


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    My weight was up this morning but my eating has been good today. Tomorrow will be better too!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Wow Chris. That was quick.I remember doing the count down with you. Now we would love to see model that hoody! o:)

    Kathy that is great. What has it been, 3 , 4 days in onederland? Fabulous. :) Yummy veggies. :)

    Weight was down a little today. Better go log in. How are you all doing with logging?

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Almost didn't weigh this morning because I was still nibbling at 4am, and besides, my hair was wet. Did though, and was pleased that it only went up a pound.

    Funny to feel happy simply because poor results weren't as bad as they could've been.

    Kathy, I'm so happy for you. Such a wonderful goal to have reached.

    Chris, Sounds like we're on similar tracks, except you're doing better. :tongue:

    Shelley, Glad you're down. Down is good.

    My logging helps me know when to stop. But last night, I just wrote it off because my body needed something. Gave it bread, meatloaf and prunes. Hopefully one of those hit the spot. :laugh:

    Best y'all!
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I will weigh in next Monday. For the rest of this week, more veggies and exercise!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Dry your hair Paula! :D

    My hair dryer broke yesterday! Pain in the tush! New one already picked up. I was down again today. Just a bit, but I am still good with it. Especially since I was over yesterday.

    Nice to see you are joining in Clara! <3

    Kathy I forgot to log in last night. Even was going to. Kept saying I was going to. Then forgot until this morning. You win the first round. Let us start again. B) Winner gets a :cookie:


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    I was down this morning...back to 139.4. That makes me happier...not happiest , but happier. Tomorrow should be good. I'm much better when I have to go to 1st grade. Then my kitchen is far, far away! :#

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    I was down this morning...back to 139.4. That makes me happier...not happiest , but happier. Tomorrow should be good. I'm much better when I have to go to 1st grade. Then my kitchen is far, far away! :#


    I get the going somewhere else. Weekends are hardest. Work helps with my weight. Great job with the weight loss! :blush:

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was slightly down today. Down is good. :bigsmile:

    Welcome back, Clara. Wishing you peace.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    I was slightly down, too!! Down is very good!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Down is good you two! o:) But my scale is going to be in trouble for its lying! #$@#!#

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was up this morning, but I think it was because of the crazy, hard workout yesterday least I hope that's what it was. I weigh in tomorrow.

    We have rain this evening! We're supposed to have lightning tomorrow!! I should have been a weather person!


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,267 Member
    I fell asleep last night before finishing logging...back at it today. Will weigh in on Sunday. I don't feel like it's been a good week but we will see.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Kathy I missed one day this week also. You must have missed my confession! Lets not let it stop us. We will keep going. It has been a bad week for me also. My own fault. But I will make it a good weekend. :wink:

    Chris I sometimes am up a bit after a great workout. I love lightening. Just my Cooper does not. :wink:

    I was up .2 this morning. Have to work harder at being good.

    LOG everybody. And stay within your goals!

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    What a good idea - making new resolutions each month! Here's mine:

    - to get down to 140. Seems like since January, I've been bouncing between 142-145.5, and that's gotta stop.
    - to run 3 days a week.
    - to get my squat up to 180lbs. for 3 sets of 5

    I was 142.5 this morning! Always makes me feel good. But aside from going to the gym and grocery shopping tomorrow, my husband and I are having a completely lazy day. We are usually SO SO SO busy on weekends and just wanted to take one off. We've agreed we're going to spend tomorrow in our PJs while we eat Froot Loops, play video games, and watch cartoons. Because we're 5. He also has requested waffles for breakfast and pizza for dinner. Soooo . . . I'm just gonna set my calories on maintenance for the day and be sure to log so I don't go over!

    Not gonna lie, I'm ridiculously excited. The tricky part is going to be getting enough protein. Lots of Greek yogurt snacks!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    Michelle, great goals for the month! I'm so impressed with your squats...I can do them, but if I'm holding on to a huge weight...I fall over...splat...and it' not pretty, trust me! I've been fooling around with 10 pounds for several months, too. I cannot seem to get rid of it. Working on it though.

    Yeah, well...I was up again this morning. 140.4...Egad! DH not feeling well, so I didn't go to my weigh in. Next week. I am having lunch with friends today...Olive Garden...I do okay with their minestrone soup and one piece of bread without the oil/butter/garlic stuff they spread all over the bread they bring to the table. Then I'm going to make Chicken and Three Bean Chili Verde today for my lunch this coming week. And I'm going to finish my book and start a new one. That is my plan for today!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Michelle I have been bouncing between 147 ish and 146 ish. It must stop. I so want to see 145! And your day with hubby sounds awesome. What games do you play? I loved Dead Island! I am thinking really hard on spending some more time and doing that weight routine of yours!

    Chris, splatting is not good for your complexion! Do not do it! I am so envious of you having old friends to go out with. Army brat here. Married army. Only old friends I have are you guys! :kissing_heart:

    I was at 147 this morning!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Here in our mountain boonies, a bunch of us get together for monthly potlucks to develop friendships and trust. Only been a year but most of us are over 60, so that makes us old friends, right? :bigsmile:

    Shelley, have I thanked you recently for adopting me? I asked to be friends and you said no, but I could join your workout group. :laugh: And then you taught me everything I know. :flowerforyou:

    Chris, you know how I feel. :heart:

    Kathy, Bet you stay in onederland. Fingers & toes crossed!

    Michelle, Welcome. :smiley: In LOTR I was thinking you so reminded me of Shelley. (That's a compliment, by the way. :laugh: ) You both carry guns!!

    I'm up 1/2# same that was down yesterday. Still bouncing in the low 160's. Waiting to drop into the 150's. But my jeans are getting looser, so it's redistributing - that's a start!!

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Splatting and squats are a very bad combination! Good thing bodyweight squats are still a super great exercise. :wink: I was able to move 175 on squats today, so I'm thinking that 180 is totally within reach. Maybe even by the end of next week!

    In one sense, I'm glad I'm not the only one cursing at a plateau right now. In another sense, boo, we're plateauing, haha! I was still 142.5 this morning. Is it just me, or is it harder to lose weight in winter, even if you're doing everything right? Oh well. Spring is going to be here soon!

    Shelley - we are total Legend of Zelda fanatics! Hubby is currently in the middle of Twilight Princess (which I just beat a few weeks ago) and I'm going through my second play-through of The Wind Waker. Such a cute game! He's also doing a play-through of Half-Life 2, which he might do while I stretch today. I hope we bust out the Mario Kart or something competitive today, too. Way too much fun!

    Paula - I think guns is the first thing we figured out that we have in common! And then "guns" in the more "biceps" sense came later. :laugh: I'm glad I remind you of someone as awesome as Shelley! For the record, I'm loving this group.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    Whoop! I hit 159.5 today. First time out of the 160's since November. May just be a blip, but it's in the right direction! :bigsmile:

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Paula yeah for the right direction! I am sure I never would have told you no. No really! :*

    Michelle I will have to check into those games. Thanks for the ideas. :) And nice that we both have "guns".

    I was still 147 this morning. Oh well, I think winter is harder. But at least it is not going up.
