MysterriGal Member


  • Bump. Love love love spinach. Going to make the mini quiche!
  • I am the same way. Things I try to do, drink water, do something to occupy my mind, eat something uber healthy and try and think about how good it is for me, keeping my mind away from bad food. Also, I find a really good workout is like a drug. I've hit some low points lately, some sad and stressful stuff, and sometimes…
  • We understand here! Its really hard to be the "big girl" in the group, especially at your age, when a lot of people are so tiny. 19 is when a lot of crazy stuff happened to me I know, and its only really settled down now! I couldn't lose the weight then, I didn't have the discipline or the ability to focus, so I really…
  • See a doctor. It could be the weight loss, but it could be a whole bunches of other things, ranging from nothing to crazy serious. You don't want to freak out about it, because stress its self will fool up your cycle ( are you under a lot of stress?) but you don't want to leave something like that, its better to know. I'm…
  • I found myself like this too! I had to reassess my eating, I was eating under my calories, but it was a bunch of empty calories. I have given up things like juice (Can have vitamins, true, but goes no where for that "full" feeling) and really watching my condiments and sauces, as thats where a lot of calories can come…
  • Bump. I love breakfast but am not very creative.
  • Broccoli is sooo good! My go to side dish is broccoli florets microwaved in a bowl with a teeny bit of water for 2 minutes, nice and still a little crunchy. I usually just put some honey mustard on it. Broccoli is good baked, last night I cut up some veggies (Broccoli, mushrooms, carrots and celery) and I had some pork…
  • I am a bit of a laughing cow addict lately, so I put it in everything. Something simple: Grill or bake a chicken breast, seasoned to your liking, spread laughing cow cheese and salsa on top. Yummy with steamed broccoli! I also got creative the other night and came up with this and it was sooo good. 4 Boneless Skinless…
  • Laughing cow cheese and salsa on anything Honey Mustard and steamed broccoli Havarti cheese and strawberries (In a pita) Blackberries and Italian salad dressing (On anything else to make a salad) Scrambled eggs and mushrooms I have a million bad for me food marriages, ones that people look at me like I'm crazy for but are…
  • There are different levels to being healthy, you've done awesome with getting your body there, but it has meant sacrificing your social life, which hits your mental and emotional health. Its really easy to do when you've got something getting in the way of the simple things that make you happy, and the things that make you…
  • If you want to eat traditional breakfast like foods for breakfast, you can try and modify some breakfast ideas you do like. Ever try turkey bacon? Some brands can be pretty good and better for you than regular bacon, good chopped up and mixed with peppers, tomato and light cheese (ie laughing cow) in a wrap. Or saute some…
  • Just a quick weigh in, I am down to 240! 2lbs lost! Busy day today, still got to try and get my walk in. Hope everyone is doing well, and good luck to everyone!
  • Welcome! Glad to see some people interested! So, what is your plan? How do you plan on losing the weight? Is it workout videos at home during baby naps, or hard core gym time, or simply out with the stroller? I think for now I am going to do a walk with the stroller on any day that weather permits, as well I have some…
  • So I won't be posting here for a while. Can't be losing weight right now. Turns out I'm eating for 2! So excited. I will definitely be back in 9 months to lose the baby weight, plus more. Good luck to you all, hope everyone has a good summer and reaches their goals!
  • I also have nothing new to post. Weight is at a standstill at 220 right now. This week I was bad, just quit working at McDonald's and took my last week to enjoy my discount. Bad idea, but should be easier not to eat crap now anyways! Time to buckle down properly now... and theres a gym in the building where my new job is,…
  • I stayed the same at 220. I blame that I haven't been watching my sodium, and not drinking enough water. Also, I'm starting a new job now (Getting out of McDonald's yay) And I had to buy real clothes, and they were 1-2 sizes smaller, depending on the style feels good!!! :)
  • I love the food diary! If it had not been for my food diary I would not have lost a pound yet, just because you have no idea what your eating unless you record it. I know what you mean by the one bowl of cereal issue, its not enough, but instead of just eating more cereal I eat things that are lower in calories, for…
  • Last weeks weight=226 This weeks weight=220 6lbs lost!!! Hello awesome! 30lbs lost in total so far. I'm so glad I'm doing good again. I know this is starting again losses still, but its still very exciting! Good luck to everyone!!
  • Last weigh in= 231 Current Weight=226 5lbs Lost! Thats climbing back on the wagon, as I fell off horribly... So its kind of like starting over. But nice way to start again!! BTW Steffi your new profile pic is very pretty!!! You look like a different person than the other one!
  • Bumping to be inspired... climbing back on the wagon is easier with the possibilities these pics show!!
  • Oh Tennisref parties are BAD! My husband turned 30 Saturday and we had a party with soo much food and I just let it all go for the weekend.So I need to really kick myself in thebutt now and really start back at this. I think a good eye opener was trying on a shirt for the party that was looking a little better on me and…
  • Have not gained, have not lost, still at 230. Time for me to crack down!!!
  • I am up 3 pounds to 230. Not nice, but on the plus side I am finally feeling better after 2 weeks of being sick! Now I just have to get back on track.
  • My ideal weight is 5lbs over where the BMI says I'd be in a healthy range. I chose this by looking back, in high school I was always a bit over weight, and the least I can remember being is 170lbs. Figure 20lbs less than that would be good for me now. Alot of people seem to think going less than that I'd be pretty sickly…
  • I am still at 227. I am happy with that though, crazy weird sick since two Sundays ago, sitting up makes me tired, and what I eat doesn't like to stay eaten. So, I'm trying to eat as much as I can, and move a little. My metabolism is probably shot, but at least I haven't gained. I feel a bit better today. Wish me luck for…
  • Something is weird with my scale or something, stepped on the scale this afternoon, after eating thus should be up, and the scale said 224, 5 lbs less than this morning!! Weird...
  • I am the same as last week, 229. I dropped a bit but have been sick for a couple days now, takes a toll on the body! I have also had a couple days where I couldn't manage to eat enough (less than 1200) At least I maintained...
  • I was raised much like yourself, our version of healthy was a salad with half a bottle of dressing on it, half the salad consisting of cheese. Its a hard mind set to get out of for sure. I've gone from liking nothing healthy to loving alot of it. As someone else said, I'm starting to realise that healthy means real food.…
  • Last weeks weight= 231 This weeks weight=229, down 2lbs!!! Yay back on track it seems. Hopefully I can keep it up. Good luck to everyone in the next week! @Ashnichole10 - Thanks... however I don't have near enough will power... or the organizational skills or ability to get up earlier to pack lunches... its a bad…
  • I work at McDonald's (Worst place to work to lose weight btw) And I think that is completely rediculous!!! Definitly ask for a manager! Be it rules may be different as I'm in Canada, but I think about 25% of the Happy Meals sold are for adults!!! They can't punish you for wanting a smaller portion... And the salads are…