Can someone point me in the right direction??

I am trying to lose the 30 lbs I have gained over the while and I am feeling so crappy..Meals I can conquer with healthy foods but my biggest problem is sweets. I can eat a healthy B, D and S and then that evening binge on cookies, bars and stuff....anything with sugar...Ive tried to sub it with sugar free puddings and fruits and other better choices but it doesnt seem to satisfy me for long. I literally crave sugar.....I have cut back to just a sweetner in my coffee and tea and I really like that. But I have been told to curb my sweet craving follow a diabetic meal plan and eventually it should lesson my sugar cravings. Anyone have any experience with this and if this is true can u point me to a good site to get more info on what to eat and go by....Or if anyone has any other tips or suggestions that may help it would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I just incorporated some sweets into my every day diet. For example, today's afternoon snack are crackers with Nutella and unsweetened banana chips. Yesterday after dinner I had sunflower cookies. Placing sweets stratigically into my diet helped me not feel "deprived" which in turn helped me to not want to binge (because I know I get it anyway).
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    Make sure you're getting enough protein. Lack of enough protein and fats leads to carbohydrate cravings. Eat a good dinner, 600-700 calories with plenty of protein. You shouldn't be hungry again afterwards. If you are, then eat dinner later and go to bed earlier. I find if I stay up later than 10PM, I start thinking about sweets.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I like having a cup of herbal tea that tastes sweet without sugar. Bengal Spice, any of the Zinger teas, licorice tea
  • DenverGirl93
    DenverGirl93 Posts: 32 Member
    They say the less you eat, the less you want something but you got to get over the cravings so here is a link that I pinned in pinterest:

    When all else fails I simply believe in everything in moderation so when I want chocolate I will have 1 of the ghirardelli dark chocolate squares 70% cacao. Skinny cow has a host of products that are low in sugar & calories but will stop the cravings. I love their dreamy caramel clusters in dark chocolates only 120 calories per pouch.

    Good luck you can do is hard initially but before you know it the cravings will go away. :smile:
  • robpbeachbod
    Hey - first things first - cut out the artificial sweetener!!! that stuff is no good for you - and probably worse for you then real sugar.
    recent studies show that those using artificial sweetener IE drinking diet pop, using sweetener packets etc cause people to consume 30% more calories then those not using them.

    my suggestion - get yourself some stevia or agave, or worst case scenario sweeten your tea and coffee with honey. Also think about doing a cleanse - our bodies all have a sugar addiction cuz we are hardwired to feel rewarded from the reaction refined sugar has with our brains.
  • larncy
    larncy Posts: 47 Member
    I do drink alot of diff teas that I do like too and they help..And I do incoperate sugar in my days but what I meant was I used to be a junkie....Like literally ate 2-3 vachons a day, 2 bars a day, bag candy, whatever i could eat...I was a food addict and I guess I'm tryin to overcome that still some but right now my main problem is no matter what sweets I eat and sub for....I still crave the choclate, the bad must sound like a binger and actually I did consider myself one at some point but I'm past that now...Now I just need to learn to get the bad sweets outta my mind and control my sugar....hence why some say following certain diets will curb that craving...Thanks for all ur info thus far!
  • csmith822
    csmith822 Posts: 46 Member
    Sugar (candy in particular) is my weakness, too. I have been using MFP since January and have been very happy with the results. If I don't eat a lot of sugar, my cravings for it are way less. Easter was hard for me and I did eat a lot of sweets for a couple of days. My craving for sugar came back after that, but it only lasted a day or two. For me, popcorn at night seems to be a good snack. I budget for it in my calories, but it feels like I am eating a lot for only 120 calories. Good luck!
  • larncy
    larncy Posts: 47 Member
    What kind of cleanse are u talking about....I hear ya on the sweetners and I do know that its just real hard...BUT I started off with 2 sweetners and now down to half a one now in a reg cup so I'm tryin to slowly ween myself and that part is working...I did try stevia but uggh just cant adapt to the taste of that at all!!
  • larncy
    larncy Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for that link...Some good points there...I have did a couple...but I like the one about cuttin it out for 3 full days to let my levels drop and then u will feel satisfied with the little things u have...I will try these for sure..Thanks so much for ur info and advice...Every little bit helps in some way!
  • robpbeachbod
    without sounding like an advertisement - i have heard amazing things about a cleanse called 21 day ultimate reset... theres a few people in my accountability group doing it right now - seems like they drop 10-15 lbs in 21 days... it's a combination of the supplements they supply (all natural) and clean eating... I am thinking of doing it when I am finished my P90X2 routine.
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    What works for me is not keeping sweets in my house, that way when the late night cravings come there is nothing to have. That doesn't mean I don't have sweets, far from it! If I want ice cream, I go to the local Haagen Dazs or gelato place and get a single serving (actually I like kid's sizes but it doesn't matter). If I want a dessert in a restaurant I have it. If I want a cookie I go to a bakery and buy 1. It works pretty well, it stops uncontrolled binging and since it doesn't happen every day I never feel guilty about it. Hope that helps!
  • mjhmjhmjh
    mjhmjhmjh Posts: 55 Member
    If i eat one sweet, cookie or cake i cant stop! I have none in the house that i know of, My other half normally has something hidden away! Yoghurt seems to help me, it does have High sugar but it has never started à big binge!