
Started my "new" weight loss journey in April and have lost 12 pounds (not quite at my goal of 1.5-2.0 per week, but close) I'm 50 years old and I want to lose 100 pounds. I'm getting exercise daily (a mixture of: Manual Treadmill, Recumbent Bike, Step Aerobics, Low Impact Aerobics, Kickboxing, Toning) I am now stuck in a Plateau and keep losing and gaining the same couple of pounds (whether it's salt intake or muscle - who knows!) I can increase my exercise more (which I've been doing) but cannot do running, jogging, etc. because I've had two total knee replacements. I've had good days/bad days/cheat days and my form of liquid intake is water or very watered down Crystal Light. If anyone can look at my diary and give me some constructive criticism or advice, it would be appreciated. Please no trashing what I'm doing. I can take constructive criticism, not a beat down.


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    How long has this been going on?
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    You need to open your diary to the public for us to be able to look at it. How long have you been stuck for?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    chances are you are not gaining muscle...

    chances are you are eating more than you think either due to inaccurate logging or over estimating calorie burns.

    diary is closed.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    Whats your version of a plateau? is it less than 4 weeks?
    By far the most common reason is as suggested above you are eating more thna you think due to inaccurate loging, not weighing food or overestimating burns. Am sure any pne of the above will identify/confirm the issue.

    Your diary remains closed. Btw people who look at diaries are very rarely interested in what you eat, but look to identify things to explain why you are or are not in deficit. Its just data so I wouldnt worry.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    somebody post that pic with the flowchart
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Most likely, you're not in a deficit. Can you open your diary?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    somebody post that pic with the flowchart

    your wish is my command

  • mikkie1040
    mikkie1040 Posts: 15 Member
    Diary is open now. Didn't realize it wasn't before.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    not only are you over estimating burns you are under estimating intake.

    The burns given from MFP are often over estimated...the suggestion is to eat 50-75% back

    and to top it all off you are often over your goal+exercise calories.

    so you are eating all your burns (and some of those you logged are questionable as exercise) you are not logging accurately and you are going over goal frequently...

    you are not losing because you are eating too much.
  • mikkie1040
    mikkie1040 Posts: 15 Member
    This last week I was over calories almost everyday (that time of the month is rough when you feel hungry all the time) but then I was under calories almost everyday the week before. It fluctuates. I am using the MFP tool for exercise as best I can. I have a manual treadmill at an incline and there is nothing on there for I use walking uphill (?) Non-electric recumbent bike so I just use stationery bike light effort. It's a guessing game sometimes.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    So how long was this plateau? Just take on board what stef said as she has looked at your diary and hen make adjustments so you are back in an actual deficit. That is the only way you will lose.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    edited June 2015
    mikkie1040 wrote: »
    This last week I was over calories almost everyday (that time of the month is rough when you feel hungry all the time) but then I was under calories almost everyday the week before. It fluctuates. I am using the MFP tool for exercise as best I can. I have a manual treadmill at an incline and there is nothing on there for I use walking uphill (?) Non-electric recumbent bike so I just use stationery bike light effort. It's a guessing game sometimes.

    regardless of the reason you are eating too much. (and I randomly check days..not just the last week and you frequently go over goal+exercise calories) and aren't consistently logging

    You are going over goal frequently
    You are eating most if not all exercise calories as recorded by MFP
    Not using a food scale

    All three of those things add up to over eating=no weight loss and maybe gain.
  • mikkie1040
    mikkie1040 Posts: 15 Member
    I was told to eat back most of my exercise calories, so that's why I was doing that :(
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    mikkie1040 wrote: »
    I was told to eat back most of my exercise calories, so that's why I was doing that :(

    Some people can...I could when I started as well but MFP is known to over estimate burns...most people only eat back 50-75% of them to be safe and if you are not losing...

    But it's not just exercise calories,

    You don't use a food scale
    You don't log everyday consistently
    You are often over goal+exercise calories.

    To lose weight you need to be in a deficit and you aren't. If you are gaining you are in a suplus, if not losing then you are maintaining.

    I saw a week where you did really well, eating back 50-75% of your exercise calories and staying in goal and I suspect you lost weight after that...

  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    Someone always posts that silly chart but I think it is more complex. I think cortisol, hormones and stress play a bigger role. Especially for those of us over 50. We know that calories in calories out is effective and have been steadily effective over a period of time. The chart and advice about weighing and measuring is we'll meaning...but you have had long term success so it is unlikely that you are doing it wrong.

    The stress of exercise figures in to the equation as well. Sometimes family events in the summer with some families aren't relaxing. Even dieting can be stressful for someone who uses food as comfort.

    I've hit the same my case I believe it is a matter of over training, nasty stressful job and a bit of unhappiness. I think the next best step for me is to plan a vacation and trade my exercise program in for yoga and walking for a bit. Sometimes on Saturdays I drive to the ocean an run easy miles on the beach and those weeks I always seem more relaxed and the weight loss follows.

    What have you done to relax lately. Could that be a factor? What else is going on that could be stressful.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Your counting isnt accurate. You werent at deficit. Its absolutely fundamental you get to grips with this before exercise ir worrying about what you eat. Consistent deficit are the basis for weight loss.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Someone always posts that silly chart but I think it is more complex. I think cortisol, hormones and stress play a bigger role. Especially for those of us over 50. We know that calories in calories out is effective and have been steadily effective over a period of time. The chart and advice about weighing and measuring is we'll meaning...but you have had long term success so it is unlikely that you are doing it wrong.

    The stress of exercise figures in to the equation as well. Sometimes family events in the summer with some families aren't relaxing. Even dieting can be stressful for someone who uses food as comfort.

    I've hit the same my case I believe it is a matter of over training, nasty stressful job and a bit of unhappiness. I think the next best step for me is to plan a vacation and trade my exercise program in for yoga and walking for a bit. Sometimes on Saturdays I drive to the ocean an run easy miles on the beach and those weeks I always seem more relaxed and the weight loss follows.

    What have you done to relax lately. Could that be a factor? What else is going on that could be stressful.

    did you even look at the diary? I suspect no due to this response...*smh*
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Someone always posts that silly chart but I think it is more complex. I think cortisol, hormones and stress play a bigger role. Especially for those of us over 50. We know that calories in calories out is effective and have been steadily effective over a period of time. The chart and advice about weighing and measuring is we'll meaning...but you have had long term success so it is unlikely that you are doing it wrong.

    The stress of exercise figures in to the equation as well. Sometimes family events in the summer with some families aren't relaxing. Even dieting can be stressful for someone who uses food as comfort.

    I've hit the same my case I believe it is a matter of over training, nasty stressful job and a bit of unhappiness. I think the next best step for me is to plan a vacation and trade my exercise program in for yoga and walking for a bit. Sometimes on Saturdays I drive to the ocean an run easy miles on the beach and those weeks I always seem more relaxed and the weight loss follows.

    What have you done to relax lately. Could that be a factor? What else is going on that could be stressful.

    In this case, it is not. The OP is eating too much. Not weighing food, over estimating burns. Simply not in a deficit.
  • mikkie1040
    mikkie1040 Posts: 15 Member
    If everyone would look at my diary overall and not just in the last week, I've often been in deficit. And stress could very well be a factor. I run a daycare out of my home and that means chasing around 6 toddlers all under the age of 4 (two are under 1 year of age) and I haven't (literally) taken a vacation or time off in more than 7 years except for when I had my knees replaced. If MVP calculations are not correct for exercise and food, then what is the point in being on here and using their tools? I was consistently losing weight in the beginning and think I'm just at the plateau everyone hits and wanted to know how to get out of it. I know calories out/calories in, but I am not gaining weight at all. Just been stuck at the same number for a couple of weeks.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    mikkie1040 wrote: »
    If everyone would look at my diary overall and not just in the last week, I've often been in deficit. And stress could very well be a factor. I run a daycare out of my home and that means chasing around 6 toddlers all under the age of 4 (two are under 1 year of age) and I haven't (literally) taken a vacation or time off in more than 7 years except for when I had my knees replaced. If MVP calculations are not correct for exercise and food, then what is the point in being on here and using their tools? I was consistently losing weight in the beginning and think I'm just at the plateau everyone hits and wanted to know how to get out of it. I know calories out/calories in, but I am not gaining weight at all. Just been stuck at the same number for a couple of weeks.

    I work with pre school aged children as well and have taken one vacation in 10 years. MFP calorie calculations are corrrect if you pick the appropriate entry, and weigh your food.