

  • Don't let anyone slow you down! You have clearly made life altering changes that have drastically improved your life and fitness levels. You've done great and we all know it wasn't easy. Congratulations on coming so far! If you feel like weighing less is in your best interest, don't let anyone else take that choice from…
  • I am also an apple. I have no idea what losing weight it going to do to my appearance! I have the shoulders of a line backer and I am fighting the mental fear that I might look less attractive at a lower weight. Thanks for posting this question.
  • My husband is military and they teach hydration. If you exercise most days it is generally okay to drink up to two gallons of water. I usually drink one and a half. This is something you should definitely discuss with your physician during your next visit. You can drown yourself in water if you drink too much for too long.
  • My response is a bit personal, but I know for me, hormones and cycles can cause a swing of up to eight pounds on a monthly basis. The weight just melts away as rapidly as it came on. This might be the case for you as well, on a smaller scale. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • I like hot water with freshly squeezed lemon. Try it with an artificial sweetner. Might be just the kick you need. I also use hot low sodium chicken broth if i need something warm.
  • If it is similar to something you eat at a chain restaurant, try using their calorie listing as a guide. And always estimate up, even grilled food is usually grilled on a vat of butter.