Self Employed?

TaxDug Posts: 1
edited January 13 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, Just joined! Wondering how many other self employed members are here? My problem is I work alone and can "munch" anytime I feel like it.....
I grew up a skinny kid and never had a weight problem until I hit my late 30's. Was always active but never did any serious exercising...I DO NOW. ;-)


  • OkRebeccaJay
    OkRebeccaJay Posts: 40 Member
    Hello! I am also self employed, and I am actually finding it much easier. Yes, I am always around food working at home, but when I am hungry there is always a stocked kitchen on hand for me to prepare something fresh and healthy, rather than have to grab lunch out and about as i used to when I worked in retail. You have to have greater willpower because of the temptation, but as long as you are strong, you are in a really strong position for healthy eating!
  • Hey! I work from home as well, and I have found that if I plan my snacks, and even separate them into little bags (just like I would if I had to take them with me somewhere), I stick to my food plan. If I give myself full rein of the kitchen and the ability to get in any cabinet, pantry, or my fridge--I will surely overindulge. So little baggies with pre-portioned snacks!
  • kats28
    kats28 Posts: 9 Member
    I have the same problem, i work mainly from home... & every time i decide i need a break, i go & make a coffee & 'accidentaly' come back with munchies too :-/
  • marthajo1
    marthajo1 Posts: 68 Member
    I work from home too and have to be super rigid about what I am eating and when - otherwise I will just snack all day. I try to schedule when I have breakfast, lunch and snacks and stick too it and stick to what I plan to have. Which I can do for the most part but then the little ones will want a few m&ms so I'll have to have some too :) . My worst days are the weekend. My husband likes to make what I call heart attack breakfast dishes. So tempting. Just say no! Or I go for it in moderation. :)
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Self employed and work from home too. I keep myself pretty busy while I'm working though so there's not always time to sit and munch. If I do, I try to make conscious choices of good foods instread of crap.
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