gamerguy123 Member


  • Actually just weighed myself. I am 170 6'1 but can BARELY fit into 34 relaxed fit. Guess my BF% is high. Oh well I have made progress in terms of lbs lost, but none in terms of pant size.
  • Oh man I am same height/weight as most of you..6'1 180 but barely fit in 34 relaxed fit. Oh well guess my fat is just around my stomach/waist. Thanks 4 replying
  • I do log my veggies, even though most tend to be low in calories. Especially mine since I don't dip them in anything and eat them raw (maybe just boiled in plain water). I understand, they are low in calories so why log, but on the other hand, which I tend to look at it, is why NOT log them. The downside is only that it…
  • This is what I was kind of thinking and alluded to in my original post. I just was more curious if there were cases of ectomorphs had better success with eating more/less carbs since a few websites mentioned this. Thanks.
  • Yes, it was a doctor. The Doctor thought it was dehydration, but I drink lots of water and after a bit of research, I saw BUN could be increased due to protein intake, which made more sense since I upped my protein intake. But all this is secondary to my question, I really just added to clarify that I couldn't increase in…
  • Kashi Go Lean, I like the protein content and the taste is just a little sweet, not too sweet.
  • Thank you this is very interesting. Really appreciate all your advice on this and congrats on all the success you have had.
  • I couldn't do without my GF grill. I have the one with removable plates. 4 serving was worth the extra for me. Pros: Great for frozen turkey burgers or ground turkey. Also works for bacon. It's great because it's easy and fast. Grilled sandwhiches are a nice change of pace and are very easy. Cons: I find the plates don't…
  • My stats are as follows-M, 6'1, mid twenties, 170 lb. I got my BF measured using a scale and then once of those things you hold in your hand. Scale said 12%, the hand held device said 16.4%. Very small frame if that matters...
  • Yes, I really like your advice as well. Full fat dairy may not be right for me, but I will add other fats to my diet. I do have some hunger pains and clearly my fat content is at the very least, a major reason for this. I usually "cook" (in quotation marks because I suck at it) with non stick cooking spray. But I am going…
  • Thanks, yes I agree on nuts. I actually asked about nuts in a different posting. I like almonds and I know they have fat. Plus I can do a 100 calorie pack, which I can defiantly work in & still have a deficit. A couple of people suggested going to regular dairy. Sorry my mistake I should have been a little more clear, full…
  • Thank you, I like the fish idea. I like fish and I have also read it has the fat I need. I do realize I will have to cut something because fat will come with calories. My hope is to do so without significantly adding too many cals (going overboard). I eat liquid eggs and fat free cheese, so that may not work well for me.…
  • I based my macro goals on recommendations after reading websites, particularly: Based on livestrong, I think my goals are reasonable. 45% is kind of high for what they suggest.
  • Yes I agree, prelogging seems to be a solid idea. I usually do this to make sure I am under my limit for the day. But once I started looking at macros...I realized I still have some work to do. I like the peanut butter idea, it should help with my fat. Now that I am upping my cals a bit, hopefully I can work it in. I think…
  • Sorry I should have been more specific. The fruits are my bigger source of carbs in general, not that these items themselves put me over. They are the biggest culprits.
  • Some of this will work me, esp the FF dairy. But I cannot eat beef (in any form). All other meats are fair game...but I tend to prefer chicken and turkey.
  • Firstly, thank you for the advice. I got my BF measured at my gym, they used a device that you hold in your hands. I have been thinking about upping my calories, but as I said in my post on weekends I tend to overeat so that's why I keep it low. Also, 1500 is what MFP said to loose 1.5/week. I am at a 34-36 waist now, my…
  • I am 16.4% BF and I don't look anything like your Aug 2012 picture, my goal is to look like that in the end. I workout 6 days a week (alternate muscle groups, lift heavy, HIIT 3 times per week), weekdays eat 1500-1600 cals/day, weekends I eat too much. M, 6'1, 170. I am working to cut down on weekends to eat 1800-2000/day.…
  • Out of the kitchen..I play video games. Madden on weekdays for a quick game on weekdays to keep me distracted. Long RPGs on weekends I have to kill a few hours. I am keeping my hands busy this way. HINT: Skyrim. In the kitchen...I try to reach for apples, carrots, etc when I am hungry now. Not always successful but it…
  • The gym sucking especially concerns me...I changed my routine to lift heavier & do more compound exercises, so that might suck not being able to do it for 5 days. Plus I set a deadline to loose 10 lbs by the end of December. The other part is last time I went on vacation-gained 10-12 lbs of fat & I am just now loosing it.
  • I like this idea a lot, especially since I can do them at home . But I actually tried this out and I couldn't fit it in my door frame. I have an older conodo. I will try buying another one see if that fits. If it doesn't Wal-Mart returns are pretty good.
  • These last two posts have been awesome advice. I will definitely do that stretch. I can do a few hammer ups like the video calls them--from the video I think I actually am doing those right. All these posts have been awesome. I am thinking about starting a new thread, posting my entire workout routine. Maybe I can get some…
  • Yeah using that side grip I can actually do 4 on a good day. Which is still horrible. Using the fingers facing towards me (chin up) I can do 2. I am kind of surprised pull ups are so much harder, cannot do 1. But like others have said, I will loose weight and strengthen my back. Those guys that just jump up there and bust…
  • I also wanted to add that the pull up/chin up station at my Gym has handles that shape like this: _I I_ . I can do a couple of chin ups as I said earlier, but also by holding the I part of the bar (so my hands are sideways and my knuckles face each other), I can do several more. Will this sideways grip help me do pull ups…
  • Thank you JoRocka, I agree with what you are saying. My main goal was to get some workouts, which you gave me. I do train, but when I read your list I realized I really wasn't doing much on the back. That might be the one area where my training was lacking now that I think about it. The only back exercises I do is the Lat…
  • Thanks all for your response. I think the key based your response is back training, which honestly I don't do much off. And yes, Jackson I am fat. I have an extremely small frame. My current weight I am about 35 waist size. When I was 150 I was about 32 waist size. So about 20 lbs. I know it's hard to believe-just bad…
  • This is prob too simple/already thought off. I like a buzz while I'm playing video games on weekends. So what I do is instead of the regular size light beers I get the smaller cans/bottles. So what ends up happening is I have a few small cans instead of a couple of big think it's 12 oz vs 8 oz. So I have the same…
  • Thank you all for your help. Seriously. This confirms most of what I have read. I think nuts are ok in small portions now. What I will prob end up doing is buying those small 100 calorie packs of natural almonds to control how many I eat. Good luck to all.
  • I am in this exact same boat. I lost 15-18 lbs & gained it all back. Not only did I stop tracking, but I ate like a monster. But I am trying to loose again. Luckily I enjoy exercising and have been going to the gym for 7 yrs straight. However, my workouts were only moderately intense. I now work out harder than I ever did…