insanity, mfp, putting body fat on .. newbie needs help

Hi all

in need of help and advice

doing insanity .... 6 days a week not missed one yet

am 5ft 5 131lb


the first week i lost 5lb and 1% body fat

just weighed and in and have put on 2lb and 1% body fat ... why is this ? same time of the day and week?

i have followed MFP and added in every entry to an obessive level .. i have noticed my sugar goes over by -12 ? is this why ?
also i have been told to eat 1200 calories and i exercise which is 475 cal so i eat 1675 if i dont MFP tells me am in starvation mode should i ignore this ?

all i want to do is lose 5lb and i know this is a common thing but i am trying very hard and watching what i eat so if i am getting this wrong please help


  • Jers43
    Jers43 Posts: 100
    I did insanity and had a bunch of up and down till the second half. Then the extra stuff fell off I couldn't eat enough . I didn't lose much weight but lost some inches. May take some time to get the diet dialed in. Good luck.
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    How are you measuring body fat?? If its a scale then stop and get callipers and a trained person to measure you. 1200 isn't enough. You've only been doing it for 6 days, give it time. It's normal to put on water weight when you start a new intense exercise program because your muscles store water for repair. Sugar won't make you gain weight, going over maintenance calories will (which I highly doubt you've done) BUT sodium will make you retain more water so it will show a 'gain'.

    ETA: track inches and not weight with this.
  • thanks guys ... i do like my salt ( heavy handed with it )so monday a new week so cutting it out!!! i just so badly want to be 120lb that i will do anything .... i just hope am not overthinking it so i become worse ( if you know what i mean!) thanks again x
  • also do i eat my calories back and how many grams of sodium is the right amount per day?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I've never done Insanity, but it's my understanding that a lot of people don't see much loss in the first month of Insanity thanks to the water weight retention.

    And yes, you should be eating your extra exercise calories if you're using MFP as it was designed. Especially with an intense workout like Insanity.
  • couple of things here....

    1st off - this is a common complaint with the first two weeks of Insanity. It's not really a complaint per-say, Beachbody actually put out an article about it not too long ago. The long and the short of it is that your body is adjusting to new stressors with working out, muscle growth and water retention will be common along with hormonal changes. Basically what i'm saying is what you are seeing on the scale - totally normal/natural.

    That being said - get rid of the scale. Do not weigh yourself again until your next scheduled insanity weigh in. Did you take before pictures? cuz that is where the tale will be told - when you take your pics.

    Next - where did you get the idea to eat only 1300 cals a day? Go to the insanity diet guide - or to and calculate your calories using the tracker etc there. Continue tracking your food on here - but DO what the Insanity diet guide tells you. Too little calories with insanity means starvation mode - which means you won't lose what you want to lose - and your body will start eating your muscles. Not good.

    In terms of sodium - be careful with it. Alot of food already has plenty of sodium in it. make sure you are drinking enough water too. Any questions - shoot me a message! If you don't have a team beachbody account i'll show you how to get one.
