

  • I had a similar issue. I strated off great. In my mind I said if I can lose 50 lbs I will be happy enough. So I lost the 50lbs and stoped. One day I decided to get on the scale and noticed I gained back 14 lbs and decided that wasn't going to cut it so I kicked myself back into high gear. It helps me to have my families…
  • As a vegetarian hummus is a staple in my diet but it doesn't have enough protein to replace meat. I like hummus with pita or veggies as a snack rather than a meal. I also replace mayo/mustard (your condiment of choice) on my sandwiches with a little hummus... Good Luck and Happy Losing!
  • My office mates love to leave little snacks/goodies on the tables too! It drives me a little crazy but once I explained to them what I was doing they are all very supportive and no longer offer me the goodies. Now granted my office is a LOT smaller. There are only 10 of us and we are close but my suggestion is to spread…
  • I used to be like your sister. My little sister and brother are gifted with very high metabolisms. They can eat whatever they want whenever they want and stay so skinny. (My 18 yr old sister hovers around 115lbs) Since my sister lives with me it was frustrating always watching her eat and eat and never gain. I just didn't…
  • Check out Color Me Vegan! It is our Favorite Cookbook!
  • I am a vegetarian and my sister is a Vegan. You have to be extremely careful with both lifestyles to ensure you are getting the proper nutrition. We eat lots of substitutes, we seldom eat out, take lots of vitamins, eat lots of greens, eats lots of beans (black, kidney, pinto, ect...), and eat lots of nuts. My New Years…
  • MFP recommends I eat 1800 calories a day but I make it a personal goal to net 1200. So far I have had pretty good success.
  • Tonights dinner is Chicken(less) Chicken Patty (I'm a vegetarian), twice baked vegan potato, and a red cabbage salad! Good Luck!
  • I have the same issue. I place mine on a hard surface. The carpet will really mess with the reading. Then I weigh myself until I get the same number 3 times. (And yes it is frustrating and can take several trys) Once I get the same weight 3 times that is what I go by! I figured out that the more frustrated I became the…
    in Scales Comment by nickiesue January 2011
  • I don't add anything to my green tea and I don't count it as water.