

  • Having patience with my injury today even though I wanted to work out. After a spine injury I often get inflammation in my hips and it's very painful. Though I could force myself through it it would risk re-injury. Patience is key in my world.
  • I portion out what I'm "allowed" of the bad stuff (chocolate etc) and then put the rest away in a hard place to get to. Then bring the portioned out amount to where ever I am eating (livingroom, basement etc). This way I make it a pain to even consider getting more. Doesn't always work but it makes you think about it.
  • This may be TMI but junk food like McDonalds tend to sprint through my system so if I were to weigh myself the day following eating McDonalds I would probably be lighter as well. Weight change like that you've noted is pretty normal and can be attributed to many things such as water weight, sodium intake resulting in water…
  • Well I read everything you wrote and it was all too familiar for me. I'd like you to know that you are amazing and powerful. Look at everything you have survived! You are a warrior and a fighter. You will make it through to better times. If you want to talk in private about my personal struggles with an abusive ex in my…
  • If I'm going to a party or someone's house I will have a small healthy meal before I go so that I'm not starving and will not munch on junk food. Position yourself away from the food, if it's set up on a table in the room choose the chair on the opposite side. When you're going out to eat I will order the appertizer…
  • Since I do not know you or your husband nor your marriage I cannot presume to know whether or not he was trying to be helpful or harmful. However I like to give people the benefit of the doubt so this is something I would suggest if he wants to help. Replace his negative energy with positive reinforcement. If he's going to…
  • I think that you are going about this in a healthy long lasting way. It's clear that you've really considered the new path you're on and it looks like you have the right idea. Last April I suffered a spine/hip injury which left me in a lot of pain which has negatively affected my self-esteem and general happiness. Ended up…
  • Exercise doesn't have to be running on a treadmill. I learned this the hard way as I had a bad spine/back injury and was unable to walk for a while and am still experiencing pain just doing nothing. Literally, I sit/lay down and am in pain. You just need to move and not even quickly. There are tons of moves you can do…
  • It can be discouraging when you're looking for the results to show. I always complain that I wish my weight loss was like a movie where I could hit the montage button and you'd see me punching frozen meat and running up steps throwing my hands up in the air at the top. In order to combat these particular blues I would…
  • This.
  • I'd say do whatever you're comfortable with. If you open it and someone is cruel about your choices block them. This is supposed to be a tool to help not to make you feel bad. So if you're afraid of honesty on your diary due to haters either keep it closed or block/ignore the haters.
  • Well it's a good thing you've got your doctor on the case. Not everyone is into this but have you considered going on birthcontrol to manage your period? I was very active in highschool with a terrible diet and stopped having my period so a doctor put me on birthcontrol to regulate it (and they probably assumed I was…
  • Hey Hollee! This is my second time on MFP and I'm looking to build a nice support group thats positive and involved. Feel free to add me so we can encourage each other! Good Luck! :D
  • If you're looking to boost your metabolism the best way is to drink water and exercise. Boring I know but other than that I know a lot of women say that B12 supplements help them have more energy but not sure if that's due to metabolism or to the fact that it aids in the bodies production of blood and women need more blood…
  • Problem with BMI is that it doesn't account for the differences in muscle mass from one person to the next. The Wii Fit uses BMI and it told my Fiance that he was overweight. I'm not saying this because I'm marrying the guy but he is not fat! He does have a fair bit of muscle though so according to his weight vs. height…
  • There could be many reasons why your stomach is swollen but you need to look at some key things first. When was the last time you had a bowel movement (you don't have to tell us, it's just a question for yourself ;D)? Is the stomach hard or can you press down into it? Are you experiencing pain? If you are experiencing pain…
  • Hi Kayci! This is my second time on MFP as it helped me maintain a healthy weight before my injury so I decided to come back to help me lose the pounds I've put on. My goal is to lose 60 pounds in total and however many I can before I get married in September (omfg!). Trying to not worry about losing too much too quickly…