Low Carbers...Oh where oh where are you?

I am getting back on the wagon after gaining some of my lost poundage back. I am looking for other low carbers for support and encouragement....


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Here is one low-carber----those carbs are my enemy!
  • georgiagorwell
    Me too, I have had eggs for breakfast everyday since i started this :S
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    I am so glad to find some like minded buddies. I am so sick of people telling me my kidneys are going to "explode" because they don't know what they are talking about. My name is LaJauna and I am a carb addict!
  • 80MJF
    80MJF Posts: 2 Member
    I'm with you, I'm a big supporter of low carb. I feel loads better when I eat this way but do fall off the wagon occasionally!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Here is one low-carber----those carbs are my enemy!

    Congratulations on your continued journey of good health and fitness! I had a great week until I lost my mind last night and had a mini binge. I don't know why I do that to myself. It wasn't about being hungry but just mindless eating. I am back on track today. My goal is to be under 200 by the end of summer. and maybe to goal by the end of the year or at least 100 lbs off.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    I'm a confessed Bread-aholic - anything that looked, tasted or feelt like bread was my best friend.
    Thankfully we've had a break-up, but I'm constantly tempted.
    I read labels on everything I eat or cook - gotta watch for those "nasty carbs"
    I've made peace with the somewhat friendly ones - such as the ones in fresh fruits & veggies, but still I watch them carefully.
    I've lost 20 lbs and I credit 1/2 of that success to limiting the breads & pastas. The other 1/2 I credit to walking 2 miles nearly every day.

    PS, my weight ticker says I've only lost 10lbs - I lost 10 before starting MFP :)
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I wish I could say I am a low carber. I have PCOS and need to be eating low carbs however I am having trouble with it. I just can't think of enough different meals that I like. Anyone have some suggestions for low carb meals?
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    I wish I could say I am a low carber. I have PCOS and need to be eating low carbs however I am having trouble with it. I just can't think of enough different meals that I like. Anyone have some suggestions for low carb meals?

  • elfie9863
    Low Carber here too...have been trying to stay around 20 carbs per day...seems to be working pretty well so far. Also on the elliptical an hour a day at least 3 days a week, sometimes more.

    There are tons of low carb recipies out there...

    http://genaw.com/lowcarb/index.html - Linda's Low Carb Menu - I found a ton of stuff on here...just try looking around on the web, you will find lots and lots of stuff!!!
  • walkers345
    walkers345 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm doing Four Hour Body, based on a book written by Tim Ferriss, which allows one cheat day a week.

    Just search the topic Four hour body or Slow Carb Diet on this site an you will find a long thread.

    The plan consists of Meat, Legumes, and vegetables, with 1-2 glass of red wine per day(if you want). I was also kicking myself when I ate whatever I wanted or Binged, but this plan has helped me to be OK with my cravings and indulge them one day a week.
  • mookieg
    I'm a low carb-er! Carbs are the devil (at least for my body)!! I even think about a piece of bread and I gain 3 pounds (ugh)!!! Stay strong ladies!!!
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    Low carber here! I'm loving it.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I am a low carber also! Bread is my favorite carb, followed by rice. I minimize carbs now and try to stay at less than 100 per day even though this website says I can have more. I have a friend that has a diabetic husband and she says that diabetics try to stay around 100 per day, although I have another friend that tries to stay between 50-60 as her blood sugar is touchy to carbs.

    Anytime you hit a plateau with your weight, cut back on carbs and you will loose.
  • Kalieh7
    Woo Low Carb! I have been on this site since November (I think) and was originally just watching calories and exercising my butt off, but didn't lose a single pound. I mean, not one lousy pound in six months of dieting and working with a personal trainer. My mom was the one who actually suggested I try a low-carb diet, and here I am 13 lbs. lighter! I found the Atkins website and community to be very helpful. Also, if you sign up right now, they send you a little package with a card counter, tiny recipe book, and three free Atkins bars! The "induction phase" is tough because you are only allowed 20 net carbs a day, but the results are AMAZING!
    Keep with it everyone! It's not the easiest diet out there, but it's so worth it!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    that mini binge I had on Sunday is still playing havoc on the scales... I am up 3 lbs even after being strict for the last two days. I am always bummed when I do that to myself, knowing that I am going to have to pay the price for my stupidity. I finally went for a 2.25 mile hike today over hills and such. It was a challenge that I am glad I finally tackled. Now I have no excuses. I didn't die and the soreness is just a sign of how out of shape my poor body really is.
  • hhakim3
    Just wanted to throw in a comment. I'm not a fan of low-carb but I am a fan of semi low-carb. I'll try to explain it like this. I workout a lot. I run around 15-20 miles a week and lift weights 2x-3xs a week. Thus, I need fuel to keep up with my exercise routines. I have been on low-carb and I would feel so sluggish attempting a 3 mile run or lifting weights. So I tinkered the low-carb equation a bit by cutting carbs only after I work-out. I eat Healthy Carbs during the day to keep focus for my activities and workouts then no-carbs post-workout as I have technically used up all my carb stores during the day. I never sleep on bread or carbs. Thats the killer. But I feel like this is a safer way to dieting than totally cutting out one essential nutrient which can have its sideeffects. Be cautious when it comes to carbs, eat them during the day, space your meals, and proteins and fats at night and exercise as ur body can handle.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I'm a low carber!!!
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I am finding there is a difference in carbs for me. If I eat a lot of fruit which has carbs, I can loose weight. If I eat carbs that are from eating bread, rice, pasta etc then I gain back fast.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I consider myseld a low-carber..LOL
    The only thing that keeps my sugar carvings under controla nd weight down...also helps my skin look good :)

  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Cyclical low carber. Just keep up the will power for now, eventually it becomes more of a habit, and less work.