Help, I want my coffee....other options?

Does anyone have any warm morning drink suggestions that don't have so many calories?
I'm really missing my coffee, I'm on my 4th day not having my morning cup. I'm sure I'm going through a lil withdrawal, but I decided to stop because my coffee usually contains LOTS of cream and sugar (tho i have cut back on the sugar a bit). I've tried sweetners, but don't care for any of them. I'm trying to work w/ black tea since I don't put nearly as much cream or sugar in it, but it's just not the same. I love hot chocolate, but there's so many calories and sugar in that as well. Any advice???


  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I like swiss miss no added sugar hot cocoa. Its about 25 calories I think?
  • Tia_Connelly
    I like hot water with freshly squeezed lemon. Try it with an artificial sweetner. Might be just the kick you need. I also use hot low sodium chicken broth if i need something warm.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I weaned myself off cream and sugar and now enjoy my coffee black. i wasn't a pleasant person to be around during that transition period, lol. Good luck :)
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Try adding raw cocoa and some cinnamon to your coffee... then sweeten with Stevia (a 0 calorie all natural sweetener).

    The cocoa and cinnamon add a small amount of calories (under 20) and add a very nice array of tastes for your palette.
    HEATHERB500 Posts: 78 Member
    If you like the sweet drinks, Stash makes a decaf chai spice tea if you ad unsweetened silk almond milk to it it makes it only 35 calories. The tea is naturally kind of sweet. It won't be the same as coffee but now that I changed over I can't go back. (The reason I like the silk brand not blue diamond is that it is thicker and creamier than the blue diamond a little cheaper here too.)
  • FlyingFeet79
    Can you use 1% milk and less sugar? I can't give up my coffee....
    I know some like green tea...and there's caffeine in that too.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I still drink my coffee, but now I use skim milk and 1 teaspoon of sugar. I also drink a lot of tea, you can get some really delicious flavours at David's Tea, if you have that near you... my personal favourite is Creme Brulee, and it has no calories!
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Coffee with skimmed milk and artifical sweetener - its only 30kcal.
    I treat myself to starbucks skinny latte (120kcal) some mornings.

    Then the rest of the day black coffee or tea with artificaial weetener. I don't use sugar in my drinks. I have managed to replace most of my coffee with black or green tea. It works once you get used to it!
  • Yleija
    Yleija Posts: 16
    I still drink coffee, but now it's decaffeinated. :ohwell: I use powder creamer and sweetener since they have very little carbs.
  • tallib
    tallib Posts: 13
    I feel your pain! I was advised by m doctor to give up all caffeine, Ive managed it but I was not a nice person in the mornings especially for a while. I now have either decaff coffee with lactofree milk (27 calories a cup) or black tea and 3 sweeteners (2 calories a cup), Im still not quite in love with the black tea taste but Im getting used to it. I find the more you have something the less you dislike it lol.
    Ocassionally I have some organic Green & Blacks Hot Chocolate, which is about 60 calories-if Im in desperate need of some sweetness lol
    Im always on the lookout for more warm drink ideas though, so awesome thread!
  • Yleija
    Yleija Posts: 16
    I weaned myself off cream and sugar and now enjoy my coffee black. i wasn't a pleasant person to be around during that transition period, lol. Good luck :)

    I tried that...couldn't handle it. Lol!
  • mzw00dy1964
    mzw00dy1964 Posts: 21 Member
    For myself...I learned to like the artificial sweetners, that way I could do more to the coffee. I use 3 TBLS sugar free french vanilla (International Delight) 1g carb per tablespoon. Then I use DaVinci Sugar Free vanilla Syrup 1 TBLS no carbs per serving and a splenda vanilla sweetner packet. Replaces the 25 carbs of creamer I used to use, lower calorie and lower sugar
  • valerierackly
    can you not drink your coffee with cows milk in it. i have coffee with semi-skimmed milk with a half sugar and its only 19 cals. full milks not that much more. have you tried different types of coffee, some are less bitter to start with so you don't need as much sugar or milk. can you get coffeemate/ coffee whitener, where you are?, thats fairly low calories too.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    If you like that much cream and sugar have you thought of maybe trying those cappuccino mixes that are sugar free? They also make caffeine free sugar free if you're looking to get rid of the caffeine as well. They have lots of flavors. I love the french vanilla!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Coffee without milk or sugar!

    A double espresso should give you the caffeine kick, or maybe a skinny macchiato if you really need a little bit of milk/creamer.

    Mine are about 15kcals.

    The trick, I find, is to get used to not having cream/sugar in your coffee. It might take a while, but it's worth it. Good coffee tastes much better without all the extra stuff thrown in !
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Try a little hot swanson broth. It warms yah up
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    I do my coffee with 2% milk and a packet of splenda. What you might want to try is skim or 2% milk, with honey. Oh yes, honey. I saw several customers do it when I worked at starbucks and if I could safely stash a jar at work you bet I would have it myself!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I STILL HAVE COOFE TWICE A DAY !!!! It is a must and I use splenda or sweet & low and I have leardened to cut down on the cream. and its only 30 calories.......I tried to give it up and the headaches were unbearable!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    the hot lemon water in the morning is a MUST have !!! I was taught this years a gon in a weight loss class that this should be the first thing you drink everyday!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I get a headache if I dont drink my morning coffee :( Its just one big cup, but its sooo needed with a toddler running me ragged all day :)
    I used to put 5 scoops of sugar and a little bit of milk in my coffee. It was SUPER sweet, and I looooved it. I never thought I'd be able to move away from the sweetness, but I kicked the milk easily, so I decided to try Splenda. I now put a ton of Splenda in my coffee and it tastes exactly the same as the coffee from my "former life". ;) Sure, Splenda isnt great for you, but its the ONLY sugary thing I drink (I only drink water after my cup of coffee), and I feel deprived if I cant have my coffee. And the minute I feel deprived, I feel like Im on a diet...and if Im on a diet, Im setting myself up for failure.
    If you dont think you can completely give up your coffee as a lifestyle change, then I would work to find ways to alter it to make it healthier. It doesnt have to be perfect, but if you love it that much, you can find a way to make it work in your new lifestyle :)