muttley27 Member


  • I'm proud of myself cause last night after dropping my partner home i didnt drive into the 24hr servo and buy bad stuff :)
  • I mainly use the ones entered already, if you weren't using MFP and just following the program how would you know the difference? the only work it out myself if I swap to my own food during the plan... eg different lunch etc.
  • Search for a meal, as someone said above look under 12wbt first. If you cant find it, at the bottom of the page is a link that says: Add a food to the database. Click that. Brand: 12WBT Food description: the name of the dish next bit is the fun bit, you have to work out the serving size and it will always be one serving I…
  • Hello all, I'm Muttley27 on here and the same on 12wbt. Happy to add and be added :) good luck all in your journeys
  • Don't freak out, the best time to weight yourself is first thing in the morning. Up, toilet, weigh. Weighing fully clothed and a full stomach would give you a different result, but to look at it another way: its still a loss and better than a put on. Keep going and the weight will come off, just keep drinking the water,…
  • I'm reading these comments and I can't believe the lack of support (this is the Motivation and support section isnt it? The original poster posted here in good faith, not to be shot down to pieces by others giving their "two cents worth". Just because you don't think that the show is good for you or good in general doesn't…
  • Howdy, I'm also a 12wbter. This will be my 2nd round and i cannot wait. There is also another group on MFP with many more 12WBT peeps if you would like to join Annemarie
  • Hello, thanks for the invitation to the group. Once I sign up, Round 1 of 2012 will be my 2nd round. I lost roughly 6 kilos last round and hope to do that (and hopefully a bit more) this round. Its a long "weigh" to my goal weight but I can do it. This is something I would have never said in my previous weight loss…
  • Yes, i can vouch for it also, 1st round for me, and will continue next year
  • Hey, i know we are near the end of Round 3 but better late than never :) I'm Annemarie, I am also doing Mich's program and I am from Sydney. Feel free to add me as a friend. So who is going to the finale workout and party?