Losing weight just fine and then I exercised!

So, I am very active for my job. However when the weekend rolls around I feel like I should be doing something to make up for the fact that I'm not working. So last night I hit the gym, didn't do much just 15 minutes on the elliptical and some light weights to strengthen and tone my arms, crunches etc. I know that working out makes you retain water so I drank several glasses after as I normally do. I ate my normal amount of calories, typically I eat anywhere between 1700-1850 ( during my active job) So it wasn't necessary to up my intake with one little visit to the gym.
But to my dismay I weighed a pound more this morning! I just want to know why....didn't I do everything right??? Maybe it will be gone tomorrow but what if it's not?? Can someone help me understand what I can chalk this up to?
I log my calories but not on this site, I use an app. Not looking for a critique of my diary because when I don't go to the gym, this is not an issue. Should I just not do extra workouts??? Thanks all for your input! I love this site : )


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    If this was a new routine or more intense than usual, your body will retain water, post-workout, until your muscles repair. This can be as much as 5 pounds for some people.

    I will NEVER advocate giving up on exercise. It's just a better lifestyle!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    If a one day weight fluctuation of one pound makes you freak out, you need to stop weighing so often. Bodies are constantly changing weight depending on what you ate, drank, how you exercised, hormones, etc.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    If this was a new routine or more intense than usual, your body will retain water, post-workout, until your muscles repair. This can be as much as 5 pounds for some people.

    I will NEVER advocate giving up on exercise. It's just a better lifestyle!


    I gain between 1-4 lbs every time I exercise after having rested for a while. If you gained it in less than 24 hours, it is most likely water weight from muscle repair. I also up my water intake, but the excess water is still there. I usually do a 4-6wk workout program and then take a week off, and at the end of that week, I "magically" lose that water weight and then some! Now, if only I could convince myself to ONLY weigh during those rest weeks, LOL!

    I know how you feel, it is so discouraging to work hard and see the scale go up! We just have to reprogram our thinking to not worry and remember that the overall effect of working out is POSITIVE, no matter what the scale says!
  • Kennediva
    Kennediva Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for your responses. I know it sounds a bit crazy to be " freaking out" over a pound in one day, but it is such hard work and you constantly want to progress. It's nice to have a sounding board where I can get rational responses from people like you. Thanks again : )
  • valeri223
    valeri223 Posts: 15 Member
    I totally know how you feel! But, I am trying to keep my head up and continue working out because I know it really is the best thing to do. I have noticed too that a lot of my weight loss stopped when I started working out more, but after reading all these posts I am feeling a little better about it! :happy: