Round two, friend me =]

phatycake Posts: 216
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I am not new, but new to posting.

I gave birth in 2009 and two weeks ago. Lets just say Im def. not close to fitting into my pre pregnancy clothing.

I am 25 and live in Utah. I have 3 children 5, 18 mon and 2 weeks old. My husband is overweight and its hard to diet without him on the wagon. The chocolate, candy and meals he eats makes it harder on me.

I actually decided on a life change before I got pregnant with my 18 month old and i was very successful I went from 185 to 140! I am very serious about doing this again. Summer is coming and I want to be able to enjoy it like I should, especially with my children wanting to be outside all season. Sweat pants are not what I want to be sporting this year. ;)

Friend me and lets do this together, I will be here a long time...well, lets hope not too long. ;)


  • khollyk
    khollyk Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome & good luck! Friend request sent! :)
  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    I am also not new but new to posting :) congrats on the new arrival ! and welcome back
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey!
  • we are around the same starting weight and have the same goal!
  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    congrats on the new baby!! friend request sent!
  • littlemoron
    littlemoron Posts: 36 Member
    Friended! :flowerforyou:
  • xLaurenex
    xLaurenex Posts: 27 Member
    We are the same age and have pretty much the same goal. Friend request sent.
    EDBENAGLIO Posts: 424
    when i quit smoking i still had 10 packs and one opened packes of smokes. i desided that if i wanted it bad enough i could do it with them looking me in the eye. eveytime i walked by them i said hi and moved one. everyday i made it i felt better about myself and to this day 2 yrs later ther is a cig and lighter somewhere i can get to if i wanted (quit over 2 yrs ago) i take the same aproch with food. if know you can you might be able to say no but when you say you can't then you think about it all day till you do.

    i say this because the food your dh has or eats don't have to be what you eat. you did it befor and can do it again .
  • valeri223
    valeri223 Posts: 15 Member
    I can totally understand where you're coming from. My husband is SO skinny, but he eats like crazy. And it's all unhealthy foods!
  • fluffyduck2004
    fluffyduck2004 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Ive been using MFP since end of jan , i did wight watchers for a while last year but found i wasnt sticking to it as i should and was wasting my money then i heard about MFP being free to joined up :-)
  • phatycake
    phatycake Posts: 216
    Wow! Thanks for all the motivation and support! Your amazing ♥♥♥
  • 0mega60
    0mega60 Posts: 64 Member
    Toronto, ON
    ""***Energy and persistence conquer all things**.......***Ενέργεια και επιμονή κατακτήσει όλα τα πράγματα*** "
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