When people notice your weight loss



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I say, "Thank you, i appreciate hearing that."
  • needsalife3
    needsalife3 Posts: 56 Member
    Haha. When I had lost 25 lbs everyone I saw told me how much they loved my new haircut. It was the same cut I've had my whole life. They knew something was up but couldn't put their finger on it.

    I have no clue why people notice when they do. Just go with the flow and say thank you.
  • evaeli123
    evaeli123 Posts: 5
    I cant wait when people will notice my weight loss :))
    I just started slimming world cant wait my first weight in on Wednesday I hope on big loss :)
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    People don't notice when I lose weight. They didn't notice when I gained.it! I just don't wear certain ones of my clothing items when I am fat because they'd be too tight.
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    At first I would say "Oh thanks" I was just surprised by the fact that they even noticed....

    The other day this woman (we have a mutual distaste for one another - always have had) looked me up and down, then said in a rather sarcastic tone "Oh you've lost weight" so my response was "No *kitten*, really!?!"

    Apparently that is NOT the way to respond to compliments about my weight loss.... but believe me, coming from that woman, it was by no means a compliment - she would rather die than compliment me lol

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Here's my problem with people commenting on how you look so good....it means you didn't look good before.

    No it doesn't. Only if you project your own insecurities onto the other person. They're trying to be nice, unless this is from a person you know to be particularly mean or catty. Don't turn something nice into a double edged sword. Just enjoy it for face value. They are trying to encourage you, say something nice.
  • atrammel414
    I just say thanks.
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    Look that person straight in the eye.
    Put a Grande smile on your face and say
    " Hey Hey Hey - Sexy lady coming through!":bigsmile:
  • pookiepotpie
    pookiepotpie Posts: 4 Member
    when people around me notice my weight loss I usually smile and say than you yes and then they usually ask me how I did it and I get to tell them about MFP, I know of at least three people who have starting using the phone app after asking me about my weight loss
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    when people around me notice my weight loss I usually smile and say than you yes and then they usually ask me how I did it and I get to tell them about MFP, I know of at least three people who have starting using the phone app after asking me about my weight loss

    That is actually exactly how I got started. I'm in a band with 4 other women my age. One friend had lost 30 pounds. Another lost 20 after seeing her do it. Someone complimented her, and she mentioned MFP. I started using that (and still am). Now I've lost the most and people are losing because of me. All in an encouraging way, not competitive or pressured. It's just nice feeling that if someone else can do it, you can too.

    Our snacks our healthier now too!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    when people around me notice my weight loss I usually smile and say than you yes and then they usually ask me how I did it and I get to tell them about MFP, I know of at least three people who have starting using the phone app after asking me about my weight loss

    I usually smile and say thank you, too. Sometimes if the person asks, I will tell them about MFP. A couple of my good "real life" friends have started using it and like it. However, more often the person will start using MFP for a few days or weeks and then report back to me how much they hated it and how it was way too tedious. As though I am a weirdo for successfully tracking my food and so on. I don't really care to be honest...but I just don't get what is SO difficult about it. The only time it kind of bothers me is when the person is desperate to lose, and won't even try logging for more than 2 days...but that's their problem, not mine!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    when people around me notice my weight loss I usually smile and say than you yes and then they usually ask me how I did it and I get to tell them about MFP, I know of at least three people who have starting using the phone app after asking me about my weight loss

    I usually smile and say thank you, too. Sometimes if the person asks, I will tell them about MFP. A couple of my good "real life" friends have started using it and like it. However, more often the person will start using MFP for a few days or weeks and then report back to me how much they hated it and how it was way too tedious. As though I am a weirdo for successfully tracking my food and so on. I don't really care to be honest...but I just don't get what is SO difficult about it. The only time it kind of bothers me is when the person is desperate to lose, and won't even try logging for more than 2 days...but that's their problem, not mine!

    I normally just say "thank you", but I'm not comfortable discussing it with anyone other than DH. I even dread meeting up with people who I haven't seen for a while, because I know they are going to comment and then discuss it. I just don't see myself in terms of my size or even my physical appearance, so it feels strange to me. I just think there are about 3 million more interesting things to talk about.

    I've told one other person about MFP who genuinely wanted to know and who I really get on well with. I don't know if she's decided to have a go, but I emailed her links and left it with her. The rest just ask "how are you doing it?" as a conversation starter. Right up there with "what's your secret?" (there isn't one).
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I just say thank you is all or yeah I been working on it. Its when they ask you how is when I want to run away. Nobody really wants to listen to you or if they start to and you tell them you can literally see their eyes glazing over and you lost them. I feel like saying to them it was majic beans and walking away when they ask.
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    I just say thank you is all or yeah I been working on it. Its when they ask you how is when I want to run away. Nobody really wants to listen to you or if they start to and you tell them you can literally see their eyes glazing over and you lost them. I feel like saying to them it was majic beans and walking away when they ask.

    Isn't that amazing?? It's the first question everyone asks and for some reason they expect you to have some miraculous secret that only you know about! When I tell people I did it by doing what you are supposed to - watching what I eat, portion control and exercising - they actually look disappointed.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    What do you guys say when somebody notices your weight loss ? My responses always seem stupid.

    It depends on the person and in what context. Most times I simply ignore the statement or question, moving quickly to another topic which gets the point across that my weight is not up for discussion.
  • jbrownnolan
    jbrownnolan Posts: 72 Member
    I've gotten the comment "Have you lost weight?" I follow up with a "Nope, just exercising and eating better", it's really none of their business what my scale says (even if I have lost some) and they normally seem to drop the subject after that (cause they don't want to hear about the exercising and eating better part LOL).
  • AceCC86
    AceCC86 Posts: 71
    People didn't start noticing with me until I'd dropped around 25 lbs. Since then every day I've been getting compliments. It's such great motivation -- I don't get offended at all. I just say, "Thank you! That's great to hear -- I've been working very hard at it!"
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I cringe and try to put on a polite smile because when someone comments on my weight loss it just reminds me of how much more I have left to go.
  • stephengraf
    stephengraf Posts: 1 Member
    My favorite one is "You look great, you don't look anything like yourself". I THINK that is a compliment?!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    this lady that stared at my body the other day, especially at my thighs. She didn't say anything though. people look at you up and down they don't say anything

    These sound like some creepy-*kitten* people.