hoover17700 Member


  • I weight everyday also. It keeps me in check and most of the time makes me behave myself. :0)
  • With the larger size shoes and that you have lost weight, your feet are now sliding in your shoes causing your toes to hit the ends and because sore and bruised. I would switch back to the size shoes you didn't have a problem with. Good luck :0)
  • Hang in there! Everyday is a new day. Be honest in posting what you eat - I've found that when I start to get close to my calorie total and I'm still hungry, I will tough it out just because I don't want to have to log it and go over. I also lead a high stress life (Highway Patrol Officer) but my staying healthy is my…
  • :0) Interesting topic but one I do actually do have some input on. I have had this problem my whole life it seems like. Have always drank a ton of water and fruits and veggies but nothing every seemed to make my system normal. In October of 2009 I saw a Nutritionist and was having the "lack of going" problem even worse and…
  • I watch TV. While on the treadmill, I mix it up a bit. I do interval training with speed and incline. I find that if I have something to do every minute or so it makes time go by faster. I try to change it up everyday because honesty everyday maybe s struggle. I found a wonderful interval training program in the Oxygen…
  • I am also 5' 9". I find that my body wants to stay at 160 lbs but I want to get to 150 lb again. I do a ton of Cardio and just starting weights again. I mix in everything. Thought it was great seeing a 5' 9" girl again was great!!! :0)
  • Hi, By your writing I don't really know what type of lifestyle you live but when I have days where all I do is think about food, I get out of the house. Yesterday all I thought about was food. It wasn't as if I was all that hungry but I was preoccupied. I took a drive or today I took the dogs for a walk. Sometimes you need…