    When I first started this change in eating I was all in and then I realized that I have to make a life change that I can live with. For some people they can easily never eat so called 'junk' foods and be fine with that....well I love all food, nutritous and otherwise. I just have to be realistic in my portions and balance of foods. Some days I blow it but I log it because this is for me and I don't really care what anyone else thinks abvout what I eat, and I move on. The main thing is yes we are all trying to be heathier versions of ourselves but you have to be real and do what is going to work in the long run. Blowing it for a whole week is not the best thing but learn from it, remember how it made you feel and when you have those cravings remember that week and maybe it will help you prevent a repeat :wink:
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I go out for a 'reward' meal once a week, and it's been great so far.

    Sometimes I just get those cravings for greasy pizza, butter chicken, cheeseburger, etc. And I just tell myself that after my week of healthy eating, I can treat myself to an 'unhealthy' meal on the weekend. It keeps me motivated if I treat it like a reward. That one meal a week satisfies my cravings and keeps me on track for the next week.

    It may not work for everyone, but it hasn't hindered my weight loss yet and it makes everything easier mentally.
  • alednnz
    I think you overdid it a little bit since if I read correctly you ate an addtl 1500 calories. On sundays we always go out dinning as a family and I have a 'cheat meal' but only one and only that one day. I feel its enough and I still lose weight.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    cheat days are exactly what it says its cheating. you dont need to do them you choose to just control yourself and maybe just splurge on a meal or something
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    Cheat days for me are physiologically defeating. It is like a downward spiral, with me telling myself it's ok when I know its not. Oh well back on the horse again after a BAD 5 days...........sigh.


    I think it depends a lot on you and your history with food. I have not been doing this long enough to have made my new eating habits true habits. So if I start justifying cheat meals, they'll become cheat days. Then I'll have 2 a week, then 3, then I'll be right back where I started. That said, at this point in my journey, I still eat foods that I enjoy - cookies, some chips, etc. I just make sure they are in my goals. I want this to be a life-long change and something I'll be happy living with.

    Oh, my bad - I read the above quote as "psychologically" defeating. But I stand by my comment.
  • skittles137
    skittles137 Posts: 40 Member
    I don't let myself cheat once a week, but I think the important thing to think about when you have a cheat day is not to beat yourself up over it. Accept it, and move on, don't let it get you down too much. My husband and I had a nice dinner out for V-day, and yes it took a week to bounce back, but to me it was worth it. If it's not worth it, it's not worth "cheating". However, I do believe in eating "cheat" foods. For example, I had a piece of pizza a week ago because it looked and sounded good. I recorded it and still made sure I stayed within my goal. I think that's the best way to "cheat".
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    I don't really cheat anymore. If I want a cookie/cake/fries/whatever one day, I just eat it (or half of it). Usually that prevents me from wanting to go crazy another day. Feeding the craving immediately is great for preventing overindulgence :)
  • never124get
    I agree cheat DAYS are bad...cheat MEALS however...not so bad because it's just one meal. I allow myself to have one meal, once a week that isn't so great for me but something I have been craving. I don't like cheat days well, because there goes your whole day! One meal will not make or break you, one day however...yeah maybe. Practice portion control too on cheat meals. You do not have to finish your whole plate. Hopefully this helps :)