H2O-how much is too much?

Ok so I had a doctor tell me I am drinking TOO much water. Mind you he is a counselor not a medical doctor and I respect what he has to say when it comes to helping me manage my stress but I don't know if I should trust his opinion on hydration or not. I mentioned I am losing weight, eating better, and exercising...and that aside from the a.m. cup of java I am sticking to water 99% of time. He asked me how much and I said 8-10 water bottles (10-16 oz each time I refill it). He told me to trim it down to 6-7 because I could damage my kidneys...someone else once told me to drink at LEAST 1/2 my weight in fluid ounces and I am currently 220 lbs. So that would 110 oz which I am meeting and sometimes exceeding. Any advice or pointers?


  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    That's what I'm shooting for also! Instructions came from my chiropractor...
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    It is true you can damage your kidneys. I drink in the range of 90-120 ounces depending on thirst, exercise and if I'm out in the heat. I have a collection of 3 cup tall glasses and I fill it 4-5 times a day sometimes more so it could be more than 120 ounces.

    I don't think 110 ounces is too much unless you are having problems and then I'd see a real Dr about it.
    well yes there is such thing as too much water. unless you are on drugs or have a med. problem than you would have to insert a garden hose turn it on and sit there for a day or two. your body will not let you drink to much unless you have problems. so don't worry and drink up. now i am no doc eather but was a emt for 8 years. but yes i heard it put that it should be 1/2 your weight in oz's of water per day.
  • Tia_Connelly
    My husband is military and they teach hydration. If you exercise most days it is generally okay to drink up to two gallons of water. I usually drink one and a half. This is something you should definitely discuss with your physician during your next visit. You can drown yourself in water if you drink too much for too long.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Yes you can drink too much water; there is such a thing as getting water intoxication where you literally 'wash out' good electrolytes from your body, and it would come well before 1-2 days of running a garden hose of water continually. Yes it would take a lot of water but not as much as some people think.

    For an average person who works and participates in normal daily activities they should have 7-10 glasses of clear liquids that do not have caffeine nor acids, as in soda/coffe/ tea, etc. When a person is working out/exercising to create a sweat they need to drink before/during /after that exercise to keep hydrated and add that onto daily count, not include it in the daily count (When logging/journaling, yes count it, count all, but what that means is the exercise clear fluid is in addition to the base7-10 glasses/day).

    Your urine can tell you a lot, it should have a pale yellow color and be clear not cloudy...it should not be without some color (looking like water is not good). If urine is clear like water, than you are flushing too much out of your system. Oh, side note ladies ... while doing exercises remember your KEGEL's for bladder health. Click on link for more info.
    (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/kegel-exercises/WO00119 )

    Fluid intake in 24 hrs is derived from actual fluids drank plus from foods, so be careful when you read/hear that you need a certain amount of fluid /day that you are comparing apples to apples, not oranges.... ....we get 20-25% of fluids from foods (depending on types of foods). That is why recommendations are at 8-10 glasses of clear fluids, water being the best, ( some studies say up to 12 for large men). Hope this helps some.

    MFP and most weight loss programs recommend AT LEAST 8+ glasses H2O/day due to exercise incorporated into program.

    Addendum: Glass = 8ounces/ 7-10 glasses =56 -80 ounces/24hrs = ...approx. 1600 -2400 ml/cc