OkRebeccaJay Member


  • I have started taking them monthly, but only 1 month ago (so 1 set of pics, then 1 month later) I know its a marathon not a sprint, but I just wish I could see it at least a little bit!
  • Awesome! Big difference, and a lot of determination, you will reach your goal no problem! :)
  • I can do one double under... then I freak out, close my eyes incase I manage to whip myself in the face(.....yes, this has happened. More than I'd like to admit!!!) and totally loose it from there! The theory all makes sense, but my body just wont co-operate!! Im not giving up, but it seems pretty impossible at the…
  • This is the list of results from the 5k I usually attend every week (but not last week, as I had a big fat blister:( ) http://www.parkrun.org.uk/albert/results/latestresults/ As you can see, the results are greatly varied and depend on age/ ability/ weight/ fitness/ how serious you take it/ a multitude of other things!…
  • Wow, that is a lot of water weight! Thanks for the suggestions, I will just get it as close as I can to what is probably in a can, and hope for the best! Its my first time using this recipe, so on the bright side I wont be able to tell the difference between dried and canned beans :)
  • Not sure how information is a sales pitch?? at no point have I offered to sell anything. Sorry IzzyRoseDixon, I was trying to be helpful, but there is usually at least one person chomping at the bit to tell you that you are wrong, and make you feel like you need a PHD and an army of scientists to offer your opinion.
  • Im not sure how whey protein can be more bio available than dairy (which it is a by-product of)..... Whey Protein "is animal based and a derivative of milk production. It is obtained by coagulating and removing the curd (casein) during cheese production. After it is separated from milk, whey contains almost all of the…
  • I would reccomend Juice Plus+ shakes. While they are not technically a protein powder, they are gluten and dairy free and are more effective at muscle repair and recovery than most protein powders. Whey protein (the most common type used in powders) is a by-product, and not easily absorbed by the body meaning you only…
  • It's all about how much you want something ... the most 'popular' way to loose weight with juice plus is through the fat loss plan and the shakes, however it is not all or nothing. The products (shakes & capsules) provide the fruit/ veg based nutrition that your body needs. Your body doesn't ask for excesive food because…
  • The exercises in this article really helped me! http://breakingmuscle.com/mobility-recovery/squat-therapy-4-drills-that-will-improve-your-squat Also, the more you squat the more natural it will become, try holding at the bottom, hold your ankles and gently (GENTLY!) place outward pressure on your knees with your elbows for…
  • I am starting tomorrow and will definitely need encouragement! :D I cant wait to get started, but am also a little bit terrified... :/
  • Thanks everyone! Lots of interesting and sensible replies - I like the term Spike meal (I never really liked 'cheat' meal myself but didnt know an alternative!) If the purpose is to spike the calories, then that in itself answers my question! It also makes sense to average out over the week rather than just focus on each…
  • Sweat is your fat crying... If you aint sweating your doing it wrong! invest in a good anti antiperspirant, a sweat band and a towel and man up! Sorry, but that is like saying that you wanna go for a swim without getting wet!
  • I log it with my HRM, which will differ from person to person. I am on D10 L1, and so far I have burned anywhere from 122 - 126 cal/ session. I am 5'10" and weigh 236lb. eeebee says that she burns 160 at 150lb/ 5'4" so probably the most accurate thing to do without heart rate monitor is use those two figures, take a stab…
  • Hello! I am also self employed, and I am actually finding it much easier. Yes, I am always around food working at home, but when I am hungry there is always a stocked kitchen on hand for me to prepare something fresh and healthy, rather than have to grab lunch out and about as i used to when I worked in retail. You have to…
  • I smell an *kitten*. Even if his motives were coming from the right place, ie wanting you to be healthier and happier, telling you like this was just plain ****ty of him. It sounds like you have embarked on a weigh tloss journey already, but make sure it also a health gain journey. Please dont starve yourself or make…
  • Im starting this evening also! I am excited, but a little bummed out as i am recovering from a cold and feeling a bit miserable. Not going to let it stop me! If there is a group I would for sure join :)
  • Thanks for fixing it :D And thanks for the kind words everyone - I am doing this for me, but positive comments are always appreciated and encouraging! :D i love how friendly MFP people are xox
  • Hiya, I am planning on getting fit and loosing weight without a gym this year - I would recommend signing up to this site http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/workouts/ Its free and it's all about getting fit without a gym membership - there are loads of different workouts using just your bodyweight as resistance that you can…
  • this is awesome!! well done you! No matter how bad your week is, never forget your amazing achievement. It is people like you that inspire me and help me to beleive that being slim is a possibility for me, not just a dream. Gunna work out extra hard tonight :D
  • great advice, thanks :) will eat a banana and try a drink to replenish electrolytes rather than just drinking water - I will look into getting more magnesium into my diet, or a magnesium supplement if needs be. Thanks everyone who replied, you are super helpful and I'm very grateful :)
  • Anyone?? I have bootcamp again tomorrow and want to do everything I can to NOT have this happen again :(
  • Just be careful choosing what you drink - a single measure of white rum or vodka is around 52 calories, and diet mixers are minimal on the calorie front :)
  • Play Roller Derby!! you dont even realise you are exercising as its so much fun :D
  • I started a boot camp on monday and the session uses tabata format, I must say that for me personally, it feels to have done much more than 30 mins on a treadmill/ cross trainer/ other purely cardio workout. It mixes up more 'static' exercises like the plank with more explosive ones like burpees, so the cardio is still in…