

  • ooohhh, that sounds good! I LOVE casseroles, but all of mine are meat-based...
  • Belly Dance is the same way. When I took my first bellydance workout class, I had been dancing for 4 years and it STILL kicked my *kitten*. Those classes are intense. When I taught dance classes, I had one hard and fast rule, which was if you every say something bad about yourself, you have to stop and think up two good…
  • Also, if there was EVER a time to splurge on calories, it's your 21st. Diets don't have to be 365 days a year. Splurges are ok sometiems.
  • If I learned anything in college it is this: You can drink a LOT and still be ok the next day if you follow this routine: 1. Eat something really fiber-y for supper, like a good low-cal cereal. 2. Drink, go crazy, have fun, be safe 3. get ready for bed 4. Force yourself to drink at least two giant glasses of water, you…
  • I understand where you're coming from. I live in Salina, KS with all of my college friends, and if I don't drink, that means a LOT of sitting around watching other people play drinking games. Not so fun. It's one thing if you can go out to dance clubs, those are fun weather you're drinking or not, but let's face it, small…
  • Most restaurants also have the nutritional information posted on their websites, although it can be hard to find sometimes.
  • Get Drunk Not Fat . com :D Seriously. I like to find the little low calorie fruit juices and mix with that. www.getdrunknotfat.com
  • Believe me, I have tried EVERY body shaper out there. SPANX are my fav. I t hink they make me look alot smoother, and they're pretty comfortable. The least effective body shapers I've tried: tummy control tankini swimsuits. They don't do anything!!! Most effective: Victorian style steel boned corsets. First, let me say, I…
  • It raises your core body temperature?!?!?!?!?! That sounds really risky. All I can think of now is old "House" episodes where they've got the poor overheating patient in the bathtub full of ice!
  • So it's a caffeine / fiber pill? Well, at least it's not injections and 500 cal per day.
  • OMG, the kobe beef / scallop combo meal at a little locally owned Japanese steak house. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO good. Fortunately for my waistline, it's too pricey to have very often. But it's our staple for Valentine's and our Anniversary
  • Update: I found a thermogenics category on the GNC website. It's things like Hydroxycut and Quicktrim. There was no adequate explanation on the site for what they actually do, but they are certainly pricey.
  • Me to :D
    in Looking Comment by mikaselm January 2011
  • Oh! I'm with you on the credit cards, my self past couldn't have used that knowledge too.
  • Dear past self: Just because you own a stove and buy your own groceries for the first time in you life does not make a pound of fried bacon a suitable choice for supper!
  • oooohhhhh, pudding... I 'm SO getting some of that! AS for the butter sprinkles, I found them with a different DB search. Turns out I can use a whole container of butter sprinkles to equal the same calories worth of real butter I usually use. Yikes! I wonder if they taste good? I hadn't t thought about the Jello option,…
  • Thank you all very much! I really appreciate it! Does anyone happen to know the nutritional information of those popcorn flavour slrinkles? Supposed to taste like butter or cheese or whatever?
  • I do n't much care for the popcorn that comes in the microwavable baggies, but I LOVE the pop on the stove kind. I've put it away, though, because my habit was to drench it in butter. Anyone have suggestions for upping the taste of popcorn without using butter? Margarine or olive oil spread is a no, because it seems to…
  • I've never done a whole free day, but I do give myself free meals. My mom's homecooking is something I look forward to all the time, (probably because her three fav ingredients are cream cheese, bacon, and butter). I always top my limits when I eat with her (twice a month, maybe?) but I try to work out a little extra that…
  • Zumba DVD's (and Belly Dance DVD's, which I am much more familliar with) are often very hard to learn from. No matter how good a dancer you are, it's just difficult form a DVD. In real life, a teacher can slow the pace, offer personalized instruction, and can give you a much more realistic expectation of what a beginner…
  • Thanks everyone!!! I really appreciate the feedback. To be more clear, 1200 is before any excersize, and I practice dance at least a little bit every day, so I usually end up with a lot more than that :D I think I might bump it up a little more, though. Anyway, my big motivator is that I used to dance professionally with a…
  • I think going shopping together can be a big help. If you can go shopping with her, and she picks up a can of green beans, for example, flip it over and say "Ohh, look, this only has 20 calories!" or something like that. If you can't ever go shopping with her, maybe pick up some low calorie snacks, and talk about how they…
  • From my experience, Zumba tends to feel about as strenuous as belly dancing, and they have that listed :D I can't be certain, as I've done a TON of belly dancing but only a little Zumba.
    in Zumba Comment by mikaselm January 2011
  • I'd get rid of it. I'm with you in HATING to throw food away, but I know I couldn't resist that kind fo temptation :D