rytifgates Member


  • Click on the person's name/picture, then look for the add friend button. It's green.
  • I'm 232...I didn't just join, but just became active again! That counts right?! lol...friend me if you like :D I need more support! I have a handful of friends, but, when I didn't log in for a week, I found a message in the feed that said "rytifgates hasn't logged in for a week and might need some encouragement" it was…
  • I'm 232, 3rd or 4th time on MFP, no success. Looking for people that are similar. It's really hard to see that most of my MFP friends have like 10 pounds to lose and I see myself with 8X that!!! It's so hard! Add me if you like :D
  • It's called Choose To Lose by Chris Powell. It's healthy carbs every other day, and low carb alternating days. Low carb always left me feeling so cranky I could kill, so I never stuck to it! I'm afraid of loose skin though, since it is supposed to make you lose fast. :(
  • NO!!! It's like eating a slice of gigantic chocolate cake in both hands while cycling ;) There's a class for it...lol
  • I'm 80 lbs overweight and in no way in shape. I just saw this show where Chris Powell takes someone who is 100-400 or more pounds overweight, and through carb cycling has them at a normal weight in a year. However, there is some gross comment about skin surgery...which I assume means they've got loose skin. No thank you. I…
  • I agree...I am 80 lbs overweight. I blame no one but myself. However, my skinny (naturally) friend just said the other day (out of nowhere and not in any fitness/weight loss convo) "I think I fall into the category of Skinny Fat." I'm like "what?" Let me go cry my eyes out for you....lol
  • Do you think I will have loose skin? :( I've got like 80 to lose. I was going to try the carb cycling but I don't want to lose it so fast I'm a pile of skin!!!
  • I just accepted your request ;). Tell me about the not having support woman!!! My husband LOVES to eat! Loves to eat out, and really bad food. When I tell him I need him to eat healthy so I have positive support and we can help each other, he says "I'm happy being fat, I don't need to go on a diet" ha ha!!! :noway: