Spuds,turnip,cabbage and a lump of bacon mashed together... food of the gods.
Lulz you are whats wrong with the world, softness? please go
[/quote] [/quote] The truth hurts, this kid is going to hurt big time when he/she sees their buddies with their dads.. a father is important in a child's life you're a fool to say otherwise.
Pull your socks up or i will pay you a visit...
Heavy lifting in my opinion would be below 8 reps, less reps more muscle, results... ehhhh that depends on so many things diet/programme/genetics etc... you don't need protein shakes but they are very handy and whey is the best protein for muscle growth.
Endurance running produces very weak athletes with very little muscle mass, you should definitely lift just to keep your self strong, tho dont expect to improve too much strength/weight wise, think of it as damage limitation.
@bulkbrah89 - with your airsoft AK-47? you should also get better gloves.... pass
bag and tag
Is it possible to exercise with toddlers? yes, yes it is. The human baby is naturally dumbbell shaped and can be easily maneuvered to perform curls,overhead press,bench and even rowing movements, obviously as your strength increases more babies will be needed, but a baby is a perfect tool for a fitness novice.
Solid 12/10 no homo
Sickening intensity, sometimes i roll around in my own vomit but hey if you want those gains ya gotta bleed for them.
Front squat your body-weight by 30 reps
Cold showers increase anabolic muscle building and strengthen erection fast twitch fibres