mikkie1040 Member


  • How much you burn has alot to do with how much you weigh to begin with. I am sweating profusely and my face is often still red an hour later. With two artificial knees, it takes alot out of me. And it was working consistently in the first 6 weeks or so, so there must have been some accuracy to what I was doing.
    in Plateau Comment by mikkie1040 June 2015
  • Some exercise entries are not available (I use manual treadmill at incline) and I don't weigh my food, but take information straight from the packages.
    in Plateau Comment by mikkie1040 June 2015
  • If everyone would look at my diary overall and not just in the last week, I've often been in deficit. And stress could very well be a factor. I run a daycare out of my home and that means chasing around 6 toddlers all under the age of 4 (two are under 1 year of age) and I haven't (literally) taken a vacation or time off in…
    in Plateau Comment by mikkie1040 June 2015
  • I was told to eat back most of my exercise calories, so that's why I was doing that :(
    in Plateau Comment by mikkie1040 June 2015
  • This last week I was over calories almost everyday (that time of the month is rough when you feel hungry all the time) but then I was under calories almost everyday the week before. It fluctuates. I am using the MFP tool for exercise as best I can. I have a manual treadmill at an incline and there is nothing on there for…
    in Plateau Comment by mikkie1040 June 2015
  • Diary is open now. Didn't realize it wasn't before.
    in Plateau Comment by mikkie1040 June 2015
  • I was curious about what is was all about, but after looking at it on Youtube, I won't be able to participate. I've had double total knee replacements and can't kneel on the ground and even jarring motion like the jumping jacks would be difficult. I wish all of you lots of luck with this Challenge and truly wish I could be…
  • Endless Love
  • Children that age still love to hang out with their parents (enjoy it while you can) so I'd say plan a special outing with him. Is there a Zoo where you live that you can take him to? A local pet shop where he can play with puppies? A day at the beach, a playdate at a playground followed by ice cream. Ask him what he'd…
  • I feel your pain. I'm sooo tired of being overweight and not being able to wear the kind of clothes I want to wear instead of constantly wearing oversized shirts to cover up my stomach and such. I also have a brother who recently had a Heart Attack at the age of 49 and I'm 48 and our father passed away at 50 from Heart…
  • Quick weight loss won't be permanent weight loss. Anything worth having is worth waiting for. Set a reasonable goal (about 1-1/2 to 2 lbs. a week) and stick to your calorie intake and you will see results. I have cheat days (about once a week) and just amp up my exercise to burn it off. I've lost 24 pounds since Jan. 7th,…