Need to get back on track!

I started using MFP in January. My life turned upside down over the past few months.
January went great
February not so great
March followed great and cardio was amazing however I think I didn't eat enough of my earned calories b/c I didn't lose much. I put in 108 miles of cardio in 31 days. Then finished the mth with the flu!
April I cut back on cardio and didn't keep close track of calories but I the weight started coming off.
May - The first half I spent going back to square one and now I realize it's time to get on track.

My weight lose is a life style change not a diet. I'm 30 yrs old with 3 kids (4,6,11). I have a high stress lifestyle. I have a home base daycare with 12 kids (the max our state allows). I also manage income base apts (17 units) part time. I'll be celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary with my amazing husband in July. We're high school sweet hearts who have been through a lot in the last 12 yrs. Including him getting cancer when we were 19 yrs old.

I tend to eat my feelings and it doesn't matter if it's happy, sad, bored, angry, etc...I tend to let myself go on the weekend and realize I need to stay on track all the time (maybe a special treat for a bday etc...) I can't have a cheat day it doesn't work for me.

I love MFP and the support I get from others. I'm in need of others who would be willing to keep my going. I know it's myself who needs to do it but it's wonderful support when you have others going through similar situations.


  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Oh daisy, Im right there with you . You are not alone at this. I too started String in January and feb was great then March came and I dont know what the heck happend , However I have not been able to get back into as strong a s I was . I lost 23 total from Jan to march but Im stuck by fault of my own. I so wanted to reach my weigh loss goal by June but I dont see that happening. All we can do is give it our best once again !!! Together we have this sweetie Hang in there !!!
  • Meg2012
    Meg2012 Posts: 106 Member
    To a lot of us, it might sound like you're doing great. But it sounds like you need a reminder that you can do it.

    And you can.

    Forget about the scale for a moment, as that is not the only qualifier.

    How are your clothes fitting compared to a year ago? How is your energy level? How do you feel?

    Also, do you have a space where you can grow veggies? Might be a good way to teach the kids you take care of about being healthy. (And kids LOVE gardening.)

    Do not beat yourself up emotionally and use that as an excuse to let yourself go. Treat yourself and your body with as much love as you give those kiddos and you'll be fine.

  • hoover17700
    hoover17700 Posts: 7 Member
    Hang in there! Everyday is a new day. Be honest in posting what you eat - I've found that when I start to get close to my calorie total and I'm still hungry, I will tough it out just because I don't want to have to log it and go over. I also lead a high stress life (Highway Patrol Officer) but my staying healthy is my number one priority. Plus I will be 40 this year and I want to be one of those people you look at and say "No Way"!! I honestly believe we can all do what we set our minds too. Appreciate every moment of life because you get one shot. I'm sure you experienced that with your Husband's cancer. Take one day at a time and I promise it will come off. :0) Good Luck. (P.S. Get that Cardio in too, definately helps).
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    I started using MFP in January. My life turned upside down over the past few months.
    January went great
    February not so great
    March followed great and cardio was amazing however I think I didn't eat enough of my earned calories b/c I didn't lose much. I put in 108 miles of cardio in 31 days. Then finished the mth with the flu!
    April I cut back on cardio and didn't keep close track of calories but I the weight started coming off.
    May - The first half I spent going back to square one and now I realize it's time to get on track.

    My weight lose is a life style change not a diet. I'm 30 yrs old with 3 kids (4,6,11). I have a high stress lifestyle. I have a home base daycare with 12 kids (the max our state allows). I also manage income base apts (17 units) part time. I'll be celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary with my amazing husband in July. We're high school sweet hearts who have been through a lot in the last 12 yrs. Including him getting cancer when we were 19 yrs old.

    I tend to eat my feelings and it doesn't matter if it's happy, sad, bored, angry, etc...I tend to let myself go on the weekend and realize I need to stay on track all the time (maybe a special treat for a bday etc...) I can't have a cheat day it doesn't work for me.

    I love MFP and the support I get from others. I'm in need of others who would be willing to keep my going. I know it's myself who needs to do it but it's wonderful support when you have others going through similar situations.

    I can so relate to your high stress life. I'm 46 and the mom to 4 great kids. However their dad has not been apart of their lives for the better part of the past 11 years. So they all depend on me. They are 24, 22, 20 and 17. I've remarried and that in it's self has added new stress'. Blended families are not easy. I recently quit my job do to the stress it was putting on me which helped, but I still have to deal with ever crisis the kids have. Even the youngest now living with his dad will call me at every crisis rather than his dad. I love that they depend on me, but it's hard. I also have 3 grandchildren.

    In Dec. 2010 I decided to take care of me. So I announced to my family that I was making a lifestyle change and they could get on board or starve. I changed how we eat and when we eat. It's been a challenge but we are making it. Although I'm the only one who works out, but that's ok. I am so determined to lose this extra weight and to get fit so very rarely does anything get in my way. I'm by no means perfect, but I'm trying to be the best me I can be.

    I started this journey at around 225 as of this morning I was at 184.4 so I'm get there. I'd like to lose another 40 pounds, so I'll just keep plugging along. My workout of choice right now is Turbo Fire and today I will add a 3 mile walk. After I finish Turbo Fire I hope to start P90X or Chalene Extreme.

    I'm sending you a friends request, hopefully we can inspire each other. :flowerforyou:
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    My clothes are so so...I feel better in them but not seeing a huge change. I have noticed to don't eat as much junk food as I use to. Example: If we order pizza I get full quicker a piece or two is enough. I use to eat 4-5 pcs sometimes and feel sick. I'm more aware of when I'm off track but I don't always listen to the voice telling me to stop. I also don't drink near as much pop. Usually 1 or 2 week compared to 3-4 a day.

    I would love to grow veggies but don't have the space. I do keep them in the house so I have good choices.

    I think the biggest thing for myself is to be honest with myself and to pick good choices. When I see a lose I need to follow it up with good choices not a fast food night.

    I'm training for a half marathon Oct 1st and the Goofy Challenge Jan 2012 (half and full in the same weekend). I'm worried about burning too many calories while I train. I ran today 6 miles. I usually run 10-15 miles a week. When I followed my traning close in March I struggled to eat.

    My husband also just took a new job in March within the same company. He travels 60% apx. Sometimes he can be gone for 2-3 weeks at a time. This is a huge change from M-F 630-3 for 10 yrs. I'm adjusting but along with a lot of other crazy stressful things going on it hasn't been easy. He loves it and I love his job it's just taking a little more work than I planned to adjust to his new crazy schedule.

    Does anyone else struggle to eat their extra calories?
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    We all have these days or weeks or months(that is my case). Just keep doing what you know works. Read a good weight loss book to help get you motivated, that is what helped me.