

  • I did my first 5K on October 1st. I walked 3 miles and jogged the last .1 miles. I finished in 58.59 but that includes the 4 minutes it took to get to the official start line. My goal was to finish in under an hour. My training walks were usually in the 52 -55 minute range. I hope to do another one in the future and better…
  • Body Glide is available at D**k's Sporting Goods (I usually find it in the Soccer section at my store).
  • I arrive at work 1.5 hours early and go to our employee gym facilities and work out or I go outside and walk on the walking track nearby. I park .25 miles away from my building so i get an additional .5 miles of walking in that way. Another friend told me she gets up from her desk once every hour and walks the office floor.
  • It sounds to me that your body may be in Starvation Mode which shuts down your Metabolism thus it begins to store fat. Try eating more calories (add in more fruit and vegetables) for a few days to jump start your Metabolism, then you should begin seeing your numbers move again.
  • The American Heart Association's Start HeartWalk site has a very nice log. It will convert Miles to steps or Steps to miles with a click of a button in the log.
  • I am the same way, that I don't like Breakfast foods. I am eating Fruit (Grapes, Oranges, etc..) and Yogurt (I was not a big fan, but I have found two flavors I like). I also sometimes eat a granola bar. A nutritionist told me to eat a Ham or Turkey sandwich for breakfast, just make sure I eat something.
  • Before I stopped drinking DIet Soda, I constantly had to have it, not sure how much I was drinking daily but it was well over two liters. I also craved Chocolate and anything sweet to satisfy that need for something sweet. I was not conscious that I was even doing it at the time. When I switched to regular soda, I could…
  • When I injured my knee last year, my doctor suggested putting a 5lb bag of sugar in a bag or purse and doing leg lifts to re-strengthen the knee.
  • MFP posted this on their FB page on Saturday: Update: We've temporarily disabled the connection to Facebook until we have a stable fix in place. Please disregard our earlier message about unchecking the box next to "Autopost updates to Facebook". This is no longer required and as soon as we have the connection working…
  • Here is a formula that I was given that gives you a reference to your daily needs for calories if you want to lose 1 lb per week. your Weight x 12 = Calories (men put 14 in place of the 12) Calories - 500 = Your daily intake (this is your total calories taking in account your exercise to lose 1 lb a week)