WranglerMichelle Member


  • Chris, they truly are too good to share. Which is why I think I'll make broccoli salad for the fam and the rolls for me. And my husband. Mmmmmm . . . maybe just me. o:) Hahaha, Paula! :D I knew I had the terminology down. Ooh, what sorts of ideas, Shelley? It's a pretty versatile recipe. I've wrapped all kinds of things in…
  • If only "corpse pose" was as easy as naptime! :D Much easier to shut the brain off in naptime mode. Safe flight, Clara! :flowerforyou: Still haven't done these workouts yet . . . oof. Looking like I'll be able to get to them on Saturday.
  • They are ridiculously super easy. I just use storebought crescent roll dough from a tube 'cause I'm usually not enterprising enough to make my own dough, haha! I roll out each triangle, then on the thick part, I put a very thin slice of Granny Smith apple, a tiny little blorp of honey (I think that's the technical term), a…
  • Aw, get better, Paula! :flowerforyou: Nice of your boss to give you the day off. I'd rather not bother my coworkers when I'm sick, either. Admittedly, I did not read all of the ring photo stories. I personally wasn't a huge fan of that particular challenge, and it took me the better part of the week to come up with…
  • Glad your mom is doing well, Shelley!! The corpse pose is an actual yoga pose (technically called "savasana" but since I'm not fancy I just call it by its street name) where you lay flat on your back with your palms facing the ceiling, breathing deeply and trying to relax completely while you shut out everything that is…
  • Oh, Shelley. :( I hope your mom is okay! Paula, for the cross crunches, try sliding forward on the ball until you feel your core muscles engage. Keep your back straight. When you cross over, crunch your elbow down a little, almost like you were going to try to crunch it to your knee. You probably won't be able to, but…
  • You know, Paula, I honestly never even thought about how similar our names were until you pointed it out. This is almost scary. :laugh: I'd definitely say that the "sneaking calories" thing is my number one biggest hindrance. I don't know why I do it. My brain just shouts at me to grab a few extras and not care about it!…
  • LOVE seeing everybody down in their weight! :smiley: I was finally down to 142 yesterday morning, but I snitched a few pieces of Mom's shadone yesterday without tracking them (heh, oops) and was back up to 143 this morning. Tightening it back down today!
  • STILL 143!! It's taunting me, haha!! Oh well. Still gonna stick to my calorie goals today. No binging this weekend for THIS chick! Already lifted this morning (hit 185 on my squats, but had to stop one rep short on my last set . . . so, a half-PR! And I PRed deadlifts at 160), and right now I'm getting ready to go for a…
  • Huh! Interesting. I was kind of picturing that. Thanks, Paula!
  • Hope your team wins on Sunday, Kathy! Shelley, my exercise ball is a bright orange-ish red, favoring more towards the red side of things. And it has some brand name on the side. Gold's Gym, maybe? Haha, I can't remember. I'm not very observant. And I just had to giggle at the Twister comment. Why do you think we enjoy it…
  • Yikes, Paula. :'( Well, I was still 143 . . . BUT!!! My body fat percentage was the lowest it's been all year! So I'll take that as a win!
  • I didn't even know there was such a thing as a soils engineer. :o Hope it all works out for you with relative ease. I was 143 this morning! Super hoping I'm down at least half a pound tomorrow so I can be back to where I was pre-binge.
  • Kathy, do some basic stretching in place of yoga! Ease into it at first. Stretching is super important, even if you're not more flexible than Gumby like some of these YouTube yogis are. I'm not super flexible, but I've noticed small improvements the more I stretch. Plus, it feels sooooo goooood once I'm done. And it can be…
  • Good to meet you, Clara! I'm excited you work in a library as well. There are truly some kindred spirits in this group! Wow, that HAS been a rough year. :cry: It sounds like it had its bright spots, but lots of sadness, too. Hope things get back on track for you and your family soon! Paula - The time constraints in the…
  • Chris, with all that purple, you'd look like a superhero! :D Pie contest is in September, so I'll be making a few more pies between now and then! I'll let you know before I put it in the oven. That should give y'all plenty of time to get from your homes to Ohio by the time the pie comes out of the oven and is ready to be…
  • Chris, I bet your house smells great after you grind those beans. I LOVE the way coffee smells, but to drink it? It's just not my "cup of tea." :wink: I drink water and tea, and that's just about it. Is it sad that I'm jealous of those first graders? I want to play with Machanoid! :D That sounds so amazing. Kathy, I'm…
  • Not gonna lie, I fell on my bum during one of those triangle poses. :D But I had no trouble with any of the others. So, I noticed something - the ones that suggest holding the pose for 40 seconds seem to be poses that need to be done on both sides of the body, whereas the 20-second poses don't. Does this mean the 40-second…
  • Down a pound since yesterday! I love water weight whooshes. Like Chris, though, I'm going to refrain from posting my numbers until . . . later. Shelley - Considering how universally the opinion seems to be among gun store clerks at many different stores (even the lady ones), I've gotta believe the colored ones are junkier.…
  • The 53-pound loss definitely helps, Paula! I used to think of working out as such a punishment or necessary evil. Now my rest days are filled with thoughts of "I can't wait until tomorrow so I can work out again." Haha! Ah, so THAT'S what DDD means! I figured "daughter" was one of the Ds, so I just read it as such. Now I…
  • According to all the guys at the gun stores my husband and I frequent, the purple and pink guns generally are made of lower quality materials than just the plain black ones are. So . . . I stick with black! I'm not much of a purple or pink kinda gal anyway, so that's fine with me! My current neighborhood is a pretty quiet…
  • What is a sundial salutation? I Googled it and pretty much everything that came up looks like something with one leg going up behind the arm on that side of the body and the other hand reaching over the head grabbing the foot. My skeleton doesn't bend that way, haha! And it's totally different from the picture. I'm…
  • Splatting and squats are a very bad combination! Good thing bodyweight squats are still a super great exercise. :wink: I was able to move 175 on squats today, so I'm thinking that 180 is totally within reach. Maybe even by the end of next week! In one sense, I'm glad I'm not the only one cursing at a plateau right now. In…
  • "Whackadoodle Fitzherbert Bob" was NOT my idea, haha! I really hate it. I'm not even sure where it came from. Oh well. I miss all my hobbits. I agree, everyone seems to have gotten really shy in our new groups. I have a t-shirt with that Fellowship of Silly Walks picture on it!! Gotta love LOTR/Monty Python crossovers.…
  • Aw, I feel so loved! :) <3 I'm excited to be here to get to know all of you ladies more!
  • What a good idea - making new resolutions each month! Here's mine: - to get down to 140. Seems like since January, I've been bouncing between 142-145.5, and that's gotta stop. - to run 3 days a week. - to get my squat up to 180lbs. for 3 sets of 5 I was 142.5 this morning! Always makes me feel good. But aside from going to…
  • Oh my goodness, Thranduil in the background with the vent shades. That's hilarious!
  • I had this issue starting yesterday morning. I'm super impatient, so I did everything - uninstalled/reinstalled apps, unsynced/synced accounts, restarted my Fitbit, even reset my phone's settings, and nothing. I gave up at about noon. Then, at about 3:00 in the afternoon, POOF, it was working again. It cut out again for a…
  • Well I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. I about had a heart attack at the end of my very active day yesterday and MFP showed I was over my calories by nearly 800. It keeps on bouncing back and forth between correct and incorrect, even when I sync my Fitbit and immediately check MFP. Whatever it is, I'll be…
  • Thanks for the recommendation, @PaytraB! I'll have to add it to my list. It might be on there already . . . I can't keep 'em all straight. :) But I'll definitely check it out!