


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    So now I can point to what's at fault for the extra pounds!! bwahahah! :D

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    You know, Paula, I honestly never even thought about how similar our names were until you pointed it out. This is almost scary. :laugh:

    I'd definitely say that the "sneaking calories" thing is my number one biggest hindrance. I don't know why I do it. My brain just shouts at me to grab a few extras and not care about it! Ugh!! I did it again last night, sneaking many, many tastes of dinner (before, during, and after it was done cooking) and a few pieces of my husband's Easter candy. Oh, and I put some milk in my tea last night without logging it. But I was still at 143 this morning! By some miracle. I NEED to get better about that!!

    I'm not going to log on Easter, though. I'm also not going to go overboard - limiting myself to one plate (and not loading it down until the sides creak) and trying small pieces of no more than two of the desserts. Thankfully, we're having Easter at my aunt and uncle's house, and they have a barn full of horses I can go play with, and in the late afternoon, we're all going out in the woods and target shooting. All those things are nice distractions to get me out of the house and away from the food!

    Anyone else have any Easter plans?
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    Distractions are the perfect relief, Michelle. Sounds like a great alternative. Congratulations on your Whackadoodle win, btw. Everyone's ring photo story was so good. (Kathy/Clara/Kat: on the LOTR challenge, we had to make a story out of photos - Michelle's team won.)

    On Easter, DH & I hope to celebrate SIL's 95th birthday. We had meant to have her friends over but that will have to wait till next month. We just call it an "extended birthday" when it lasts more than a day or two. :laugh:

    I'm still fighting a cold. My boss told me to stay home. Kind of glad, it's really embarrassing to be hacking and snorting and wheezing and doing big old nose-blows all day, knowing its driving coworkers bonkers. Prefer to stay home - DH can go outside. :ohwell:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    edited March 2016
    Paula, you have a pretty nice boss! My old boss wouldn't have done that in a million years.

    I didn't even see our ring photo story, and I don't have access to the main thread anymore for some reason... :(

    I read and sneak...sometimes it's good for me...sometimes...

    I don't know what's happening Easter. The kids might go to SIL's mom's house. Nothing is firm with anybody. It's no big deal since DDD is all grown up. In a couple of years that will change when our grandbaby is here. Maybe I can get DH to buy a rabbit suit! :D

    Hope you are all having fun!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yep, just point at them extras! Yikes!.

    Paula I hope you feel better soon. Colds are so annoying for sure!

    Michelle, yep, names are similar, we both shoot and have the nasty habit of sneaking extras! Oh my, we need a support group! Oh wait, we have one. Now we must succeed!

    Wait, Chris is a sneaker also! I am betting we all are at times. Muahaha. But enough this week.
    I did not feel like looking at the ring stories. Will have to catch up.

    Having the kids and families over for Easter. Ham and dessert is on the menu. :blush: I love company. Been using Lanthanum chloride in my tanks for a week or so. Still battling phosphates. The LC binds the phosphates. But then it is hard to remove and not lots known about the future possible side effects. Trying to use it in the dumps so hopefully I can remove the by products before they enter the main tank. Crossing fingers and going slowly. Phosphates are already falling.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    And yes I was up this morning! Grumble, my own snitching fault! I could so kick my butt. I did make me work out extra.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    I was up early this morning, so I wonder if that's what's responsible for my weight being weight is up because the weight of my food is up and I can't wait to put it in my mouth... :#


    P.S. ugh!
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Aw, get better, Paula! :flowerforyou: Nice of your boss to give you the day off. I'd rather not bother my coworkers when I'm sick, either.

    Admittedly, I did not read all of the ring photo stories. I personally wasn't a huge fan of that particular challenge, and it took me the better part of the week to come up with ANYTHING. Our fellowship leader suggested making little rings out of paper and writing on them the evils that hinder us in our goals (since "the ring is altogether evil"). It was nice to peg down my weaknesses in such a tangible way, but . . . yeah, I didn't read any of the other stories. Heh, oopsie.

    Not sure what's on our menu for Easter yet, other than ham. Seems like that's quite the traditional Easter dish! But since we're Italian, I'm sure there will be several different types of pasta and a gigantic salad. I can't decide what I want to bring yet. Bouncing between broccoli salad (which I brought last year and was a huge smash) and these crescent roll things I make that are filled with apple slices, Brie, and pecans and glazed with honey. I'd have to include a note with those since they just look like rolls from the outside.

    I was 141.5 this morning - lowest I've been since . . . since that fateful fall vacation, I think! Definitely since Christmas! Yay, progress!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    edited March 2016
    crescent roll things I make that are filled with apple slices, Brie, and pecans and glazed with honey. I'd have to include a note with those since they just look like rolls from the outside.

    Recipe please, these sound delish! I make crescent rolls. But they are just cornmeal crescent rolls. No hidden surprises. And I want to be at your 143! o:)

    Weight was down a tad bit. Not enough though.

    Chris I so know what you are saying. Ugh!

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    They are ridiculously super easy. I just use storebought crescent roll dough from a tube 'cause I'm usually not enterprising enough to make my own dough, haha! I roll out each triangle, then on the thick part, I put a very thin slice of Granny Smith apple, a tiny little blorp of honey (I think that's the technical term), a thin slice of Brie, and a pecan half. Then I roll it up, brush the top with a little bit more honey (mixing it with a little bit of water helps it brush more easily), and bake them according to the crescent roll package directions. Voila!

    Congrats on being down! Every little bit counts!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    hmmmm....I would eat them all...I would not share with anyone...I would threaten anyone who got close to my oven pan...I would not need a plate. >:)

    Love Always,

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    I looked up blorp in the dictionary and it says "blorp adj. the technical term for a small amount of honey."
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Muahaha Michele love the recipe. Gives me loads of ideas. :) I am still up .2 from the beginning of the month. To many temptations in the house.

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Chris, they truly are too good to share. Which is why I think I'll make broccoli salad for the fam and the rolls for me. And my husband. Mmmmmm . . . maybe just me. o:)

    Hahaha, Paula! :D I knew I had the terminology down.

    Ooh, what sorts of ideas, Shelley? It's a pretty versatile recipe. I've wrapped all kinds of things in crescent roll dough, but I'm always open for more suggestions.

    Well, I've been hitting all my March goals so far! Got my squats up to 190lbs. for 3 sets of 5 reps today and FINALLY progressed my bench press up to 85lbs. for 3 sets of 5. I mini-PRed on deadlifts, too - pulled 170 off the floor for the first time, but only for 3 reps instead of 5. I only count it as a full PR if I complete every rep in the set.

    I was also 141 this morning - only one pound to go until my goal of 140 for March! With Easter coming up so soon, I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to make it . . . but I'm gonna try my hardest!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    No change this morning. I'm really torn about these next 10 days. Spring Break has started. I have no 1st grade duties until April 4th and no Bean. That means it might be time to go through the pantry and fridge again looking for trigger food and tossing it. Yeah, good idea.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    cpanus wrote: »
    No change this morning. I'm really torn about these next 10 days. Spring Break has started. I have no 1st grade duties until April 4th and no Bean. That means it might be time to go through the pantry and fridge again looking for trigger food and tossing it. Yeah, good idea.

    Very smart, my sister-buddy- :heart: Chris, is. Yeppity-yep! And cook lots of good snackies for the fridge. Soups? Chris makes yummy yummy soups. Cold chicken and hot chillis and celery & pnut butter.

    But no apple-brie-pecan-stuffed croissants, nopey nope! Too yummy and dangerous for scary bean-less times. :noway:

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    I tried to go to work today. Short stops @ UPS (for blueprints) and CVS (for cough syrup) drained me completely. My boss took one look and sent me home. :ohwell:

    Stopped in a strange grocery store and was stunned by aisles dedicated to jams, cookies, cereals, breads and the like that would jack my insulin reaction and deliver me to Craving Central. Maybe because it wasn't my usual stomping grounds, it was more noticeable, but I swear it felt like 90% of what was offered was designed to create addictions to eat more, buy more, get hooked, who cares about your health. It was literally stunning. All I needed was OJ, meat and veggies, but they paraded me past everything else to get those basics. Sickening marketing. There's something wrong with this picture.

    Hope this wasn't too much rant. It just really hit home.

    Wishing you all love and health!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Oh no, everything I typed disappeared. :cry:

    Paula get better. Do not stop ranting ever. I so love to hear it. More fun than a barrel of monkeys!

    Chris you must not eat them all. You must share with DDD! Yes share with others. Plate is optional.

    Michelle I would chop my Apple, add a few chopped pecans and maybe 2 raisins. And a touch of almond extract. So much yum in such a tiny thing. :p And love all your advances in the weight category. You are rocking! A rock star! o:) Funny How we are alike, but different. Squats are not my strong point, nopey nope nope. But I can bench over 70 pounds, 10 times even after not doing them for months. You make me want to push my bench again. And we are off. Congratulations on the low weight.

    Was 146.8 this morning. Not sure why, but I like it!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    I love your rants Paula. I hate the candy at the check outs. Get better soon.

    Chris I would not need a plate either. But I would have to share. Yes must share. If not all our hard work would be done in. Be strong my friend. Spring break is tough on you I know.

    Hmm, here is the first post I started. I hate computers!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Oooo, we got two Shelleys - Treat!