This is my year to kick some butt!

I have my mind set to lose 40-50 pounds this year and I'm planning on doing everything I can to accomplish this. This site is a great way to stay motivated with people who are in the same boat so thank you for the motivation.
I will continue to try to get to the gym as much as I possibly can but on top of that, I purchased a few fitness videos by Bob Harper from The Biggest Loser. I have never done fitness videos before so I'm not sure how effective they are. Has anyone ever used these type of videos?
I'm pretty excited to start getting into my routine and sticking with it. I would gladly accept any tips or suggestions to help me stay on track!
Hope everyone is having a good 2011 so far! It's going to be a good year!


  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    This is my year to kick some butt too! Rock on! Let's motivate each other! I go to the gym and do videos.
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    Id love to deliver a whopping on my weight too! -
  • Jessicah1987
    Jessicah1987 Posts: 14 Member
    You bought some Bob vids...I got one from Jillian. :smile:

    I used to do some MMA videos with a good buddy before I got hurt...they were insane. I loved them. Of course, my friend had a phenomenal body and an even better MMA record to go with it. I certainly couldn't keep up with HIM, but I kept up pretty well with the videos on the easy level. I believe in the effectiveness of videos, especially if you have self-esteem issues working out in front of people at gyms like I do.

    My one and only suggestion/tidbit of advice is to never push yourself over the edge. Burning yourself out early is the fastest way to failure. I used to start out running 2 miles on the treadmill at, like, 5mph. I'd be too tired and sore for the next week and a half that I'd totally give up. I go with time limits. Do what I can do in a half hour. Or an hour. However much time I have to work out. And I feel SO much better for it.

    Best of luck, my friend! And thanks for the well wishes on my recovery from the flu. :wink:
  • tarapin
    tarapin Posts: 169
    I do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and love it. Never did a home video before but I am seeing some real results from it! You can SO do of luck!
  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    i love my home videos. i have to drive about 20 mins or more to get to a gym. so it is even better to be able to come home and exercise whatever time of day and never get out of my p.j.s if i i have some of the biggest loser, but i also love the tae bo with billy blanks, the walking videos with leslie sansone, and the 10 minute solution vids are great if you are short on time and need to get just 10 mins in. friend me if you would like. :flowerforyou:
  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
    Oh my gosh I am a huge fan of bob's "pure burn super strength" video. It can be modified for beginners.. but its definately not a beginner video! Its an hour of strength training and you work all your muscles, all you need are some free weights. I started with 5lb weights, but now I am up to 10lb weights for most of the exercises! I do not usually like workout videos but I find this one very motivating and would definately recommend it. Good luck, have fun :flowerforyou:
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Sounds like you are focused and have a plan. Good for you!
  • gorefan82
    gorefan82 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the comments. I'm looking forward to trying these videos. I am pumped up to get this rolling! Let's keep motivating each other!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I love Bob he makes me feel so great even when I am literally a loser and cant keep up LOL You feel like he is really there with you and he is so supportive my hubby got me the biggest loser work out and I love it love it love it! Beware if you do strenght training do it on a different day it's just too much on your body to do his cardo and weights Good luck!! Enjoy!!!:happy:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    You bought some Bob vids...I got one from Jillian. :smile:

    I used to do some MMA videos with a good buddy before I got hurt...they were insane. I loved them. Of course, my friend had a phenomenal body and an even better MMA record to go with it. I certainly couldn't keep up with HIM, but I kept up pretty well with the videos on the easy level. I believe in the effectiveness of videos, especially if you have self-esteem issues working out in front of people at gyms like I do.

    My one and only suggestion/tidbit of advice is to never push yourself over the edge. Burning yourself out early is the fastest way to failure. I used to start out running 2 miles on the treadmill at, like, 5mph. I'd be too tired and sore for the next week and a half that I'd totally give up. I go with time limits. Do what I can do in a half hour. Or an hour. However much time I have to work out. And I feel SO much better for it.

    Best of luck, my friend! And thanks for the well wishes on my recovery from the flu. :wink:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I couldnt agree more! I recently hurt my back overdoing it and now have to take a week off UGG!! Better to take it slow and work your way into it than to put yourself out of the game by over doing it like I did,