How do you sweeten your oatmeal?



  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Some my options:
    - chop up an apple, and add a sprinkle of cinnamon
    - a handful of blueberries
    - cut up some strawberries

    Next on my list to try:
    - other berries
    - bananas
    - TBD

    I don't add sugar, honey, artificial sweeteners, etc. I used to, but I tapered down until I didn't need added sweeteners any longer.

    EDIT: Given all the suggestions for peanut butter - never considered it - that's now first on my list to try next!
  • Slim_strategy
    personally I use this every morning >
    1 tsp of agave nectar = 14 calories
    1tsp of stevia = 2 calories
    1 tsp of light hot chocolate powder = 25 calories (optional but awesome)

    Grand total : 41 calories

    then I just add some fruit + nuts xD
  • AndiGirl70
    AndiGirl70 Posts: 542 Member
    I use a tsp of splenda brown sugar
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I recently tried these yummy biscuits:
    - mix 2x ripe bannanas with a full cup of oats + a pinch of salt and maybe some raisins
    - make biscuits out of them and place them on baking paper
    - 15-17 mins in the oven

    They are sweet and flavored + no sugar
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I've heard a lot of people on here talk about organic steel cut oatmeal and how great it is for you. Since I love oatmeal and didn't have any of the processed instant stuff at home to tempt me, I went to a local shop and picked up a bowl. I asked for strawberries and blueberries to be mixed in, which helped with the flavor, but overall it was extremely bland. I knew it would be made with water and not milk and probably wouldn't be sweetened, but I was still surprised. When I brought it home, I added one spoonful of honey, and that made it just sweet enough to be edible. I figured doing that was healthier than adding processed sugar. What do you guys do to sweeten your oatmeal, but still keep the meal low cal and healthy?

    didn't read through the pages, but some probably already said -

    There's nothing wrong with a little bit of sugar.
    I use 12-15 grams of brown sugar in my morning oatmeal. It tastes wonderful. I also add a little vanilla and cinammon while it's cooking. There aren't that many calories in sugar, so why avoid a little bit of it? Enjoy your oatmeal.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I always add crunchy nut peanut butter, or sprinkle ground cinnamon on it - Its lovely!

    I had PB this morning with my oats....Maybe too much, but does fill you up until lunch!
  • girlschmoopie
    girlschmoopie Posts: 140 Member
    I just had some for breakfast with chocolate peanut butter mixed in.
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I cook the steel cut oats with cinnamon and then stir in berries or peaches. (I use the frozen kind. I'll put a bag of frozen fruit in a container in the fridge the night before and then add them when they're defrosted.)

    It's not super-sweet, but I'm okay with that.
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    I add 1 scoop cellucor or optimum nutrition protein and 1 packet sugar substitute to 1 cup oatmeal.

    +1 I add the same, mainly optimum and a banana (minus the sugar sub). Works great for me, keep me full a lot longer as well.
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    Lots and lots of brown sugar.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    For flavour, I add a teaspoon of cinnamon to mine - I love the stuff. I've cut right down on sweetening so I just have two small teaspoons of Stevia. I also add 20g of pumpkin/sunflower/linseed and sesame seed mix for some Omega 3 and to give it a bit of "bite". Yummmmm...
    Couldn't agree more! Nom nom nom nom...
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 222 Member
    Splenda and fruit :)
  • morgan_mfit
    morgan_mfit Posts: 60 Member
    Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet.. but sugar free pancake syrup is BOMB.COM (ie-amazing) in morning oatmeal. I add that with almond butter or unsweetened shredded coconut, cinnamon, chia seeds, mixed berries, and egg whites.

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    What do you guys do to sweeten your oatmeal, but still keep the meal low cal and healthy?

    Vanilla extract, cinnamon and maple syrup. I also add a tablespoon of butter to my oatmeal... makes it very savory.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    With Stevia or sugar-free maple syrup.
  • fsucrack
    fsucrack Posts: 68 Member
    I add 1 tsp of cinnamon and brown sugar with raisens.
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member
    I've been using the same recipe for a while now:

    - 2 tbsp of oatmeal
    - 2 tbsp of oat bran
    - 1 tbsp of raisins
    - 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    - 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
    - 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
    - Honey to taste (usually about half of a Kraft single serve honey package)

    Usually a lot easier to prepare the oatmeal in a mason jar (500ml) with 1 big tbsp of cinnamon, 1 big tsp of nutmeg and 1/2 tsp of ground ginger. You can mix it well in the jar and write instructions on it with a Sharpie!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I always cook it in a mix of milk and almond milk and then add these combos:

    - banana, chocolate protein powder, ground flax
    - apples, cinnamon protein powder, ground flax
    - dried cranberries, vanilla protein powder, ground flax

    The fruits and the powder offers enough sweetness for my personal palette.
  • irunforcookies
    irunforcookies Posts: 111 Member
    Am I the only person that gags on sweet oatmeal? For me, it's perfect with a pat of butter and a sprinkle of salt. My kids think I'm crazy - they love milk and honey every time, but I love mine savory!
  • wyndielund
    If you have a pinterest account look up refrigerator oatmeal. It's an overnight oatmeal, really yummy, and you can sweeten it up with honey, fruits, and yogurt. I use honey vanilla greek yogurt and it amazing!!