nmalany Member


  • Yes it will. The more of a calorie deficit you create the more fat your body will be forced to burn for energy. Of course it is possible to eat so little that you stop losing weight but I doubt you are doing that. I'm a Physician Assistant in a weight loss clinic so feel free to message me with other questions.
  • Try a smal serving of nuts (100 cal), pickles, or turkey pepperoni crisped in the microwave or toaster oven
  • It's hard to say exactly how you should transition to maintaining your weight without knowing the plan you are using to lose it....but my first suggestion would be to have metabolic testing done once you reach your goal weight then you will have a better idea of what your calorie goal should be to maintain your weight.…
  • Do you mean can you eat more than 1200 calories and still lose weight? Most likely yes but it depends on your BMR and how much you are exercising. Hope that helps :smile:
  • Check out the Flat Belly Diet....they have a first week anti-bloat diet that tells you which foods to avoid to reduce bloating and gas production. It also has a great "water" recipe with mint, ginger, lemons and cucumbers.....delicious!
  • the only one I've seen that looked healthy was in whole living magazine, you can check it out on their website
  • I agree, in the morning is the only time I weigh myself. Once you start eating and drinking for the day your weight will vary more. Don't worry about the scale being off as long as you use only that scale, just pay attention to the change in weight! Good luck :)
  • What kind of juicers do you use? I'm thinking of buying one but there are so many!!!
  • When they say take a day off they just mean don't strength train the same muscle groups two days in a row. So what many people do is upper body one day and lower body the next, you can do abs everyday. You can also do cardio everyday but it is recommended that you take a day or two off a week, your body needs that rest and…
  • I wouldn't worry about it on vacation....after all it's vacation and you should enjoy yourself! However once you get home why not try having wine just every other night and you might find that you are able to cut back even further from there. Also if you are using the wine in the evening to help you relax see if you can…
    in Discouraged Comment by nmalany July 2011