

  • for sure you were - head on over there to and compare what you have been eating with what the insanity daily cals and breakdown calls for... i know for month two you HAVE to up your carbs - and for most ppl month two is where the magic happens (in terms of fat loss) cuz the intensity goes up. Remember -…
  • okay - lets talk about the breakdown in cals... if you were falling asleep at work and you have raised your cals up - how did you raise them? did you up your carbs? sounds to me like water retention due to the new changes in your diet... it is entirely natural to retain some water when you make drastic changes like that -…
  • couple of things here.... 1st off - this is a common complaint with the first two weeks of Insanity. It's not really a complaint per-say, Beachbody actually put out an article about it not too long ago. The long and the short of it is that your body is adjusting to new stressors with working out, muscle growth and water…
  • If you have worked out 5-6 days a week in the past and are eating clean I would suggest Insanity. You are guaranteed results if you stick with it. Yes it's tough - but if it wasn't a challenge then there wouldn't be anyone doing it. Those saying "it looks to hard" are making up excuses. I've physically watched 250 pound…
  • Do what you can for the recovery week - try to work out the day you leave and the day you come back - don't venture too far from your diet... basically - what i would do is take the break for the few days you are away and then pick up on the day you left off. IE if you are on day 30 when you leave - your first workout when…
  • Just go on google and do an Insanity before and after image search - or go to and have a look. I can tell you theres MANY ppl on here that have had huge results - wether they are coaches or not.
  • Hi - have done Body Beast before and had great results! the goal of the program is to gain lean mass - however to do that you have to eat the extra calories like the diet guide says. Do i feel like it's a little over the top after coming off a round of P90X2? yes. However - thats only for the first two phases - the last…
  • @guamybear you are turning into an expert!!! :) Insanity and Hip Hop Ab's at the same time!!!! you are rocking it!!!
  • If you love cardio - Insanity is where it is at! google insanity before and after pics and you will see the amazing results ppl have had!! and there is no equipment required except for some way to play the DVD's and whatever clothing you want to wear. It truly is an amazing workout.
  • you are doing so good!!! i'm so proud to have you on our team!!!
  • hey - I started out with two med balls - and progressed up to the 4. I am on phase two right now and theres only a handful of times you MAY need 4 med balls - but thats also going to depend on your balance... the med balls will work much better then using a dumbbell. There are ways you can modify without the stability ball…
    in p90x2 Comment by robpbeachbod April 2013
  • without sounding like an advertisement - i have heard amazing things about a cleanse called 21 day ultimate reset... theres a few people in my accountability group doing it right now - seems like they drop 10-15 lbs in 21 days... it's a combination of the supplements they supply (all natural) and clean eating... I am…
  • i'm a home gym with workout video kinda guy - 5-6 days a week for me! love it!
    in Gym? Comment by robpbeachbod April 2013
  • just stick with the program!! your before during and after pics will tell the tale - and like others have said - don't be so fine tuned to what the scale says - trust the real proof - and that is the photos! :)
  • Hey - first things first - cut out the artificial sweetener!!! that stuff is no good for you - and probably worse for you then real sugar. recent studies show that those using artificial sweetener IE drinking diet pop, using sweetener packets etc cause people to consume 30% more calories then those not using them. my…
  • Please do not let that guy sell you Shakeology. Try this first: [/quote] I'm not "Selling" anything - i'm recommending something that I use because it works for me. It's up to the individual if they want to use it or not themselves. If…
  • i just checked mine - lol - the brand is "mimiccreme" i don't have a wholefoods nearby but i'm sure they do have it!!!
  • not sure what program you are doing but I have a free support group on FB for ppl doing Insanity, P90X, turbofire or any other beachbody program. Not sure if you are interested or not but we post success tips and motivate each other! it's really great and keeps us all accountable
  • i get an almond and cashew half and half "cream" for my coffee! have to get it at the health food store in the fridge section - so good!!! and dairy free!
  • I like shakeology! the new chocolate one tastes amazing and i feel so good after it