

  • Speaking of dangerous areas, your less likely to roll an ankle on a treadmill than concrete because of the loose gravel all over. Oh and shin splints!! OUCH!!
  • I am a total hamster. Being on a treadmill holds me accountable to actually get to my desired mileage and speed I should be on pace with. Running outside I am to apt to stop and smell the roses before I have reached my goal.
  • I run a mile for sprints and then lift. I am lifting 5-6 days a week. I haven't cut out carbs completely but I have cut a lot of the processed carbs. You need some cardio just to get your heart healthy and to push blood through the muscles to warm them up. Everything is going to be based on how your body reacts to the…
  • The common thing I see in everyone who wants to lose weight is what diet should I be on, what works best for you. I have always said I am going to go on a diet to lose the weight but the reality of it is DIETS FAIL! No matter how you cut it, diets fade and that's when the weight comes. To lose weight and keep it off we…
  • My parents have the fitbit one and they love it. I want to get a fitbit force but they are back ordered for 4-6 weeks. As soon as I can get my hands on one I will. I have heard a lot of great things about them.
  • I'm 5'3, 34, and need to lose about 60 pounds. I work out 6 days a week and love to talk about workouts and food. I think the more I talk about working out and eating right the easier it is to do it!!
  • I'm 34, 5'3, and weigh 193. Yes I have my bad days especially when some doctor tells me I am morbidly obese which if you saw my booty and my rack you would understand where at least 40 pounds is coming from! Even for my height and my age they say I should be 120, I'm sorry when I was 128 pounds I looked anorexic and my…
  • Motivation is a hard one. I have found that working out with someone is a great motivator because there is someone to hold you accountable. My friend and I have been at this since the beginning of November and it was a struggle for both of us to get up and go. Once we got into a flow and the routine of it, it's like my go…
  • What are you eating, have you changed your diet at all?
  • If you have a pinterest account look up refrigerator oatmeal. It's an overnight oatmeal, really yummy, and you can sweeten it up with honey, fruits, and yogurt. I use honey vanilla greek yogurt and it amazing!!
  • Count me in. I need some extra encouragement and could use some dietary help!!
  • Being a Massage Therapist it was always inbedded into our heads that you need to be drinking half your weight in ounces DAILY! Not 32 ounces, not 8 glasses a day, but half your weight in ounces. This is because our bodies are 70% water and if we are not drinking enough water we are dehydrating our muscles. This leads to…
  • Same here. I have an 8 year old and was fairly active until about 3 years ago when I went back to school and started drinking soda everyday! I have since stopped drinking soda but have gained an insane amount of weight. I need motivation to get to the gym, and people to hold me accountable!