Feeling guilty even though I am in my Calories!?

So I stayed in my calories today but made some bad choices. I owed my kids Ihop so I had 1 nutella crepe, 1 Egg, 2 slices of turkey bacon, and 1 turkey sausage. I am still feeling guily about the 300 calorie crepe. This morning I felt on track and like I was doing good this week now I feel guilty.

It this kind of cheating not making the best choices but staying in calorie range ok. I know on WW it would beok.


  • krissy_pooo
    krissy_pooo Posts: 111 Member
    obviously it's important to stay within your calories, which you did, but to make the best choices possible while doing it. I wouldn't kill yourself over it though! It's okay to sometimes eat what you feel like eating, and even more okay when you stay within your calorie range. just make sure tomorrow you make better choices :wink:
  • sharonmac
    Im right there with you. Today my Daughter wanted McDonalds and get so tempted. Yesterday my Husband wanted Ihop so off we went. I stayed in my calorie range but feel so guilty
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Calories in vs. Calories out. You're doing just fine!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Why would you feel guilty? That's what calorie counting is about. Portion control. You can have those things as long as you don't go crazy. You're within your budget. Let yourself enjoy it. :)
  • jentaylor412
    I try not to take stuff away or I won't stay on track at all. If I want something I have it but I do exercise to make up for it that day.
  • JulieTX86
    I know what you mean! Last night I drank wine for the first time in ilke two weeks (just started eating healthy and counting calories about 11 days ago), but I felt so guilty about doing it. I felt like I was destroying everything I had worked for already. You had the calories to do it, so you are okay. It's all in the balance, do the best you can whenever you can, but every once in a while you deserve a nutella crepe! :happy:

    You will be fine! It was just one meal on one day AND you stayed within your calories. Way to go!
  • steffilily
    I feel that way sometimes on some days where I eat some of my favorite foods but am still under the calorie goal. I once read "100 ways to lose weight", on that list it did say to not miss out on your favorite foods and to have it once or twice a week.

    I've been on MFP for two weeks. First week, one night i had that chocolate dipped ice cream cone from Diary Queen. Still lost weight at my next weigh in. This past week, i was visiting my mom out of town and we had dinner at a mexican restaurant, and then next day my niece had a baby shower and i sampled a little bit of each food they had there along with a small iece of cake. Still lost weight! It was nice to know it's ok to indulge when you want to and even better when you are under your goal.
  • joe1897
    Don't feel guilty. Losing weight isn't about restricting yourself from eating every single thing in the world - it's about making sure you use more calories than you eat. And if you're within your calorie goal - then you win! :smile:
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    Why would you feel guilty? That's what calorie counting is about. Portion control. You can have those things as long as you don't go crazy. You're within your budget. Let yourself enjoy it. :)

    Agreed. Why waste your energy on the negative emotion of guilt when you're within your calorie allowance for the day? It doesn't make sense. Life is about living and enjoying what you're doing/eating.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Don't feel guilty. Losing weight isn't about restricting yourself from eating every single thing in the world - it's about making sure you use more calories than you eat. And if you're within your calorie goal - then you win! :smile:

    What he said!
  • juleslianne
    I know the feeling :). Like sometimes I would eat a bigger dessert than normal just to get my calories where they needed to be, but I think you're fine! Like everyone else is saying, as long as your under your calories than you are still doing what you need to. On a side note, the spinach, tomatoe, mushroom omelette with a side of fresh fruit from iHop is amazing and only 330 calories! You wouldn't even believe that its on their "light" menu! If you go back, I would whole-heartedly reccomend it!

    Keep it up! :happy:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You have absolutely nothing to feel guilt about. You ate a food you enjoy, and you did so responsibly.

    Guilt weighs too much. Don't carry it. :smile:
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    I read recently about a scientist who wanted to prove that the main difference in health is calories, so he went on a reduced calorie diet of nothing but junk foods (lunch cakes, fast food burgers, etc.). He lost weight, his bad cholesterol went down, his good cholesterol went up, and, if I recall correctly, his blood pressure improved. So give yourself a break. We're working toward being healthy, not being punished. You did nothing wrong.
  • Stacil2
    I know what you mean! Last night I drank wine for the first time in ilke two weeks (just started eating healthy and counting calories about 11 days ago), but I felt so guilty about doing it. I felt like I was destroying everything I had worked for already. You had the calories to do it, so you are okay. It's all in the balance, do the best you can whenever you can, but every once in a while you deserve a nutella crepe! :happy:

    You will be fine! It was just one meal on one day AND you stayed within your calories. Way to go!

    Ha Ha the funny thing is I am so sore and tired cause I have been working out alot that I was just thinking about a glass of wine also!! Also since I made bad choices I am hungry. I have been looking for new recipes and I am tempted to try a few of them right now or my skinny pizza, (tortilla with little olive oil one slice provolone fresh tomatoes), and a glass of wine!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I see it this way....I was 400+lbs, Now 5 months later - in the mid 360'slbs.

    Out in this world are people that can eat and maintain...
    So I have this mentality....
    If I want something I don't normally have I make sure I have the calorie allowance for it.

    If I deprive myself then I obsess over it. So I make sure there is a middle ground.

    As long as I am within my numbers - it's all good.

    Try not to feel so guilty. BTW, Love IHOP 2x2x2 + side of turkey bacon. Under 600calories (sugar free syrup/egg substitute)

    Keep your head up - your doing just fine :happy:
  • Stacil2
    I dont think my IHOP had the healthy portion of the menu. I had looked up what I was going to eat ahead of time and had decided on a crepe, the nutella was a moment of weekness. Hahaha.

    I guess I feel guilty cause I am still hungry and out of calories bed time can not come soon enough. Plus I am sore so my workout today was short and light!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I went to McDonalds last night
    I had Glassic grilled chicken with mustard & Fruit and Nut Oatmeal. Large water added great value flavor peach mango...
    I believe it was under 600 calories

    McDonalds has the nutritional value available for everyone. Ihop's got a good nutritional menu now...

    Keep up the good work :happy:

    Makes my life much easier... Enjoy!!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    @Stacil2 Did you add your caloires?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I dont think my IHOP had the healthy portion of the menu. I had looked up what I was going to eat ahead of time and had decided on a crepe, the nutella was a moment of weekness. Hahaha.

    I guess I feel guilty cause I am still hungry and out of calories bed time can not come soon enough. Plus I am sore so my workout today was short and light!

    Drink some water, and yes, make sure to eat those workout calories if you haven't already. And if you have, do a quick workout and earn yourself an apple or some celery, something with lots of fiber to keep you full. :) The exercise will only help the soreness go away faster anyway. Dooooo it! :)
  • AMSull19
    AMSull19 Posts: 37 Member
    i have to talk myself out of feeling guilty for eating something unhealthy alot (and i rarely eat seriously calorie rich foods these days). I'm learning that its okay in moderation, and more imporatntly guilt and self-defeating attitude leads to weight loss failure...whatever you do don't say "i blew it at breakfast so i blew the whole day" (this applies to few days, week etc). be nice to yourself. :happy: