louiseei Member


  • This has happened to me quite a few times, both before and after having my daughter, and I wasn't big, a UK 12 probably, but because I have small breasts and a poor posture, my stomach can stick out if I don't make an effort to stand up straight. I've had it from ather mum at the school gate, a cleaner at work, even a man…
  • If you have a smartphone with gps, download an app like mapmyrun and it will track you as you go, record your time etc. I did it on a 5k run to test accuracy and it was spot on.
  • Swimming? that's non weight bearing. You could always use a float for your lower body if you don't want to kick your legs.
  • University, in 1990, now married 15 years :)
  • Ewww, is this just an American thing? bikini line and keeping things tidy is a given, but why do grown women want to look pre pubescent?
  • My friend did it, she was really crabby and lethargic then put back on the weight straight after. As a sort of halfway option. I have done before the "nothing cooked before noon" idea. Only juices and raw fruit/veg till after mid day. Can't really remember the effects as it was a few years ago, I think I just got bored of…
  • Your scales are broken?
  • I drink about 2 cups a day, plus a couple of cups of tea. I've how reached my target weight. I reckon my body's used to it now ;)
    in water Comment by louiseei November 2011
  • Hi everyone, LittleMissAlx I'm definitely with you on the wanting a bit of comforting stodge in this cold weather. I'm trying to combat that by making lots of soups, I'm also big into crumpets, which aren't too calorific. I had a horrid stomach upset last week and dropped 3lb in a day, it wasn't good, and I fell quite weak…
  • Not unless chicken is a vegetable :wink:
  • If I've exercised hard over a couple of days and not eaten enough, I do find I am really hungry the next day. Then I usually head for the cottage cheese as I feel some protein might be in order. I don't worry if I'm over one day and under the next, but I'm now on maintenance. If you're hungry you need to eat, whether it's…
  • I moved up after 7 days on each as I felt I could do it comfortably and I was ready to move up, last few days you can alternate
  • Total opposite, getting too bony up top, my boobs have all but vanished , but still wobbly down below, want to swap? What exercise do you do? I do zumba and swimming mainly plus a bit of weights.
  • Porridge for breakfast, soups or jacket potatoes for lunch, or warm up some leftovers from the day before, healthy pasta or cous cous type dishes for example. Stir frys are good too.
  • eBay, to sell my decent stuff and buy new, and alterations with my sewing machine :)
  • I increased by 50 onto my daily target every week until I got there - makes it less of a shock! Well done BTW.
  • So you're eating 1000 and then burning 200 - netting 800 cals? That isn't healthy or the way you should be doing it on MFP. Put in your stats, set your weight loss for 1lb a week and eat healthy choices to the allotted cals, including what you burn exercising and the weight should come off at a healthy and steady rate.…
  • Honestly? I lost nothing weight wise on the 30DS, but I did firm up and increase my stamina. I did 7 or 8 days on each level and also some other cardio every other day. I did do it first thing in the morning before breakfast, don't know if that makes a difference.
  • I have to say the 30DS did not help my knees at all, it made them much worse particularly L2 with all those lunges. Just a thought, make sure you have some decent and newish trainers, as I found when I changed my admittedly quite old trainers, zumba was much easier on the knees.
  • Get eating those cals you just burned lady! You'll need some protein after all that - what about a nice vegetable omelette?
  • E bay for me, but clothes swapping things are becoming popular here -you take x number of decent items, usually a minimum of 5, it all goes on rails, then at a given time you then take x number of things equal to what you brought. My sister went to one the other day, but managed to pick up one item with US sizing, so it…
  • Yes I eat them and a bit over sometimes, Yes I'm losing (even though I'm actually on maintenance cals now)
  • Flipin' heck, where are you buying your cherries M&S? - I got a small punnet at Asda for £1. It did about 3 servings. I find I'm spending more on fresh, but saving what I would spend on wine and convenience style foods. Quorn's a good option, low fat and you can get 3 bags for £5 - each bag's enough for me to do a…
  • I can't see your diary, but it sounds to me as if you perhaps aren't eating enough, is the 1200 cals after exercise?
  • I never drank much before mfp apart from 2-3 cups of tea a day. When I started MFP I was forcing myself to drink the 8 glasses, and I was losing anywhere between 0.2lb and 1.5lb a week. Just now I'm on mantenance and I drink about 4 a day, and I lost 1lb last week. So I've not got a clue! I know I can't be bothered to…
  • Generally you'd weight it before cooking. I'd only burn myeslf of get in a mess trying to weigh it after. Check your packaging, the values will be in dry weight I'm sure or how would you know how much to cook?
  • Is my net calorie goal set by MFP what I need to eat to LOSE weight, based on my settings (i.e. BMR, current weigh, goals etc) - YES Therefore, my BMR is what i need to just get by if I stayed in bed all day? I'm guessing then that my BMR is higher than the net and MFP has calculated the difference between the two to allow…
  • Hi, I never mastered the full push ups for the time given, though I did a few full ones. I moved up levels when I got bored and wanted the next challencge, which for me was after 7 days. Level 3 was actually my favourite, it's not way harder if you've doen the others. I did do some other stuff, not necessarily every day,…
  • As far as I seee it BB's are great for more office type activities like emailing etc. Android and Iphon better for social things like facebook, twitter and apps, so it depends what you want it for. I considered a BB as I've used my sisters BB Curve, and bought a HTC android phone, never had a smartphone before - love it -…