staying in shape with an ankle injury

I have been working hard to get into better shape over the past 3 months and have been very proud of myself so far. I am not trying to lose weight, only to get toned and stay healthy.

This week I sprained my ankle while walking in the snow (I feel so silly!) and am not able to put any pressure on my right foot at all.

I don't want to fall out of shape over the next few weeks while I heal, but I also don't want to put any undue stress on my ankle and prolong my injury.

Can you please suggest some activities that may help me stay in shape (and keep me from feeling like a lazy bum!) for the next few weeks while I nurse myself back to health?

thanks! :)


  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    when I injured my knee, I learned to do more swimming and shadow boxing in a sitting posistion for upper cardio workout
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Wow..your talking to a girl who broke her ankle and had to recoup for over 3 months..I held on to stuff, hopped on one leg if you can handle it..crutches are good if you have them..maybe go to the mall or an open store and do a few laps...when i had to go up and down the stairs..i slid down the stairs but going up i used my upper body..arms to lift leg to give me that boost i can ask here with other members. Also you can sit down and use weights that always some more ideas on line..good luck! :happy:
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    when I injured my knee, I learned to do more swimming and shadow boxing in a sitting posistion for upper cardio workout

    Those are good suggestions too.
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm recovering from a ruptured Achilles (happened back in August). As of Jan. 1 was finally able to get back to the gym in earnest, but still no running or anything. A lot of strength training will be your friend- situps, pull ups/push ups, swimming definitely a good idea (although I'm not a swimmer).
  • Jessicah1987
    Jessicah1987 Posts: 14 Member
    Sprained my ankle 4 times in 5 weeks...muay thai kickboxing. Try to start moving it around as soon as you can. Babying an injury like that can cause more harm than good. The tendons weaken extremely quickly, so the sooner you can start doing slow rotations and flex/extensions, the better. But putting your full weight on it can definitely be done slowly. Swimming is always good for a low impact workout. Lots of gyms do the free trial stuff. Find a gym with a pool and take advantage! Hydrotherapy is really effective rehab for tendon and ligament injuries. My kickboxing coach used to do hot/cold therapy with me. One day we would put a cold compress on it, the next a warm one. That seemed to help, too. Hope you get to feeling better! Good luck.
  • mkisokay
    thanks for your help guys.

    i have been thinking about swimming already- might give that a try.

    and i will also use this opportunity to focus extra hard on my upper body.

    it's just a bummer feeling so lazy!
  • safetypins
    I'm a swimmer.... I swim every day and I coach that and waterpolo. Let me know if you want any tips!