

  • This is what I've been told, and it puts me at 8 c. a day (which, considering the size of my glasses, is about 4 glasses a day).
  • I focus first and foremost on my cholesterol, since that's what I really joined to lower (my weight is fine, I'm just a Southern lady who ate too much fried junk), but I've noticed that on my really good low cholesterol days, I don't have any trouble staying within my calories, carbs, or fat. I do tend to go over on…
  • I don't do the 3-2-1, but I drink a SlimFast High Protein shake with skim milk every morning, and that breakfast keeps me full until lunch, unlike any other breakfast I try. While I appreciate that snacking is healthy, I tend to overdo snacking and choose crap food, so I like that the shake keeps me full until mealtime. I…
  • Thanks for this tip--it definitely upped my caloric intake goal, which will definitely help me. I've been so depressed and mad at myself when I go over lately, even though I just have 2 pounds to go.
  • 4 and 5 were definitely frustrating. I read on Martin's blog that he realized too quickly that 4 was going to be a monster, so he chose to split 4 and 5--unfortunately, he didn't split them chronologically, but by telling half the characters' stories in 4 and the other half in 5. Since there was a SEVEN YEAR GAP (talk…
  • Let's not all assume it's Type 2. My sister was just diagnosed two years ago with Type 1. She was 20, 125 pounds, 5'5", extremely fit (she either swam, ran, or lifted weights every single day), and ate well. Her pancreas just quit working. Sometimes body parts break with no good reason. That being said, I really hope your…
  • I've been doing Zumba for about two years now... My metabolism at the start of my Zumba journey was crazy, so I didn't change the way I ate but did Zumba, and my weight was steady. Now that my metabolism is starting to slow down, I've noticed that Zumba isn't cutting it, so I'm being more careful about what I eat. I've…
    in Zumba Comment by RachelWest86 July 2012
  • How's your sodium intake? I keep that as one of the things mfp tracks on a daily basis for me. I'm impressed that you're still losing though--my high sodium days mean terrible weigh-ins.
  • For all of you zucchini growers who don't know what to do with it all, I bake flourless zucchini brownies that are TO DIE FOR. Here's the recipe (this blogger posts recipes all the time, and all that I've tried have been amazing!): http://www.delightedmomma.com/2012/05/flourless-zucchini-brownies.html
  • Also, if you drink more water, you'll feel less hungry. =) On my low-water-intake days, I snack a LOT more, but if I'm drinking 8-11 cups a day, I eat a lot less. One of my friends who's a yoga instructor posted the following article about your water intake. Here's the basic formula for how many ounces of water you should…
  • I've been at 1200 calories since I started this journey 85 days ago. I only wanted to lose 10 pounds, mostly to be bikini-ready. I had lost 8.5 pounds until a couple of weeks ago when my mentality switched to "I'm near my goal, I can loosen up." Now that the scale is moving in the wrong direction (I gained 1.5 pounds on…
  • :smile:
  • Tully--I can handle that. "You hail from House Tully. Your house seat is Riverrun in the Riverlands. As your motto says, you are all about your family and honor. You confide in friends and family first, and keep strangers at a distance. You cant always stand up for yourself, but you would never betray your friends to get…
  • Arryn (Sr.) is dead; suspected poison, as mentioned at the very beginning of season 1 in Lysa's letter to Catelyn begging for help. Arryn (Jr.), Lord of the Eyrie, was whisked away to the Vale by Lysa as soon as Sr. was killed.
  • Arya and Jon are my favorites throughout the entire series. (Remember, the books are all the way to "season" 5.) You'll be surprised at how some of the characters end up redeeming themselves mightily and how some characters end up being your least favorite when you used to like them a lot. I'll say no more. =)
  • Book 5 was almost as frustrating as book 4. I don't know if you remember much of A Feast for Crows (4), but it only tells the story of half the characters because it was getting too long to be one book and that was how Martin chose to split it instead of chronologically. So A Dance With Dragons (5) tells the story of the…
  • I usually log it as "dance aerobics". =)
  • That sounds delicious! Thansk for the idea!
  • I've seen several variations (and tried one) of this delicious recipe: http://chefchloe.com/entrees/avocado-pesto-pasta.html
  • I agree! I weigh in once a week, second thing in the morning, stark naked. =) I usually feel pretty good about the number I see!
  • I went to a wedding on Saturday, totally gorged at the reception, and spur-of-the-moment decided that wedding calories don't count. =) I was in the wedding, so I did enough walking, stairs, and carrying stuff that I probably burned half of it off anyway... Good thing a HRM doesn't "go" with bridal wear!
  • Oh, the Ted! ("THIS IS WHY WE CHOP!")
  • Today, I ate an entire bag of caramel cremes. That would be 10 caramel cremes for a grand total of 433 calories. I'll definitely be going to the gym tonight and doing serious cardio and circuit training to make up for it.
  • I'm on 1200/day and most days come under my calorie goal, but only thanks to jogging stairs and using hand weights while watching tv.
  • I haven't tried this yet, but a friend of mine has and says that it's absolutely delicious. Bon appetit! http://acozykitchen.com/avocado-pesto-pasta/
  • Most of my snacking is because I'm bored and my brain thinks that eating is an okay way to stop that. I've found that increasing my water intake keeps me from feeling as hungry. I still try to hit my calorie goal or come within 50 under, but my late night snacking has stopped if I have a few glasses of water. My stomach is…
  • FlamencoGal, Check out the official Zumba website and you can do a search limited to days of the week and times that fit your schedule. =) http://www.zumba.com/en-US/parties/search/
    in Zumba Comment by RachelWest86 May 2012
  • I *love* Zumba and have been doing it for about a year. I took a few months off and added back a bit of pudge around my middle, but I started back about a month ago and have already noticed a difference in my muscle tone, and I've lost about 6 pounds (counting calories has also kept me accountable). I do Zumba once a week…
    in Zumba Comment by RachelWest86 May 2012
  • My husband has been running several times a week since Thanksgiving, and is on WeightWatchers (and does VERY well staying within his daily allotment) and has lost about 40 pounds. Keep up the good work, and make sure you're wearing good running shoes to stabilize yourself!