Jessicah1987 Member


  • i'm a HUGE fan of the 30-Day Shred. I have a major ankle injury and I'm still able to do it. I sincerely hate Jillian Michaels now, though. :) I combine it with a half hour uphill trek and that's my day. It's totally worth the $10. Good luck on your journey!
  • I've never liked cheese. Ever. People always tell me that I'm crazy and my sister is convinced that were not related since she loves the stuff. I always order my pizza light cheese, because no one has ever given me a cheeseless pizza, even when specifically ordered as such. They seem to understand "light cheese" a bit…
  • have you had kids? my mom has that issue and its because all those muscles down there are no longer tight, due to childbirth. kegals will do the trick in strengthening and tightening the muscles.
  • Protein helps build calorie-burning lean muscle. It also helps you stay fuller longer. Protein is definitely your friend. Its sugar and sodium that sabotages most weight loss attempts.
  • If doing so would cause you to go below 1200 calories, then no, you should not even try to attempt it. Remember, numbers (in regards to weight) are arbitrary. Men and women who are incredibly fit (such as football players, MMA fighters, and Olympians) often fall under the "overweight" and sometimes even "obese" category…
  • Sprained my ankle 4 times in 5 weeks...muay thai kickboxing. Try to start moving it around as soon as you can. Babying an injury like that can cause more harm than good. The tendons weaken extremely quickly, so the sooner you can start doing slow rotations and flex/extensions, the better. But putting your full weight on it…
  • Toss lower sodium canned veggies in a strainer and wash them with cold water before cooking. That will wash off the liquid they were canned in and reduce some more of the sodium content. But don't forget that the veggies DO absorb some of that liquid, so they will still be higher in sodium than they would be naturally. But…
  • baby carrots and roasted red pepper hummus...yum! :)
  • I get it too. Most months, but not all. From what my Dr. has told me, its pretty normal. But if it gets really intense, or is oddly persistent, I would definitely get it checked out. It's also a fact that light exercise, like walking, does actually ease menstrual pain. If nothing else, Aleve is my medication of choice when…
  • Hey...we all feel like its a hamster wheel. But you've done it you can do it again! Remember, diets are temporary. But lifestyle changes are forever. And that's what you have to do...make lifestyle changes! I also like to quote my favorite Hoosier fat-cat, Garfield - "A diet is just the word 'die' with a 't' at…
  • You aren't alone in your quest, my fellow Hoosier! Best of luck!
  • I'm getting hitched, too! I'm getting married in September and I have a LONG way to go, but I know that MFP and all of my Fitness Pals can help. Best of luck to you and congrats!
  • You bought some Bob vids...I got one from Jillian. :smile: I used to do some MMA videos with a good buddy before I got hurt...they were insane. I loved them. Of course, my friend had a phenomenal body and an even better MMA record to go with it. I certainly couldn't keep up with HIM, but I kept up pretty well with the…