Littlestandrews Member


  • I am 4'11 and started out at 169. It took me 5 months to get to 140 and from there I decided to change my goal from 115 (which was my initial goal) to 125. You can do it. And don't pay attention to people who say you will still be bigger. When I got to 140, I could fit into size 4 jeans. The only reason I decided to keep…
  • I am one of those very few people who can be satiated eating 1200-1300 calories a day. I am under 5 feet tall with less than 25lbs left to lose. If you are petite and you don't have much to lose, try 1200-1300. If you're taller or have a significant amount to lose, please don't even attempt it. Find out your BMR and go…
  • I hate water as well. But it's all i drink. i do add crystal lite drops or mio most days and thats how i get it down. No added calories but it isn't the most natural flavoring!
  • I started out only needing to lose 45lbs so it took me almost 4 months to lose the first 25lbs. But if you have a lot more to lose, it'll come off significantly faster. My husband needed to lose 70lbs and he lost 25lbs in 2 months.
  • I weigh once a month so I have a guaranteed loss and I don't have to worry about weighing in on a certain predetermined day every week. I try to avoid sodium and carbonated beverages starting 2 days before I hop on the scale, that way i have an accurate reading and I always lose at least 4lbs.
  • I picked 117 because I'm sick of the Doc telling me to lose weight. 123 is the most I can weigh and be 'healthy' for my height. So I figure 117 will allow me to wear jeans and boots when I go to the doc and still weigh in 'healthy.' I've never weighed less than 127 since I've been an adult so we'll see how I feel when I…
  • I weigh once a month (the day after TOM is over). I have found (through years of yo-yo dieting) that I get super discouraged if I gain weight over the course of a week. But I've not had one month yet when I wasn't down at least 4 pounds over the course of an entire month. It works for me! I take pictures every 3 months. I…
  • I weigh once monthly! I always see a loss and I don't stress if I've gone a week without losing.:wink:
  • I was just pondering this! I am just under 5 feet. I weigh 140 (Down 29 lbs) and yet my BF % is supposedly 38. I need to keep losing weight, no doubt about that, but 38%? Doesn't that mean I have over 50lbs of body fat left?
  • I agree with the other posters. Save yourself some calories. I always save about 250 calories so I can snack at night. Options: Popcorn, candy bar, smoothie, chocolate milk, oatmeal, a small bowl of cereal, yogurt and fruit. The possibilities are endless. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.
  • Breakfast is almost always Chai Tea Oatmeal (1/2 cup quick oats, 1/2 cup Chai Tea concentrate and 1/2 cup almond milk). It wakes me up and fills me up til lunch. 260 calories. Lunch is almost always a Chicken Quesadilla (1 Tortilla shell, 2 ounces chicken breast, 1 ounce sharp cheddar grilled on my george foreman grill).…
  • I bought the Biggest Loser digital glass scale from Target. It was $34 and I LOVE it. It is incredibly accurate.
  • I always leave myself about 200 calories for a night time snack but i NEVER have junk food in my if I want that sugary 200 calorie snack (usually a Kit kat bar), I have to walk to the store (about a mile away) for it. It works for me because it forces me to take an extra walk during the day and if I don't want…
  • You didn't mention counting calories or any system to keep track of your food intake so I'm gonna say "You're probably eating more than you think." It's easy to not notice extra calories here and there (coffee creamer, butter on toast, etc). Your exercise is awesome! But you can't out exercise a bad diet and even healthy…
  • I didn't read all the comments so unsure if someone has said this but here's my take: I don't want to argue but you asked for advice and here is mine: I am under 5 feet tall and weigh 142lbs. I work a VERY sedentary p/t job but I have a toddler who I take to the park 5 days a week so I set my activity level to 'lightly…
  • I totally swear by this program. I began last May having NEVER been able to run more than a minute at a time in my entire life. I can now easily run more than an hour in time or over 6 miles in distance. I'm also now training for my first half marathon. It has lowered my heart rate and I believe prevented me from getting…
  • This is a 25lb difference but I am only 4'11... July 2013 5 months later:
  • Congratulations! You're an inspiration!! ;)
  • You can't out exercise a poor diet (you can still have a poor diet with healthy foods).
  • I'm just shy of 5ft and started out at 169lbs. Right now I am at 145lbs and my UGW is 117lbs. To be honest, once I hit the 120s, I'm going to re-evaluate because my body composition is a little weird. Right now I wear a slightly tight size 4, so I'm guessing that with another 20lbs down, I should be in a comfortable size 2…
  • I started c25k at 50lbs overweight. I had to redo some weeks but after 4 months I had completed the program. After 6 months, I had nearly doubled the distance and had run more than an hour straight. I'm still about 21lbs away from being a "normal" weight but I feel better than ever.
  • Goals: 1. My first one seems pretty popular!: I'd like to be at my goal weight by my birthday (thats another 24 pounds by 4/20). 2. I'd like to run a 10K in under an hour. 3. Bikini this summer... ;) 4. Figure out my maintenance calories without too much trial and error.
  • I am less than 5' tall. It was about 18lbs in before anyone noticed but then it seemed like everyone in the world noticed at the same time. Now I hear comments all the time. I'm at almost 30lbs down.
  • I'm just shy of 5" tall. I was always athletic and muscular in high school and generally weighed about 125 (which is overweight according to the BMI charts). I got married and had a baby and by the time I was 28, I weighed in at 169lbs. It was the heaviest (non-preg) I had ever been but what bothered me the most was how…
  • Glad I'm not alone! 1. I hate any sauce on Pizza (unless it's white pizza that uses alfredo). 2. When I eat oreos I have a system, the first one I lick off the cream, the next I eat regular and this goes on and on. 3. When I eat M&Ms, I eat by color and until there is only orange and blue left (FL Gators!) and then I…
  • I'm just shy of 5 feet and started my diet at 169lbs. I began my diet/lifestyle change on July 13 of this year after a couple of mean (yet true) comments were made at a family reunion. I started out eating 1350 calories a day and running 1.5-2 miles 3x a week. After the first few months, I dropped down to 1300 calories and…
  • Last Christmas when visiting family out of state, my mother in law (Joann), sister in law (Tracy) and myself were all discussing how we wanted to lose weight in the coming year. At that time I weighed 155. Unfortunately, I couldn't get out of the dieting mindset (instead of a lifestyle change) and so once the holidays were…
  • I don't really have any suggestions other than to say tread carefully and good luck. My middle sister was always overweight while myself and our youngest sister were always thinner (growing up at least). My mom started pushing her to diet and be healthy and she ended up becoming Anorexic. I am NOT saying that will happen…
  • You look amazing! Awesome job!
  • Ehhhh. My parents (who are both obese) have told me for YEARS that I was fat. My mother in law (also obese) has also suggested I lose weight. I would try dieting but I never saw myself as large so I was only dieting for them. It never lasted. It wasn't until I looked in the mirror and decided to do it for myself that a…