walkers345 Member


  • Bump. I am the worst cook, and I just discovered quinoa. Love it!
  • Bump! I love this thread
  • I switched my cheat day to Sunday this week. I am really glad it's over. It was fun, but I was full the last half of the day, it was not a good feeling at all, and I ended up going to bed early at 8 pm. I haven't been so full on a cheat day yet. I didn't eat more than my usual cheat days, so I don't know what was going on.…
  • So I didn't skip cheat day all together, but I managed to lighten a good deal adding in a lot of exercise that day. I was only up 1.4 lbs on Sunday. That is a lot less than my usual 3 tp 4 lbs. Today, I am .4lbs away from my cheat weight, so I feel I am starting ahead this week, It was actually more fun to cheat, knowing I…
  • Weigh in day today. I'm down to 148lb.- pre cheat weight from last week, no loss. I am ok with that, because I lost 2 " since my last measurements. (one month ago), and 4.25" total since January10th. It's slow going, but at least it's going! The plan today is to do a mild cheat day. Caiphus, if ther is any advice I can…
  • Circadian, Yes, I agree. Cheat day is very important, both mentally and for that calorie spike. I have also been going hog wild (no pun intended). I definitely agree it is a great, if not crucial part of the eating plan. I just may try to skip one. We'll see how this week goes. :)
  • Steve, I have been measuring my beans at 1/2 cup limit per meal. I think Tim had recommended a serving of each (protein, legumes, and vegetables) per meal. I have also started measuring my chicken and other proteins. I limit 3 eggs in the morning. BUT, I am a woman with 10-12 lbs to lose. I imagine that as you get closer…
  • Wow! CIrcadian, you can really see a difference, great job! That is so encouraging! Welcome Andrea, that curry chicken sounds really good, thanks for the good idea. Happy Wednesday everyone! Feeling re-invigorated and ready to finish the week strong. Stephanie
  • These are really good posts. I have actually had some struggles this week with being optimistic about the plan. I am staying fully committed when it comes to the 4HB eating , but I am having some struggles this week staying mentally committed, as I have some questions about how it may affect me in the long run (mentally).…
  • This seems like a really good week! Everyone is doing so great. It makes me happy. I'm down to my pre-cheat weight from two weeks ago, which is awesome! 147.6lbs. no Change in measurements, but I feel really good. 135lbs here I come! I purchased one of those fat monitors on Amazon. For the last few days, it has showed me…
  • Mcferg, I am a coffee addict! Or at least I was. I switched to decaf 6 months ago, but I need that morning cup of decaf just because I love the taste. If you can get used to using Stevia powder, it is definitely sweet. I agree with the amount of cinnamon too. I use about a tsp, which i find to be quite a bit. But I do like…
  • Nice Job!!! That's awesome!
  • Hey All! I also lost my cheat weight today, Wednesday!! I am still up .5lbs from two weeks ago, but I am solidly down to pre-cheat weight from last week. I am stoked. Boy, am I sore in my upper back from that kettleball! But that must mean it is doing something. Thanks for the tip Circadian, I don't want to hurt myself.…
  • I'm doing Four Hour Body, based on a book written by Tim Ferriss, which allows one cheat day a week. Just search the topic Four hour body or Slow Carb Diet on this site an you will find a long thread. The plan consists of Meat, Legumes, and vegetables, with 1-2 glass of red wine per day(if you want). I was also kicking…
  • Again, You look amazing. Good for you for being in such a great place in you life. You should be very excited and proud. Great job!
  • Thanks! I will look through you diet info. I am not doing Atkins. I am doing what's called a Slow Carb program or Four Hour Body. It does incorporate lots of beans and fiber which I like, vegetables and Meat. It's lower carbs and no sugar, no dairy. In the long run, I will need to incorporate fruits into this plan because…
  • That is awesome! You look so great! I am currently on a high protein program which consists of a lot of chicken. I have contemplated vegetarianism and possibly veganism for a long time. Where do you get you protein? I am not a fan of soy. If you have any suggestions, that'd be great. Stephanie
  • I can totally tell! Your arms, back, stomach and face for sure. Keep up the good work! You look great. I'm at 150 trying to get to 140 or 135. I'm 5'6" and can relate. :)
  • Mcferg, have you had any changes in measurements or the way your clothes fit? Also, maybe cut the nuts and PB during the week? I wish I had better advice as I am definitely not losing like I would like. But mentally and physically, I feel great so it's worth it. Pre-cheat yesterday, I had lost .25-.5 inches in the waist…
  • Brandy, you can do it! I know it's kind of boring, but you can always find a salad with chicken and vegetables with olive oil, salt and pepper, or salsa for dressing when you're traveling. Like Tim says, if you have to, have walnuts or almonds. If your cheat day falls on a travel day, that sucks in my opinion. I would…
  • Ok everyone, that was a little crazy. Is it Friday yet? YES!! Perhaps it's a full moon :) I'm still up 2lbs from my pre-cheat weight from last week, and tomorrow is my cheat day. UGGH! I am not super worried. I had 3 glasses of wine last night( wait-two nights this week), and I'm having two coffees today with 1/2 and 1/2.…
  • Hooray! I'm down a pound from pre cheat weight last week. I agree about a more moderate cheat day today. It's rough to struggle the whole week, but I definitely need a little cheating today for my sanity.
  • I'm still up 1 lb from pre-cheat day on Sunday and it's Friday today! UGGH. I did eat a late dinner at chipotle after work and I wonder if that has something to do with it. I am following this plan to a T. I feel your frustration CircadianSwing and Mcferg. I do feel great eating this way, but I would like to see some…
  • I come to this thread for positive reinforcement of a healthy lifestyle. No one here is looking for a magic bullet. We are all old enough and I think intelligent enough to know that that is ridiculous. This thread is one of tolerance and inspiration. A lifestyle of lower carbs, no refined foods, with protein, beans and…
  • I am also an emotional eater. Wanted to post so I can read this thread later. :)
  • Cheat day yesterday, and I'm up 3lbs today. I was expecting more. I ate horribly without the guilt, but felt incredibly stuffed by the end of the day, and it wasn't very fun anymore! I have this thing about getting all that forbidden food in on the one day. I hope that soon it changes so, mentally, I can relax and know…
  • It's very hard to tell if I'm down any lbs at all because I switched to a new scale and could not compare the old scale because it was broken. My new scale had me down 3 lbs from pre-cheat weight when I stepped on it Tuesday after my Saturday cheat day. I am down .2lbs from that today, which is Saturday. So not much to…
  • So, I jumped on my scale this morning, and SHOCK, I was 1lb lighter than I was last week pre-cheat day. I didn't believe it, so I asked my husband, and he said he was down about 2 lbs from what our old scale said..BOOOOO. Oh well, So, that probably means I am about 1-2 lbs up from my lowest weight prior to cheat day, But…