needsalife3 Member


  • Haha. When I had lost 25 lbs everyone I saw told me how much they loved my new haircut. It was the same cut I've had my whole life. They knew something was up but couldn't put their finger on it. I have no clue why people notice when they do. Just go with the flow and say thank you.
  • Keep Logging and be honest! Take a bite, is it worth it? If not, go to something else. EVEN if you're wasteful and even if someone looks at you funny. Realize that you're probably going to go over and forgive yourself for it. But only go over a 200-300 calories and not 2000-3000 calories. The point is to have a good…
  • One day at a time.
  • I tried calorie cycling but my metabolism is just too slow. I have to eat 1200 cal a day without adding back exercise. To break an 8 month plateau I changed up my exercise. Not longer, not harder, just different. Good luck.
  • I eat 1200 calories a day and do not eat by my exercise calories - per my nutritionist. My metabolism is just slow. Unless they are exercising like the biggest loser or have lightening fast metabolisms, I don't know how they eat 2000 cal a day and lose. Perhaps they're not in their 50s either. To get the scale moving make…
  • a friend of mine just recently lost A LOT of weight. When he was at a standstill with his weight for a few weeks, he added sprints to his routine. He would run as hard as he could (he was on a running track) for 15 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. He did this continuously for 15 minutes, and I believe after a week he…
  • I don't do hungry, at bedtime or anytime. I always have a low cal snack with me because hunger is what messes me up. Before bedtime I usually have a bowl of cereal.
  • I recently read somewhere that in a study, people who ate a bowl of cereal before bedtime lost more weight. Now I know you can find studies that agree with anything you want to believe, however I decided I like this one and took it to heart. So I always save enough calories to have 1 cup of cereal and 1/2 cup of skim milk…
  • If you figure it out please post. I've been on a plateau for 3+ months. I've changed up a lot of stuff and waited 1 month each time to make sure the problem wasn't the adjustment. I'm 3 weeks into trying the gym 3 times a week (lifting heavy and doing 30 min of cardio ) and I'm up 2 lbs. Here's hoping it's muscle. I'm…
  • Weighing once a month has been the most liberating thing for my weight loss. I always stay within calories, if not for the day, certainly for the week and I, too, trust that I'm doing the right thing, so I've stopped worrying about the weight. I'm not going to lie, I've been at a major plateau since June even though I…
  • Wow! That's a huge difference! Congrats!
  • My warmest congratulations! I'm with you. I've been stuck on a plateau for 8 weeks and have been trying different things to get unstuck. No luck so far. I have 85 lbs to goal so it seems this shouldn't be happening. I really hope you continue to lose. Me too.
  • Cardiologist gushed about my weightloss, my BP was low and the cardiologist talked about taking me off the calcium blocker in 6 months if I continue to lose!
  • You look fabulous! It sounds like you really struggled with a plateau, as I am. What do you think broke the plateau, specifically?
  • If you are breastfeeding you're eating WAY too little. If you're not you may still be eating too little. Your body will keep what it needs for the baby and begin to consume muscle and other organs if you're not giving it enough fuel. Also 2kg is good for 5 weeks. 1-2 pounds a week is all you can expect. Good luck.
  • After losing 10 lbs I looked down and my watch had turned around to the inside of my wrist. 30 lbs later I've had to tighten it 2 notches! Weird but there you go.
  • I delete them. :smile:
  • Definitely a big difference! Great job! You're looking great!
  • You're looking great! What fabulous motivation to make it to goal (for us all)!
  • A piece of sugarless hard candy often does it. Sugarless Werthers are the candy of choice right now.
  • He sounds insecure. Move on to someone who wants the best for you.
  • You both look fantastic! Great inspiration.
  • Wow. That's a great one! Congrats. I'm waiting or it...:smile:
  • It's perfectly normal. Weight fluctuates throughout the day. 5 lbs is not unusual - liquids, food, waste, muscle repair/stimulation. Pick one time of day to weigh and stick with that. I suggest weighing no more than once a week, but some people just can't stay away from the scale.
  • I went skiing and the EXACT same thing happened to me. I didn't track. I did eat more. I ate more bad stuff. But I was skiing 1500-2000 calories a day. And I certainly didn't over eat enough to gain 5 lbs. I put in my Monday weight - up 5 lbs. The next week I only lost 1 lb. Huh? The next week I lost almost 2 lbs - better,…
  • You can feel bad and beg people to get you off your *kitten*, but you're the one who has to do it. You enjoyed pie. So what? You'll do it again. But tomorrow is another day. Start over. Forget yesterday. Make sure your pie-scarfing is a lot less frequent than your in-control days and you'll be ok. But no one on here is…
  • Your post immediately caught my eye because it is one of my biggest fears in this whole thing. It sounds like you are way healthier in the way you think of it than me and I have lots more to lose than you do so it will be a long time till someone notices. I'm not shy, but I just don't want to talk about it. The only way…
  • I keep a selection of 100 calorie treats that I have if they fit in my calories for the day. I don't consider them treats, just life. For Saturday night dinner I eat whatever I want -- it's usually a 1500 or so calorie meal. I count and log the calories and don't try to exercise it off. This usually puts me about 500…
  • Congrats! You look great! Keep up the good work. It's a huge difference.
  • Or if you're exercising a lot it could be your muscles retaining water to repair themselves. Hang in there and perhaps weigh every day for a few days -- it'll let you know how much day to day swings can be.