

  • I would eat it too. No more then two pieces. I think if you deprieve yourself you will just be thinking about it alot atleast I would. Count the calories and work extra hard at spinning. Knowing that that spinning class is just working off those two pieces will help make sure you do not go over two!!
  • Sams club sell this lunch box that I love I am sure you can find it other places it is called go fit lunch bag. It has a tupperware container in the bottom it has a spot for your sandwich then the icepack goes in the middle on the top it has two more pieces that connect side by side these are for your fruit and veggies. I…
  • I dont think my IHOP had the healthy portion of the menu. I had looked up what I was going to eat ahead of time and had decided on a crepe, the nutella was a moment of weekness. Hahaha. I guess I feel guilty cause I am still hungry and out of calories bed time can not come soon enough. Plus I am sore so my workout today…
  • I went this recipe... Sounds really good!!! Leftover beef stew here I made a huge crockpot of it yesterday lots of veggies and little potatoes for me!
  • WII Sports box and play tennis you will feel it in your arms Play Just Dance 2 you will sweat Micheal Jackson you will sweat on this one also WII Fit I usually on play hula hoop cause I can feel it in my sides what I do not like about this is after a 2 minute workout you have to stop to pick the next workout WII Active I…
  • Im in also I have now 45lbs to lose. I need something like this to get me working. I would like to get a lot of it off by summer!! Wishful thinking. I just really want to not just lose the weight but be healthier. A few years ago I was down close to my goal weight and looking into teaching spinning classes now I think I…
  • OK I hate cauliflower!! But mashed caulifower is actually really good. You have to boil the caulifower to death then to one bag of frozen cauliflower I add a tbsp or two of cream cheese and smart balance or whatever butter alternative you use. They dont go great with gravy but when I make a meat with a tomato sauce they go…
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