

  • If you're really eating the way you just mentioned, you're not doing yourself any favors. Nearly everything you listed was devoid of any nutrition. I'm not telling you to eat an entire can of mixed nuts, but you need protein, fiber, and fat in your diet. Your crackers and fruit are high in carbs, your Jell-o does nothing…
  • Because (and forgive me if this is crass, but it's the truth) water consumption to adequate hydration alters the appearance of your urine from yellow to clear. Drink what you drink. To me, the word "hydrated" has health implications beyond a lack of thirst. My concern is that people are reading these posts and believing…
  • Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. Is vegetable oil a vegetable? Does eating high fructose corn syrup count as eating corn? Stop romanticizing bad habits. If you drink soda every day and are losing weight, good for you. That doesn't mean there's a direct relationship between the two. They're just facts. Soda provides…
  • I found that changing my mantra made a huge difference. One day, I decided that I was the kind of person who watched what she ate and exercised regularly. Instead of WANTING it, I just changed my point of view. It sounds like such a little thing, but after a couple of days of reminding myself who I was, I found I didn't…
  • I drink only water. Period. It's what works for me. I don't track my intake because I feel that the number is largely arbitrary. I drink when I'm thirsty. On the diet soda front, to each his own. I feel that diet soda is detrimental to health and weight loss. The artificial sweetener might not contain any calories, but…
  • I LOVE NerdFitness. It's what convinced me to go Paleo in the first place. They don't post recipes, but they do post GREAT advice on fitness, health, nutrition, setting good goals, the list goes on. They do regular challenges on their message boards as well. I'm a week into a challenge now, as a matter of fact. Really, I…
  • I made ridiculously good buffalo wings tonight. Pre-heat oven @ 450. Boil wings (yes, boil them... trust me) in salted water for 7-10 minutes. Dry wings and season with salt and pepper. Bake on cookie sheet (I lined mine with foil) for 30 minutes. Flip wings and bake for another 10 minutes. Heat hot sauce (most are…
  • Dairy's fine as long as it's grass-fed/raw. I cook with Kerrygold butter sometimes just to make sure my body can still handle some dairy. There are some great raw-milk cheeses out there, too. If your grocery store has a decent-sized hippie section (you know, where they keep the gluten-free stuff) with a dairy case, you can…
  • When I plateau, I intermittent fast. I'm not necessarily saying you need to do the same, but that's what works for me. Another thing to try is changing up your workout. Try HIIT (high intensity interval training). Short bursts of maximum energy and effort followed by timed rest periods keep your body guessing and increase…
  • I'm Paleo and (not intentionally, but still) calorie-restricted. I stay with Paleo because of the health benefits. I guess I don't understand why you feel it's not sustainable.
  • Never heard of 5:2, but I've been intermittent fasting for a while now. It really helps me get past plateaus, but I mostly love it because I don't mind feeling hungry anymore. I used to use hunger as an excuse to eat fast food, candy, etc. Not worrying about food anymore is the best.
  • I log on multiple times a day. Feel free to add me.
  • Totally had a cheeseburger for lunch.
  • Google these, because I don't feel like finding you links right now. : ) Nom Nom Paleo Civilized Caveman PaleOMG The Urban Poser Good luck!
  • Plateaus aren't myths. If you eat the same amount of calories each day, coupled with the same workout routine, your body will get used to what you're doing and maintain. Plateaus are real things. Starvation mode based on MFP's recommended nutritional levels are a myth, depending on what you're eating. I eat WELL below my…
  • I'm Paleo-obsessed. It's far easier to maintain than you'd think, just a matter of educating yourself about the food you eat. And there are a BILLION helpful blogs out there. Try to get started. Lots of excellent information, recipes, etc. is also a great overall resource.
  • I've been eating Paleo since January. I'm told Atkins is similar, but I like Paleo because it forces you to educate yourself about your food. Fitness-wise, I CrossFit 3x/week, I run a Couch to 5k training program 3x/week, and I do yoga 3x/week. I've lost nearly 30 pounds since early January. I'm happy to give you more…
  • Yes, natural sugar is far better for you than processed sugar, but if you're trying to lose weight, you might consider cutting your fruit intake... or altering your eating window for it. I have a grapefruit with breakfast every morning as part of my workout recovery, and I bring an apple with me to work as a mid-morning…
  • I stay away from peanuts entirely (I'm Paleo) and don't like the taste of almond butter, so I use Sunbutter. It's made from sunflower seeds and yet somehow tastes AMAZING. Give it a shot.
  • Whey protein is gluten free. Most vitamin stores stock a good selection.
  • This is the first thread I've ever read. But I have to jump in here. I eat below what MFP demands of me every day. It's not a matter of calories, it's a matter of quality. I maintain a Paleo diet (which may or may not be vilified here... not sure), I CrossFit 3x/week (which I'm pretty sure IS vilified most places), and I…