I appreciate your page! I am trying to get back to my healthy lifestyle!
I totally know how you feel! But, I am trying to keep my head up and continue working out because I know it really is the best thing to do. I have noticed too that a lot of my weight loss stopped when I started working out more, but after reading all these posts I am feeling a little better about it! :happy:
yep! go to 'my home', then 'track food', then 'settings'. i added sodium to mine too. you may only be able to have 5 though...
Try coupons (if you have the time) :) They help me out a lot.
OK, this is my savior ... Deep Chocolate Vitatop!! Ever heard of vitamuffins? Only 100 calories and it makes me feel much better when I want something sweet. :)
I use the zig-zag method, and love it. And I've noticed if I'm hungrier some days, then I need to eat more that day. Your body isn't lying. Try more fiber in your diet. Fiber helps control your hunger too.
I have no idea what that word means, but i looked it up and it worked!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
VITATOP! The deep chocolate. I eat at least one everyday.
good idea, thank you! i will do that. :)
what about using fat free or light mayo instead?
Definitely! I walk at a local park and used a pedometer, and have had great success!
I can totally understand where you're coming from. My husband is SO skinny, but he eats like crazy. And it's all unhealthy foods!