Why am I NOT losing weight?!?!



  • LinzLZ
    LinzLZ Posts: 9
    If you are taking any medications I suggest you check for the side effect of weight gain....I did P90X for 30 days and was eating VERY healthy and did not loose an ounce and I knew something was wrong...it was Zoloft :( stopped taking it and the weight melted off as soon as the medicine was out of my system...I was on the verge of giving up...
    I also have been told to go over my calories every 6 days or so...your body will get used to a certain amount of calories and get in a rut....eating over your calories actually tricks your body into jump starting your metabolism and your weight may go up the next day or two but by the 3rd day I usually drop the 2 pounds that had been going back and forth on the scales...good luck
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I did the first 6 months of my journey to health the conventional way (cutting calories and doing lots of exercise). I lost 9.6lbs and reached 120.4 - and still had a belly. At then end of April I stopped counting calories and dropped my carbs by cutting out grains, flours, sugars, starches, beans, and milk (most cheeses have no carbs). I also cut out most fruit - I stick with berries because they are low-sugar. I stopped eating foods from a box. I increased my fats. I eat lots of whole eggs. I found Mark's Daily Apple and Primal Blueprint and decided to do an experiment since I had reached my goal and I was happy. I did not expect what I got in return. Since that time I have dropped another 8.8lbs (now 111.6lbs) all body fat with maybe a little more water weight gone (carbs cause water retention). My body fat % is now 19%-20%. I keep my carbs around or below 50g - every so often I go high-carb with more fruit; I eat about .7-.8g of protein per pound of body weight. I eat unlimited fats. This includes lots of saturated fats. The only oils I use are olive, coconut, avocado and real butter. My energy levels are through the roof. I feel amazing. All my digestive issues are gone and I had a lot of them. I don't have to do as much exercise (I follow Primal Blueprint Fitness). The body sees excessive cardio as stress and will protect itself from that stress. I get my carbs through fibrous veggies. Since going Primal my natural waistline has gone from 31" to 26"; below my belly button went from 34" to 29". I have nice muscle definition. My sugar addiction is still an ongoing battle.

    Yes this is all anecdotal evidence but that works perfectly fine for me. I see this same story all over Primal Blueprint (along with people that are reversing diabetes, infertility, PCOS, IBS, autism in children, etc.) and in MFP's Paleo Support Group.
  • tlcoke
    tlcoke Posts: 10
    I know right! I have to FORCE myself to eat the 1200 calories a day, because I'm not hungry. I eat roughly 70-100 g protein a day (lots of chicken! easy to make and my kids love it too!)

    I usually average about 1000 calories and then have to force myself to eat the extra 200.. so I'm thinking I cut it down to 1000 and see what happens.. since I shouldnt be eating because I have to meet a quota. I workout all the time! Chase a 1.5 and 2.5 year old around all day... I should be losing more. haha so irritating! I want to be 150 lbs by my husband and i's 3rd anniversary on sept 13, and its going so slow! haha

    It sounds to me that your body may be in Starvation Mode which shuts down your Metabolism thus it begins to store fat. Try eating more calories (add in more fruit and vegetables) for a few days to jump start your Metabolism, then you should begin seeing your numbers move again.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    open your food diary, sometimes we can help by seeing what your eating!
    I have been bouncing between 3 lbs for over 3 weeks now, however I have
    drooped 8" use a measuring tape it can really show what the scale
  • RippedNShredded
    1. What's your height?
    2. When do you weigh yourself?
    3. Total Calories - 1600-1800 at least
    4. what are you eating? Breakfast, lunch, dinner? or are you eating 6 times a day
    5. How long is your work out and what type of work out are you doing?
    6. How much sleep are you getting?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Two others have already said it but it bears repeating - give changes at least 2 weeks to show up on the scale, not just a few days. You've tried several methods in 2 weeks time expecting immediate results and that's just not the way these things work. The only immediate results most people see with weight loss is water weight (unless they're severly obese then actual fat loss happens quickly)

    Not sure what your diet consists of besides chicken but if you're having a hard time getting the calories in, cut out any "diet" foods you're currently consuming (low fat, low calorie) and go back to the regular version. Also, eating a couple of fruits each day can easily up your daily total by a couple hundred calories.
  • brittanylynne1209
    How to I make my food diary public? haha
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I would also suggest eating more. I don't know how many posts I've seen lately saying, "I was afraid, but I did it and ate more and lost". I've decided to start saving them. Here's the one I saved so far.


    I am 152, I average about 2000 NET calories a day and have lost 7lbs in 2 months.
  • brittanylynne1209
    Ok its public. Forgive the weekend.. I was at my parents on vacation haha. and didn't do great logging.
  • brittanylynne1209
    Ok its public. Forgive the weekend.. I was at my parents on vacation haha. and didn't do great logging. And I log my meals in the morning, and when I snack I do that on the go.
  • brittanylynne1209
    Weight: 158lbs this AM
    Height: 5'6
  • renderol
    renderol Posts: 21
    You are not eating enough. I know it has been said at leat once.

    If you are not hungry there is something wrong.Try eating breakfast that is high in protien and carbs.

    This should jumpstart your body for the day. If you do not eat you will not lose because your body needs more nutrients. This causes it to hold on to anything you put in it.
  • brittanylynne1209
    I can't eat big breakfasts' because I get sick. Lunch is usually my big meal.. any tips on what kind of high nutrients foods I can add? Usually I have a salad, with chicken, or today I'm having left over chicken and rice from dinner last night. Can I add anything to add more calories, and more nutrients?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    What about a good morning snack? A couple of hard boiled eggs? Add cheese, nuts, avocado to your salads, even full fat dressing. Basically the key is to stop eating "diet" foods. Stop cutting things like cheese and creamer, etc. It's really NOT hard to eat enough if we eat "real" food.
  • mcguink
    mcguink Posts: 15
    I would advise changing up your diet a bit, you seem to eat the same things most days...often mixing it up will help!
  • mcguink
    mcguink Posts: 15
    P.S I totally agree with Rachel6503...cut the diet foods...start eating real foods and full fat versions of things...diet foods are ridiculously overprocessed and often contain a lot more hidden sugar and salt than their full fat counterparts
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I counted 4 veggie servings in the last 8 days. No fruit at all. that right there is an issue. try adding more to your salads than lettuce. Add tomato, cucumber, peppers, something low cal tht will give you vitamins.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Keep at it and the weight will come off. Two weeks is not very long, and your body will eventually give up the weight if you stay strong and dedicated.
  • brittanylynne1209
    Thank for all the advice! I will Def. do that! I have been meaning to buy avocados, but they haven't been on sale,and when they are they are tiny and awful looking!

    I love greek yogurt..Should I add some extra strawberries to it? or extra fruit to it?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    I can't eat big breakfasts' because I get sick. Lunch is usually my big meal.. any tips on what kind of high nutrients foods I can add? Usually I have a salad, with chicken, or today I'm having left over chicken and rice from dinner last night. Can I add anything to add more calories, and more nutrients?

    You need to eat more. First of all to get the calories up, stop using low-fat or diet foods. Eat really food. Also add good fats like nuts (almonds are particularly good, but any nut will do, and a little goes a long way). I often don't eat breakfast until noon or 1pm, then eat lunch at 5 and supper at 8-9 pm. If your difficulty eating breakfast is because of it being early in the morning, that may help, but your current breakfast is often pretty empty of good stuff. You would be much better served waiting to eat until later and then eating something that is filled with vitamins and minerals your body needs to burn fat.
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