thursdayswoman Member


  • These comments from your husband are abusive - what he said was nasty and uncalled for, and he needs to treat you better. I'm so sorry that he is treating you like this. If you can, tell him he's wrong and that he needs to stop with the bullying.
  • Graduate school. Food was always an emotional thing for me, but until graduate school I managed to stay both physically fit and a healthy weight. And then I went to graduate school, and doing anything except studying-reading-writing seemed somehow like a waste of time. And then there was the emotional eating that went…
  • Walking is great. Now that the weather is getting better, I'm going to start walking during my lunch hour at work. It can be intense, but I sweat less than when running, so I can still come back to work after easily. I can't go that fast, though - when I speed-walk, my tendonitis flares up. Funny enough, it doesn't flare…
  • OP, I know exactly how you feel. I'm usually over, so the days when I have managed to be below and I get yelled at sadden me. My weekly calories are usually good, so I wish that the warning came at the end of a week instead of daily! It's a suggestion to maybe make to MFP directly. It's all good. Just process through your…
  • This is how I feel when I lose weight! (I've been going up and down 30 pounds over the past two years; my eventual goal is to lose 137 pounds but motivation is a problem.) My stomach gets squishy and I feel floppy and actually worse. BUT it doesn't look worse, which I try to remember for reassurance. I've been promised…
  • Zebra Cakes and chips with dip. Those things will set me off completely. Fortunately those are fairly easy to avoid!
  • This has helped me, too. It doesn't stop me, usually, but it does make me aware of it and I can think about it to avoid in future. Several bad habits were broken this way.
  • All the people who are 'just put the fork down!' seem to forget that putting the fork down can also be a sign of an emotional eater. There's those who eat too much, and those who eat too little. And in both cases, the pain that the people are feeling that leads them to a not-good eating behavior is REAL and needs to be…
  • It's not because you don't have a boyfriend. You've just had a very devestating emotional blow and you have to rethink part of your life. Food is a coping mechanism sometimes - it's just not a very good one. You will be able to get back on the track you want to be on soon. Be kind to yourself - that means not beating…
  • I'm going to be the voice of dissent here, I guess. I don't think it's a sign of love or support to tell someone that you are unhappy with them. Especially in the way it sounds like he phrased it...not that he was worried about you or your physical and emotional health, but that he's unhappy with something and wants you to…
  • Hey all you good people...the race was today! I did it in 51:16 minutes, with a pace of 16:30...I ran the first ten minutes and alternated running and walking after that; I'd say about 30% of the course. So I was over the race pace, but I was under my pace from a month ago! And none of the things I feared came to pass - I…
  • It depends. If I decide deliberately to eat something, and accept that it's going to put me over my calories, then I feel okay. But most often I don't, and then I feel stupid while I'm eating, and even worse afterwards. Both mentally and physically sick.
  • Thanks for the great replies, people! I'm really relieved to know that the races are (usually) more flexible with timing - I had visions of angry race officials (and other runners) yelling at me with a megaphone or something. All you runners seem to be okay with a slow person in your race, so I'm just going to pretend you…
  • Have fun feeling superior for judging a family that you don't know and exposing the child to embarrassment.
  • Seriously, you think the kid couldn't read your expression? You think she didn't notice you talking to the other adults about it? Kids aren't stupid.
  • Oh, excuse me. The OP just opened the kid's lunch and then proceeded to gossip with the lunch ladies about it. You think the kid didn't notice?
  • I feel really bad for the kid - asking her about it was probably embarrassing, or it's going to be so when she is older and remembers that an adult questioned her about her lunch. I used to get that a lot from the school volunteers and lunch ladies when I was a kid and my lunch would consist of a piece of bread, a bag of…
  • Apples and pork makes a great dinner! My favorite recipe is Braised Pork Chops with Apples and Onions: I usually skip the orange juice - it's not really necessary for flavor and it does remove a little of the calories...not that this is bad anyway, because the pork is lean and…
  • I try to do some of the exercise, but I often don't push as hard because of the discomfort and generally feeling run-down, and I try to take that as sign to not push things. But I do find that doing some exercise helps curb the cravings. As for the cravings themselves...I'm really terrible at controlling them and will…
  • Coughing so hard that I threw up.
  • It tastes so much better than Diet Coke? Even though it's basically the same thing. The Caffeine Free version is nasty, though.
  • Sounds like online dating isn't for you, especially since you're not okay with people being up front about what they want out of a relationship. Also because you seem to be completely focused on appearance and meeting up really quickly, rather than trying to get to know someone through their profile and chatting. Online…
  • Thanks everyone! (esp. ZombieEarhart - you have seen me run!) The heat and humidity is probably a factor as well as speed, even though it wasn't that hot when I was out this morning (around 75 degrees). I have been setting the treadmill to a 4% average incline - I think I might up that to 6% for now to build up endurance.
  • Mine was very much like yours, linalovekitty. I did try to get lots of local and fresh things in there, but I would usually buy them, not cook them, and end up with a fridge full of spoiled food and takeout leftovers. It was really hard to face that I was eating that many calories and gaining weight, too, because I would…