A quick question for the ladies



  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    Work out just like any other day, I don't use it as an excuse to slack. I wouldn't get very far if I stopped exercising and ate whatever I craved for a week every month.
  • ztaitaifufu
    ztaitaifufu Posts: 77 Member
    if your exercise involves lots of stretching it will be really good and make you feel way way better. i actually exercise a lot more often during that time, though it's a little lighter perhaps : ) when i was younger i got awful cramps but once i started doing lots of yoga during those days i haven't had them since. try it!
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    I try to keep to my routine, although may change my workouts around, for example I would do my swimming near the end.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Ibuprofen, lots of water, caffeine, and chocolate. :happy:
  • I have such bad issues with mine that I don't work out on the first couple of days. After that, I put in a little time on the elliptical.
  • DevynPrice
    DevynPrice Posts: 15 Member
    Yoga, yoga, yoga. Or anything related. Pilates is good too, but if it's too bad, stick to yoga. Especially child's pose, corpse pose and cat/cow poses.
  • thursdayswoman
    thursdayswoman Posts: 60 Member
    I try to do some of the exercise, but I often don't push as hard because of the discomfort and generally feeling run-down, and I try to take that as sign to not push things. But I do find that doing some exercise helps curb the cravings.

    As for the cravings themselves...I'm really terrible at controlling them and will often give in. This is hard because I sometimes short myself on more nutritious food in order to stay within the calorie count. That doesn't help with the exhaustion. IIFYM is all fine, but sugar and salt doesn't make for the most consistent energy source.